Jump Start # 861


Jump Start # 861

Proverbs 24:1-2 Do not be envious of evil men, nor desire to be with them; for their minds devise violence, and their lips talk of trouble.

It is hard to understand some people. It seems that some have no heart. More accurately, it seems that they have no conscience. Our passage helps explain the inner thinking of evil. The Proverb writer explains that their minds devise violence.

We have a common expression for that today, “premeditated.” Premeditated murder is a crime that is thought out, planned and then enacted. Many acts of violence are premeditated. The Boston bombings were planned. The attacks on 911 were planned. Most bank robberies are planned. There was a period of time when evil people thought up these violent acts. They thought about them. They meditated upon them. They considered options, escape routes, personal and the type of weapons needed. They thought and thought about this. When they became convinced in their mind that this would work, they started gathering material, people and checking out the places where their evil deeds would be carried out.

All of this began in their minds. They “devise violence.” Corrupt minds thing of corruption. All of this reminds us of those passages that  emphasizes the need to think properly.

  • Set your minds on the things above
  • Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you
  • Be renewed in your mind
  • Have this mind in you that first existed in Christ Jesus
  • Whatsoever is pure…let your mind dwell upon these things
  • The wise man meditates day and night upon the word

Most of us do not sit around thinking how to hurt someone else. Yet we can think of lustful things, mean things to say to someone, selfish things, unwholesome things. Our minds are the engines that drive our behavior. Thinking godly, goodly, righteously is something that we choose to do. The more we are engaged in the right kind of thinking, the more right we will do.

There is a hymn we often sing, “Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.” The beauty of Jesus. The goodness, kindness, helpfulness, truthfulness of Jesus. That is where we need to be. It all begins with being thankful, prayer and acknowledging God every day.

This is a great day to do that. Mondays can be long and hard for many of us. Mondays can be dreaded because it’s back to school or work. The very word “Monday,” is enough to put some in a bad mood. That is a choice. It doesn’t have to be like that. You don’t have to fall into the trap of complaining like everyone else. Monday can be just as enjoyable if we look to see how we are blessed.

If the evil man is thinking of violence in his mind, what do you think the righteous man is thinking? He is planning good things. His mind is busy but it is in the positive direction. Planning good. Planning to help. Planning ways to bless others. Plans that include God.

It’s Monday. Make it a great day.
