Jump Start # 1426

Jump Start # 1426

NOTE TO OUR READERS: Monday is a holiday, so there will be no Jump Start that day.

Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

  As Paul ends this practical section of Romans, he establishes several valuable points about those who oppose, differ and hurt us. He doesn’t explore the reasons why some are like this. Instead, he lets the brethren know what God expects of them. The thoughts surround taking personal revenge. Several valuable thoughts:


  • Never pay back evil for evil
  • If possible, be at peace with all
  • Never take your own revenge
  • Do not be overcome by evil
  • Do good


These verses flow naturally into the next chapter, where Paul shows us God’s vengeance. It comes in the form of the government. This is how the Lord repays. God allows the government to bear the sword. I saw many old swords in a museum recently. They were large. Swords were weapons to be used in combat. One didn’t spank with a sword. Swords weren’t used across someone’s knuckles. They were used to kill. One, but not the only form of punishment allowed by God, is for the government to use the sword on those who are evil. Some call this capital punishment. The Bible refers to this as God’s vengeance.


These thoughts from Paul destroy the mob mentality that prevailed in the Old West and thrives today. Someone feels that they didn’t get a fair deal. So speaking loudly, he gathers up some buddies and others. They form a mob. Often, in the old westerns, they would try to bust someone out of jail and hang him. They became the trial, jury and executioner all in one. This brought a sense of justice to their minds. Things were even now, they felt. The problem is that they didn’t give the prisoner an opportunity to defend himself, and in so doing, many innocent people were hung. The mob mentality doesn’t listen to reason. Their minds are made up. There was no stopping them.


Paul is trying to get the disciples to take the higher road. These thoughts remind us of the Lord saying, “turn the other cheek.” This is hard. This is especially hard when we feel that we have been cheated, abused and nothing is being done about it. We want justice and we want it now. It is those very thoughts that makes the apostle say, “Do not be overcome by evil.” The more we dwell upon how unfair we have been treated, the more evil retaliation grows in our minds. “I’ll show them…” or, “I’ll make it right,” and what happens is that we justify doing something devious ourselves. I’m not paid what I ought to be, so we justify stealing from the company to make it up. That’s evil for evil. A neighbor did something mean so in the middle of the night I’ll egg his house. That’s evil for evil. Our thoughts are not wholesome. We are not looking out for the best in others. We are certainly not loving our neighbor at that moment. Paul’s words are don’t do that. Never is used twice and do not is used once. Don’t go down that road.


Whatever we may gain through these personal battles is lost by our wrong attitudes, evil ways and not letting our lights shine. Oh yes, we are to let our lights shine. We are to show the world that we are Christians, not just on Sunday mornings as drive into the parking lot of the church building, but at work and in the neighborhood when things do not go our way. Overcome evil with good. Now that’s a real challenge.


Think the best thoughts. Find ways to shine for Christ. Be a tool to bring others to the Lord. Don’t get in the mud with others. When you throw mud, an old saying went, you lose ground. Our true colors often show when we are ruffled, frazzled and upset. Don’t let your anger take you to places you shouldn’t go. Don’t use the occasion to say words that you shouldn’t say. Don’t let others determine your course of action. Do good. Pray. Forgive. Find the proper channels to direct things. If laws have been broken, contact the legal authorities. Don’t take matters into your own hands.


Two modern ways of being overcome by evil may be nothing more than lawsuits and Facebook. Instead of using the six shooter in the old west, we now use the attorney. The threat of suing is a way of getting back and getting what we deserve. People have sued everything and about everyone. Parents have been sued by their own kids. Brothers and sisters have sued each other, especially when they didn’t get what they wanted in the parent’s will. Churches have been sued. Living in Missouri for a decade, one of our favorite places to visit on the way to Branson was Lambert’s, the home of the thrown rolls. It’s advertised that way. They come out with hot rolls, you hold up your hands and they toss them across the room. Great fun. Great rolls. Someone recently sued Lambert’s because they got hit by a flying roll. The threat of a lawsuit is just that, a threat.


Facebook is the other way some are overcome by evil. Things aren’t right and you’ll read all about it on someone’s Facebook page. They will trash products, companies, churches and friends. Character is assassinated. Reputations destroyed. Mean and hostile things are said that shouldn’t be. There is no overcoming evil with good here.


Mistreatment. Unfairness. Turning the cheek. Doing good rather than evil. Those thoughts do not sit well in our times. They never have. Instead of storming the castle with a gang of protesters, demanding that change take place, God’s people take an alternate route. They follow Christ. The Lord who uttered no threats. The Lord, who when reviled, didn’t speak back. The Lord, who could have called down thousands of angels, didn’t. Vindicated by God, triumphant in the end, sitting in Heaven, that is the one we follow.


These words don’t fit well today. Mobs roam the streets because they feel the police are too aggressive. Court houses are packed with angry protestors, because clerks refuse to grant same-sex marriage licenses. Anger. Demands. Protests. A lot of bad words. A lot of ugly talk. A lot of threats. A lot of evil. A lot of being overcome by evil. It’s easy to jump right in the middle of these things and be a part of the problem.


Finding good…doing good—that’s Heaven’s call for us.





Jump Start # 874


Jump Start # 874


Romans 12:21 “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”


It’s easy to get along with people who are kind, thoughtful and helpful. Getting along with those who are not so nice, that’s the struggle most of us have. In this section of Romans, Paul addresses that. The apostle identifies some difficult situations that the early Christians faced.


