Jump Start # 2990

Jump Start # 2990

Revelation 22:20 “He who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming quickly.’ Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

Note: There will be no Jump Start tomorrow. Enjoy this period of time with your family and we look forward to being back with you on Monday.

This week we are looking at “countdowns” in our lives. We’ve talked about Sunday worship. We’ve talked about marriage. We’ve talked about Jesus coming out of the grave. There is yet another big countdown still to come and that is the return of Jesus. We know when the next Sunday is. We know the dates of weddings. We understand Jesus’ resurrection. But this one, the coming of Jesus, no one knows. Might be in our lifetime and it might not.

Romans 8 states that “we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body.” Counting down. Eagerly awaiting. Anticipation.

Things will certainly change when the Lord appears. The world has never seen anything like this. This life will be over. The living will be changed in an instant. The dead will be raised. The earth will be destroyed. Nothing like this has ever happened. Jesus will appear with all the angels.

Some thoughts:

First, when that happens, nothing else matters except Jesus. You won’t be concerned that you didn’t get to the mailbox and see what was in it. It won’t matter if you left something on the stove. Finding you cell phone won’t matter. I doubt we’ll be taking selfies when Jesus comes. Where are your shoes, car keys, wallet, purse, and a dozen other things that we consider important, won’t be a that moment. All that will matter is your faith in Jesus. Some will be so happy to see the Lord because they have always believed. They will cry. Some will be so scared because they have never believed. Some may try to hide. It won’t work. Some may want to run, but there’s no place to run to. All those sermons. All those Bible classes. All those hymns. All those prayers. Now, at that moment, it’s all about Jesus.

Second, there will be some things that just won’t get done when Jesus comes. Imagine Jesus comes this morning. I’ve got some things I’m expecting in the mail this week. They wouldn’t be delivered. I have a bunch of emails to send. That won’t happen. There are some who are getting married next year. That wouldn’t happen if Jesus came today. And, all those Christmas presents and cookies. Simply gone. Everything gone, except you and your faith. Doctor visits, labs, reports, school projects, teams practicing for games, tickets for programs that will not take place—it is amazing how our lives are structured around us being around, but that wouldn’t happen if Jesus came today. Some books would never be finished. Some Jump Starts never sent. Some sermons never written. Some funerals never held. Everything stops. Everything ends. Everything is over. That’s what would happen if Jesus came today.

Third, there is a sense of expectation in our verse today. Come, Lord Jesus, is how the passage ends. It’s a prayer. It’s a plea. It’s a longing. Come, Jesus, come. Some may see this directed towards the ending of persecution. Others see this as the final coming of Jesus. Come, so we can be together. Come, so Satan can finally be sent where he belongs. Come, to make all things right. Come and let us enter into eternal fellowship. The voice of Revelation is wanting and longing for the Lord to come. Come now. Come soon. Come.

Are you at a place where you can say that? Do you want the Lord to come? Do you want the Lord to come now? Come, and let us be done with this old world. Come, and let us be through with temptation. Come, and let us never be bothered again by traffic, bugs, or Satan. Come, and let us enjoy the greatest blessings of all, Heaven. Come, and let us be reunited with the godly for all time. Come. There is nothing holding us here.

The divine countdown. When will Jesus come? We don’t know. God has not told us. We ought to live as if each day could be the last day. I have a little thing I do each day when I leave my office at the church building. The trash is taken out. Books are put up. All the papers are where they are supposed to be. The desk is neat and the room clean. I do this so that if I never come back again, the next person will find it all tidy and ready to go. We need to live our lives that way. We ought to live as if one foot is already in Heaven. Live as if you are ready. Live as if you are anticipating. Live as if you have are ready and expecting.

Countdown…Jesus is coming!



Jump Start # 1502

Jump Start # 1502

Revelation 22:20 “He who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming quickly.’ Amen, Come, Lord Jesus.”

  Anticipation—that’s the feeling in many households as the holidays are approaching. Moms and dads anticipate seeing their grown children and their grandchildren. Kids anticipate opening presents. Waiting is hard. There are many moments in life like this. There are those anxious moments waiting for the birth of a child. I have seen many a groom pacing as the moment got close for the wedding to begin. Anticipating.


Our verse this morning anticipates the coming of Jesus. Come, Lord Jesus. What a welcoming call by the beloved of God. Come quickly. Come now. There was a great desire to be with the Lord. They knew the coming of Jesus would change things forever. They knew things would only get better once Jesus came.


I was thinking about the coming of Jesus this morning. I have a full plate of things I have to get done in the next day or two. My schedule is full. I’m burning the midnight oil to complete some projects that must be done by the first of the year. The demands of work are pressing. Family is coming in. There are a ton of things that must be done in the next couple of days. My mind has been racing trying to figure out what needs to be done first. There are errands I have to run. There are phone calls I need to make. All of this seems so important and pressing to me, yet how all of this would change if Jesus came. All those deadlines just wouldn’t matter anymore if Jesus came. There’s a sermon I’m trying to finish that would never get preached if Jesus came. There are articles that need finishing and books to be read that would never get done if Jesus came.


