Jump Start # 3180

Jump Start # 3180

Philippians 4:12 “I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.”

Our verse today is a great one. Paul lets us in on a little secret. It’s something that he has learned. And, by telling us, he wants us to learn these things as well. “I have learned the secret,” our verse tells us. In the verse before, Paul says, ‘I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.” Learning to be content. Learning the secret of being filled and going hungry—those are a couple of things that most never learned. It’s not taught in schools. It’s not taught nor practiced at home. And, unless it’s talked about once in a while in the church building, even among God’s people, these will be a couple of lessons that are not learned.

Getting along with humble means—that’s just a polite way of saying, you’re poor. You don’t have much. Your clothes are few and not fancy. They are humble. Your house is nothing to talk about. It’s humble. And, this is the way it was for many of our parents and grandparents who lived through the depression. They didn’t have much and they didn’t have a choice. Few had jobs. Banks were closed. The times were tough. Bread lines stretched around city blocks. They didn’t have much but I’m not sure how many learned any lessons then.

The other side of this equation is “knowing how to live in prosperity.” Most think we got that. Let me show you. Put me in the big house, with a fleet of nice cars, fine food, fancy clothes, and I can show you that I’m happy as anyone. But our passage isn’t saying that. It’s not about enjoying fine things. It’s not the suite in the hotel. It’s not flying first class. Knowing how to live and learning the secret are tied together. Money is a funny thing. Too little and we complain. Too much and it ruins us. Poor or rich, Paul’s character was not changed. Poor or rich Paul was still centrally focused upon the Lord. Poor or rich Paul would do all that he could for the kingdom. Poor or rich didn’t change Paul. That’s the secret. It’s not about happiness but walking with the Lord.

Some of the most generous sharers are those who have very little. Some who ought to be in the best position to share, often do not. The more they have, the more they want to keep to themselves.

There ought to be some lessons that we learned, as Paul tells us:

First, the measure of a person is not by the brands that he wears or the street that he lives on, but what’s in his heart. That’s what matters. Some of the first Christians were servants who were poor. Our own Lord did not own real estate or have a place to call home. Our culture loves riches. Our culture defines success by square footage in a house, size of TV screen, number of cars owned and exhotic places traveled to. God measures success by faith.

Second, until we learn these lessons that Paul is talking about, there is a strong chance that our attitude will not be aligned correctly with the Lord. We will complain if we are poor and we will forget to be thankful if we are rich. One person is not better than another because of what he does or what he owns. A kid coming out of college who can throw a football half way down the field, or shoot the eyes out of a basket is destined to make millions in the pros. But another young man who chooses to spend his life preaching the saving message of Jesus is often paid just enough to get by. That sure doesn’t balance well in the big schemes of things.

Third, these secrets are really not secrets at all. All through Proverbs we are instructed about the proper balance about money. Jesus told so many parables about riches, especially in Luke. Rich man and Lazarus. Rich farmer who torn down his barns. Rich young ruler who asked Jesus what he had to do to inherit eternal life. Zacchaeus, the very rich tax collector. These lessons are profound. They are easy to see. They are not hidden for only a select few. What makes these a secret is that so few know about them and so few want to know about them.

When it comes to money, we don’t like to hear sermons about those things. It makes us uneasy. We feel guilty. But maybe there is a reason for that. Maybe we’ve turned a blind eye to these important Biblical truths. Maybe we are trying to keep one foot in the kingdom while at the same time trying to keep another foot in the world. That won’t work long. All in with Jesus is what the Lord wants.

To be humble without complaining and to be in wealth without it ruining you—that’s the secret. It’s not happiness, it’s the Lord. That’s the secret. That’s the key. To whom much is given, much is required. That’s a grand principle to remember.

A secret learned…



Jump Start # 1157

Jump Start # 1157

Philippians 4:12 “I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.”


Our verse today from the apostle Paul shows us what an incredible person he was. He was true inside and out. Paul understood the core values of godly living and knew that “stuff” doesn’t define you nor are they a sign of God’s favor nor displeasure with you. Paul knew. He learned. Notice the contrasting words and experiences: humble means, going hungry, suffering need vs. prosperity, being filled, having abundance.