  • Bless those who persecute you (14)
  • Never pay back evil for evil (17)
  • Be at peace with all men, if possible (18)
  • Never take your own revenge (19)
  • If your enemy is hungry or thirsty, take care of him (20)
  • Do not be overcome by evil (21)


Not everyone is nice. We learned that years ago is school. There were bullies, cheats, and mean kids who were bent on breaking the rules. They picked on the good kids. They made life uneasy. We found that some remain mean and nasty all their life. The work place often puts us next to those who pick on the good guys and are bent on breaking the rules. Mean and nasty people are everywhere—the malls, the ballgames, in the neighborhood. They seem to have no conscience. They can say the most obscene and vile things without even blushing or being ashamed. Their minds are dark and they seem to love darkness. They have no respect, desire or concern for God. They mock God and blasphemy His name on a regular basis. Rotten to the core are some of these people.


When we encounter them it is often a very unpleasant situation. We don’t know what to say or do. We just want to leave the area and get away from them. That’s not always possible. It’s not easy to just leave your job and find another one. It’s not easy to move because of a neighbor.


The common feeling many of us have is “just leave us alone.” We’ll leave you alone and you leave us alone. Doesn’t happen. It’s easy to sink to their ungodly level and respond the way we have been treated. That only escalates problems.


Paul’s words are: “Overcome evil with good.” Conquer evil. Defeat evil. Not by force. Not by wits. Not by words. Not by muscle. Instead, conquer evil, overcome evil, with good. Be good to the bad, that’s what Paul is saying.


That is hard, very hard. That is a challenge that takes much faith and prayer. Do good. Do good to those who may not want your good. Do good to those who haven’t done good in a long time. Do good to those who don’t like you and you may not like either. Do good to your enemies.


Do good. Make cookies and take them over. When they are outside doing yard work, go over and ask if you can give them a hand. At work, leave a gift on their desk. Go out of your way to be kind, nice and helpful. Find ways to help them out. Why? They never help me out. They never stay late to help me finish. They never do anything nice for me. Why? Because this is what God wants you to do. This shows our faith faster than our words. This is the best way to build bridges. Will they be nice after that? Who knows. Will they come to church with me? Probably not. Will we be friends? Doubtful. But when the chips are down, you may be shocked to see them coming to you for help or advice.

One of the negative things that some say about Christians is that they are “do gooders.” That’s what Paul said here in our verse, “do good.” One who does good is a do gooder. It is better to be known for that than a trouble maker who every one avoids.


Do good, even to those who are not nice. Jesus talked about that. Peter talked about that. Paul talked about that. Christians are not in a secret and special club that only do things for each other. Some may act that way, but that’s not the way it is supposed to be. What better way to shine your light than doing good  for people who are not so good.


Start by speaking to them. Smile. Ask them how the day is going. They may snap at you. They may even say something rude or offensive. Let it slide off you. Don’t let that stop you. Do good. Do good. Do good. It’s not a one and done deal. It’s a continual practice.

This is a huge challenge for us. We can do it because God wants us to. Remember, when you do this, you are only doing what Jesus did long ago.




Jump Start # 652


Jump Start # 652

Romans 12:21 “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

The words of Romans 12 are good reminders today. When evil raises it’s head, the natural response is to strike it down and to strike it down very hard. Another mass killing has taken place in our country. This is getting to be something that is too common. These killings do not come from a foreign nation striking us, but deranged citizens who shoot innocent people. These are senseless and beyond reason. Whatever the motive, there is no reason that justifies killing innocent people. Stories come about acts of bravery and those who risked their own lives to save others.

Romans 12 identifies three important principles regarding the Christian’s response toward evil.

  • Never pay back evil to evil to anyone. Stooping to evil to crush evil is not God’s way. Hurting others is not the answer. Our attitude and our anger must be kept in check, even in the midst of evil.
  • Leave room for the vengeance of God. God will deal with evil. He does this in two ways. First, these thoughts flow into the next chapter where Paul addresses the rights of a government. The government is there called the minister of God. The government serves as God’s servant to make laws and enforce those laws. One level of justice comes from the law. The other level will come from God Himself at the judgment. Crime does not pay and no one will get away with murder. God is still on the throne. No one escapes the hand of God.
  • Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. It is easy when the ugliness of evil has come upon us to become mean and evil ourselves. Paul did not want brethren to be destroyed by evil. Don’t let evil win. Evil is not defeated by good people becoming bad but rather by good people continuing to do good. Kind acts, good deeds must continue. This is how evil is overcome.

Will there be a time when there are no more outbursts of evil? Will we ever get to the point where sin, crime and violence are not making the headlines? No, not in this world. These crimes are examples of a broken and busted world. They show what happens when God is not an anchor in a soul. When there is no respect for life, no value for life, these wrong things will happen. Will taking away guns be the answer? Some will try that. That doesn’t stop an evil heart. Evil finds another avenue to be evil. Will more laws help? Usually not. What’s the answer? Christ. Teaching people about Jesus and turning lives to Christ is the hope.

Evil will not win. We know that. Revelation shows the defeat of Satan. He and his kind are doomed to Hell. The righteous will reign with Christ. The righteous are not defeated because evil strikes them. Jesus said the gates of hades will not prevail over His kingdom. Death itself does not stop God’s kingdom.

We need more prayers for safety. We need more Bibles opened to the Gospels. We need more homes that are teaching right from wrong. We need not to turn to evil to stop evil.

Say a prayer for the families in Colorado. Say a prayer for your family. Walk with the Lord.
