Jump Start # 3020

Jump Start # 3020

Matthew 27:22 “Pilate said to them, ‘Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?’ They all said, ‘Crucify Him.’”

The spineless and intimidated governor Pilate asked, “What shall I do with Jesus?” And for two millennium that question has hung in the air. What to do with Jesus? Some, hoping if they ignore Him, then He will just leave. But He never does. Others, want to deny Him, defeat Him and destroy Him. Some misrepresent Him. Some claim to quote Him but what they say, He never said. What to do with Jesus?

Have you ever thought of this question in the opposite? What is Jesus to do with us? What has Jesus done for us? The obvious and greatest thing was to be the living sacrifice so we could be reconciled to God. Without that, we have no hope. Without that, we are lost.

But Jesus did more than that. Consider:

First, He showed us that temptation can be resisted by the word of God. The temptations as presented in Matthew do not show Jesus using anything more than what you and I have, the word of God. No miracles. No supernatural powers. Just standing firmly and confidently upon God’s word. He believed. Satan left. Satan can’t deal with the Bible, not when it’s believed and used correctly.

Second, Jesus took away the fear of death. In Corinthians, Paul celebrates the victory over death by describing the resurrection. In Hebrews, Jesus conquered the fear of death by conquering Satan. Death becomes merely a doorway to take us into the next room in God’s house. Death isn’t the end. The wonderful world we long for is just on the other side of that door. What a perspective that gives us. What courage that provides for us. All of this now possible because of Jesus.

Third, Jesus showed that decency, goodness and serving are noble traits and honorable. Jesus illustrated goodness. Jesus was without sin. He didn’t feel that He missed out or was sheltered from the fun that others have. Decency, goodness and serving create a positive and wonderful fun that is not tainted with guilt and sorrow. One doesn’t have to swear to show that he is a real man. One doesn’t have to be rude, arrogant or drive recklessly to prove that he has confidence. One doesn’t have to walk over people to lead. Jesus was truly a hero and an example.

Fourth, Jesus made Heaven possible and gave each of us hope. There are some things in life that reality tells us that just will never happen. I will never start for the Dodgers. That’s just the truth. Too old, too slow, and not good enough. I’ll never cut a top ten record. Won’t happen. I won’t ever climb a mountain. I doubt that I will ever sky dive. As one gets older, he realizes that the door is closing on many things. But for some things the door was never opened to begin with. However, Heaven isn’t on that list. Jesus made Heaven possible. You don’t have to be the tops in grades, sports, sales or looks. Those things just do not matter. You may walk into a room and hardly anyone recognizes you. That doesn’t matter. God knows who you are. You can look at others and they are so talented in so many areas. You may think, “I can’t do anything.” But, that’s not true. You can go to Heaven. You don’t have to have a college degree. You don’t have to have your house paid off. You don’t have to be married. You don’t have to have good health. You can go to Heaven. Jesus made that possible. Believe Him. Trust Him. Follow Him. Put Him first in your life. Do whatever He tells you in the Bible. Change. Become. Learn. Grow. That’s all possible and when you stick right behind Him, you’ll find yourself in Heaven one day. It won’t be because of you. It will be because of Him. You’ll think, “I’m not good enough.” And, that’s right. You are not. “I haven’t done enough.” That’s true. Our journey is by faith. Take your eyes off of yourself. Fix your eyes upon Jesus, as Hebrews tells us.

What to do with Jesus? Look what Jesus wants to do for you.



Jump Start # 2646

Jump Start # 2646

Matthew 27:22 “Pilate said to them, ‘Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?’ They all said, ‘Crucify Him!’”

Black lives matter—that’s painted on the side of buildings, on streets and worn on t-shirts. Others say, ‘All lives matter.’ Some say, ‘Police lives matter.’ Then some say, ‘Unborn lives matter.’ But in all of this, what is forgotten the most is that Jesus Matters. And, indeed, He matters the most. He matters more than I do. And, He matters more than you do.