Paul said I know. I know how to get along…I know how to live…in any and every circumstance. Here are a few thoughts.


1. Getting along with humble means is hard in this society. Every where we are bombarded with “YOU NEED THIS.” The commercials scream this. Attitudes promote this. This is tough on kids in high school. Those who have often look down on those who do not have. Dropping label names and having an abundance can make those with humble means feel worthless. This difference caused problems in the book of James. The poor was ignored and the wealthy was honored. That was shameful and wrong. A few generations away from the Great Depression, and most have forgotten how to get by. In fact, few get by. Easy credit has made it possible for the person without to have, just like the man with abundance. The poor man digs a huge hole called debt. Sometimes that hole is so deep he feels that he will never get out. He’s not learned. He’s not dealt with budgets and saying “no” to impulsive spending. He doesn’t have and he has not learned to get by. He is not getting by. I look at the home I live in, the stuff I have compared to my sweet grandparents, long since gone. To me, they understood “getting along with humble means.” There is something to be learned about this. There is something about being poor, but neat. Having humble means, yet being happy and godly. Being content with what you have, without complaining.


2. I also know how to live in prosperity. We think we know this. We don’t. Sure we can spend. We start that way as a child. Grandma gives us ten dollars for our birthday and we rush to the toy store and spend twelve dollars. We’ve learned to get what we want. We’ve learned not to wait. We’ve learned to feed the appetite called “gimmie.” This has made us selfish, self-centered, and greedy. We have abundance, but most haven’t learned the secret. It’s changed us. It’s made us think we are better than others. It has made us stingy especially toward sharing with others. Paul had an abundance at one time. He knew. He experienced. Knowing Paul, he was thankful. Knowing Paul, he shared. Knowing Paul, he wasn’t any different than anyone else. Living in prosperity is intended to be seen from spiritual eyes. Any fool can spend. Given enough money, any one can just shop and shop. I remember seeing a show about Michael Jackson years ago. He was in an upscale store with his manager and someone following him with a clip board. As he walked through the store he would say, “I’ll have two of that, six of those, one of that, ten of those.” The person with the clip board was writing down his order. Anyone can do that. There is nothing to be learned from excess. Put a jar of M & M’s before a child and he’ll eat them all. Big deal! Paul learned something. Abundance didn’t change him. A rich Paul would have still traveled the world preaching. He would have shared with others. He would still drop to his knees everyday and praise the God  he loved. There is a secret to be learned.


3. The prayers and concern of those in need are different than the prayers of those with abundance. Those in need, especially in a first century world that didn’t have food stamps, disability pay, unemployment pay, truly suffered. It was a matter of existence. Remember poor Lazarus, laid at the gate of the rich man. Why didn’t they take him to the doctor? Couldn’t afford it. His only hope was the mercy of a wealthy man. The prayers and concern of those with abundance are so different. Those with an abundance worry about their things. They worry about values, theft and deterioration. The poor guy doesn’t have those worries. They both pray, their prayers are different.


4. There is a secret to be learned. That secret is Biblical wisdom. That secret makes all the difference. Without that secret, the poor man feels cheated and the rich man becomes arrogant. The secret keeps them balanced and right with God. What is that secret? It is godly living in any and every circumstance. That “any and every” is the key. Being a person of Christ, no matter what. During war, during good times, during hardships, waiting in the hospital, walking home from the cemetery, at weddings, sitting in worship—every time, any time, all the time, a person of Christ. That’s the secret. What makes us is Christ, not wealth. We strive for Christ, not riches. Christ makes us better. Christ lasts. Riches—they can make us worse. They won’t last. The secret is Jesus. I have learned the secret. God loves me. God can use me. God wants me with Him. That’s better news than what’s in your 401 or how early you can retire. Helping the kingdom, staying busy for God—that’s Paul. That’s the humble Paul and that’s the rich Paul. That’s the secret.


If you are in the position to retire early, that’s awesome. Don’t spend all your time thinking about what you want to do for self, remember the kingdom. You now have time and resources where you can really make a difference. If you must work until God takes you, do it wisely. Every day you are placed with others who need Jesus. Seek opportunity to help God’s kingdom.


There is a secret to all of this. Paul got it. Have you?