Suddenly, the thought of Jesus coming, helps us to see what is really important. In a time in which the world seems focused on Jesus the baby in the manger, the thought of the coming Lord doesn’t occupy too many minds. What if Jesus came this morning? What if we all were awakened by a loud noise and a bright light? What if we looked outside and the sky was full of angels? Thousands of them. Everywhere. What if the Lord came this morning?


– Forget going to work or the store if Jesus came this morning

– The political gaming that seems to go on just wouldn’t matter

– There would be presents that never got opened

– There would be trips that were never taken

– There would be bills that never got paid

– There would be criminals that never got sentenced

– There would be weddings that never took place

– There would be funerals and burials that never took place

– There would be buildings, bridges, and highway projects that never got completed

– There would be books that were never finished or published

– There would be movies that never got shown

– There would be some who never graduated

– There would be surgeries that never took place

– There would be sermons and articles that were never produced

– There would be mail that never got delivered

– There would be orders that never got picked up

– There would be some who never got to apologize and others who never received an apology

– All the things people are working on would never be completed


If Jesus came this morning, what a thought. It would bring some sadness because we would not see some wonderful things in this life. It would be horror to some who were simply not ready. Some have thought about Jesus. Some have stuck their big toe into the Bible, but they never made a commitment. Not yet. Not now. But if Jesus came this morning, they would not be ready.


If Jesus came this morning, the faithful would smile. Come, Lord Jesus would be a reality. They would know what was happening. They would know what’s to follow. They would know, because they have walked with the Savior most of their lives. They have loved Him, obeyed Him, trusted Him and longed to be with Him. And on that morning, they got to see Him.


Come, Lord Jesus. Can you say that? Are you ready for that? He’s coming, we just don’t know when. Live right. Live with hope. Live prayerfully. Live joyfully. Live with the anticipation that He’s coming.


A thought that helps us in our busy times. Be thankful. Be useful. Be what God expects.





Jump Start # 1167

Jump Start # 1167

Revelation 22:20 “He who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming quickly.’ Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.”

  This week we have been writing on the tough issues of depression and mental illness. So many of you readers have poured your hearts out to me about personal journeys and the difficulties you have experienced from those who did not understand. From all across the country I have received email after email expressing the pain and guilt you have carried for years. For most of you the journey with these difficulties continues. You have good moments and good days but then suddenly, like a raging flood, the darkness and gloom returns. It seems for every two steps forward you take, you find yourself going back one. It is a struggle. Most do not understand and thankfully you continue on with the Lord.


You are not alone in your journey. I wish you could have read what was shared with me from so many others. Good and godly folks, some serving as elders and preachers and others you have walked with the Lord for a long, long time have struggled with the darkness of valleys in their lives. Sometimes it may feel like you are the only one who is going through these things. You are not. You may feel like you are the only Christian who has ever had these troubles. You are not. You may feel that you are the only Christian who had to take prescription medication or had to seek professional help for the troubles in your mind. You are not. It doesn’t shorten your journey, but it helps to know that you are not a freak, nor an odd ball. There are others. Many, many others.


It also helps to know that the dark thoughts and doubts you have experienced have not only been felt by others, but they have learned to manage them and found ways to continue to serve the Lord. Preachers have continued to preach, fighting the darkness of depression. Elders have continued to serve, dealing with their own emotional and mental issues. These folks have not given up. They continued on with the Lord. There is great hope and encouragement in that. I went to a PGA golf tournament last week. Watching those pros didn’t help my game. They were so amazingly good that I thought I could never do what they are doing. But when I go out with a bunch of friends who all golf around the same score and one of us has a great shot, it encourages me. I can do that too. He’s like me and I’m like him. There is great hope in knowing and seeing others who are like you who are doing well with the Lord. Together, you help one another. Together, you offer encouragement. Don’t give up.


The thread I saw this week through all the stories from you readers is faith in the Lord. One shared with me that he has thought about suicide before. Others fight those thoughts. But what pulled them out and kept them going was the Lord. The medicine helped. The professionals had a place. But nothing beat the Lord. That theme was loud and clear. That theme is found throughout the Psalms and in Paul’s writings. In 2 Timothy 4, Paul revealed that everyone had abandoned him. He was in prison. Caesar was soon to be through with Paul and execute him. He proclaimed, “The Lord stood with me and strengthened me.” What a great thought and what great hope. Like Paul, you may feel deserted. Abandoned by your family. Left alone by your church. Friends, no where to be found. And then darkness descends. Yet the Lord is there. David would say in that classic shepherd Psalm, “even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil for you are with me.” What is interesting about the layout of Psalms 23 is that at the beginning of the chapter David talks ABOUT God. You know it, ‘The Lord is my shepherd…He makes me lie down.” The expressions are about God. But something remarkable happens in the fourth verse. There, when he mentions journeying through the valley, he says YOU are with me. YOUR rod and YOUR staff, they comfort me. He switches from talking about God to talking TO God. This takes place in the valley. It is in the valleys that we need the Lord so much. It is in the valleys that doubts, fears and worries are the greatest. It is in the valley that we truly need to talk TO God. Prayers come from the valleys.


Finally, our verse today, “Come, Lord Jesus,” is a absolute reminder that God is greater than your problems. John wrote, “Greater is He who is in you than he that is in the world.” Come, Lord Jesus and end this suffering and pain. Come, Lord Jesus and take us home with You. Come, Lord Jesus and unite us again with our loved ones who have gone on before. Come, Lord Jesus and finally put Satan where he belongs—Hell. Come, Lord Jesus, so we can be together forever. All troubles, problems and anxieties remain on this side of life. Some day they will be over. Some day we are out of here. Some day we are home where we belong.


Thank you for your kindness in these difficult things I have written this week. Thank you for your encouragement. My prayer is that you have found some comfort and hope. Maybe, just maybe, we will be more compassionate, patient and helpful with those who struggle with these mental issues. Maybe, just maybe, instead of pointing fingers, we will open our arms and extend a hug to those who are hurting. Maybe, just maybe, we will include in our prayers those who struggle with mental illness and depression. Maybe, just maybe, we have removed some fears and some will be able to step out behind the curtain and masks that they have worn for years. Maybe, just maybe, we can be real with each other and find out that it’s ok to laugh and it’s ok to cry. Maybe, just maybe, we can learn to accept each other as Jesus does.


Come, Lord Jesus.







Jump Start # 179

Jump Start # 179 

Revelation 22:20 “He who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming quickly.’ Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.”

  This is one of the final sentences in not just the book of Revelation, but the entire Bible. Ending a book is as important as beginning a book. The Bible, as a unit of literature, took over 1,500 years for God to write. It involved 40 different people on three continents using three different languages. It was written during times of war and peace. It was written by kings, prophets, apostles and shepherds. It contained warnings, promises, blessings and prophecies. The central theme is that Jesus Christ is the savior of the world. The Bible is the vehicle that connects us to God through faith. The Bible is God’s evidence to build our faith and our guide to live by.

  After all that, God was concluding for the last time. There would be no more books of the Bible. All has been said. All we needed was laid before us. Now, in the final statements, there is a reminder that Jesus is coming. This was promised when He left. This is something Peter and Paul both taught.

  Yes, I am coming quickly. Those are the words of Jesus. “Come, Lord Jesus,” are the words of John, the writer of Revelation. Come, Lord Jesus.

  Things will be different when Jesus comes. He is not coming to build a kingdom—it’s built. He is the king right now. He is not coming to do more things. On the cross He said, “It is finished.” What He came to do was accomplished. When Jesus comes, the dead will be resurrected, the earth and universe will be burned up and the living will be changed in an instant. All souls will be gathered at the judgment. The books of God will be opened. Those names not found in the book of Life will be cast out and apart from God forever. The righteous will be ushered into  God’s home for eternity. Things will be drastically different. Our world as we see it today will be no more. We will not be governed by time any longer. Things will not come to an end, as we are used to them now. Our natures change. Satan will be cast into Hell forever. Temptation will be over. The problems that plague us now will be no more.

  We won’t be concerned about paying bills. We won’t be in a hurry to get somewhere—there is no other place to go to. We won’t have any doctor visits. We won’t turn on a light, lock a door, pass by a cemetery, or long for a better world. We will be in it. Gone will be bad news. No more plane crashes, political scandals, late night visits to the hospital, or crime reports. They will all be gone. There will be a separation. Today the good and bad mingle together. Today the righteous and unrighteous live side by side. When Jesus comes, He will separate the sheep from the goats. The judgment will divide the righteous from the unrighteous once and for all. Never again will the righteous be pressured, made fun of or mocked. Never again will they have to defend their faith or be challenged by ungodly intellectuals.

  Come, Lord Jesus. Can you say that? Are you ready for Him to come? Do you wish He came today? This weekend? It would change things forever! If He came today, all your plans for the weekend would not happen. Football games would not be played. Some would not see the birth of their babies. Some would not get to see graduation. Some bills would go unpaid. Some payments would not be received. All life would come to an immediate halt.

  The coming of Jesus would be terrifying for those who are not ready. They would be thrust before the judgment seat of God without a savior and without any hope. Many would be lost simply because they are not ready. The righteous would burst with joy. It would mean being with the Savior forever. Done with this old broken world. Heaven would be their home. The righteous can say, “Come, Lord Jesus.” Come today! Come now!

  If you can’t say that, you need to make things right while you can. Can we help you? Can we  study the Bible together? “I am coming quickly…”