Our verse comes from Jesus’ investigation by Pilate. Pilate was the final step between Jesus and death. What Pilate said would determine if the Lord would live or die. And, Pilate was painted in a corner. He saw the trouble with Jesus as a religious issue among the Jews. He saw nothing that would require the heavy hand of Rome executing this simple teacher. But the Jews wouldn’t let go of this matter. They wanted Jesus dead. If He was dead, then things would quiet down and return to normal. Get rid of the problem and people would return to everyday life. Jesus was innocent in Pilate’s eyes. That’s because He was innocent. What a tough place Pilate was in. Execute an innocent man because people didn’t like Him or have the Jews riot and report him to Rome. If he couldn’t keep the lid on things, Caesar would have to send troops to keep peace. If that happened, it was certain that Pilate would be replaced. And, he didn’t want to go where they would likely send him.

What to do with Jesus? Great question. A question that needs to be considered and looked at today.

First, some just want to ignore Jesus. This is a passive form of killing Jesus. Ignore Him and He will go away. Don’t go to church. Don’t read the Bible. Just leave those things to religious people. Have fun. Chase your dreams. Make money. About the only time one would be reminded of Jesus is at an occasional funeral.

Second, some want to deny Jesus. They want to argue against Jesus. They want to use science, current events and misunderstood passages to show that Jesus wasn’t who He claimed to be. They want to do more than ignore the Bible, they want to destroy it. They do that by planting all kinds of ridiculous ideas in the minds of young people. They point to the injustice, the suffering of the innocent as reasons why there cannot be a God. God is not good, they claim, because the world is not good. Arrogant, loud and proud, these scoffers plague social media with offensive, false and inconsistent claims against Jesus.

Third, some want Jesus around when they need Him. Mama in the hospital, need Jesus to make her well. Lost a job, need Jesus to find you a new one. But most of the time, Jesus isn’t needed. He’s in a box on the shelf, nicely tucked away until the next crisis. There is no need for Jesus when things are going well. Why would I have Jesus around? I don’t need Him today. This person sees no need to be thankful or to follow the Savior every day. Jesus is just a big help when we need it.

Fourth, for some of us, Jesus has become the center of our hearts. Our lives have changed because of Jesus. Our attitudes, choices and behavior is all shaped around Jesus. We forgive, because He has forgiven us. We are patient, because He has been patient with us. We serve, because He served. We honor Him by living godly and righteously. We adore worshipping Him. His word molds our lives. His manner has caught our attention and we try to imitate that. Our perspective, our goals, our values, our future has all been changed because of Jesus. What shall I do with Jesus? Give Him to us. We want Him. We want to be like Him.

Pilate’s question is a question before us. What shall you do with Jesus? Ignore Him? Destroy Him? Use Him when there is a need? Invite Him into your heart? What really matters is not our lives, but His life. What is most important is Jesus.

Jesus Matters.



Jump Start # 748


Jump Start # 748

Matthew 27:22 “Pilate said to them, ‘Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?’”

What shall I do with Jesus? What a great question! That is a question that comes before every person, whether they realize it or not. What shall I do with Jesus? This week we are looking at questions found in the New Testament. Our question today is one of the greatest ones found in the Bible.

Our passage comes from the trials of Jesus. He had been arrested and whisked through the Jewish court system and now stood before the Roman official, Pilate. Jesus was questioned by Pilate and found to be innocent of the charges and not subject to death by execution. The Jews persisted. They had gone this far and there was no turning back for them now. Their minds were made up. They wanted Jesus out of the picture and death was the only solution that would work.

Pilate tried to reason with the Jewish leaders but they would not listen. No compromise was acceptable to them. Death was the only option. They pushed and demanded that. If Pilate would not agree to that, then they were going to put Pilate in a corner and spread rumors that could get him in trouble with Rome.

What shall I do with Jesus? Pilate had to answer that. So do you and I. What shall we do with Jesus?

Some want to ignore that Jesus exists. Many do a good job with this. Their minds, plans, goals, and hopes are only material and secular. The Bible is never opened. Prayers are not said at the table. Their ambition is more money and stuff. They dream of vacations and having fun. When guilt crowds them a bit too much, they will give some to a charity to help the needy. This is their concept of being religious. Nothing demanding. Nothing personal. Nothing that calls for commitment. What shall I do with Jesus? Ignore Him and maybe He will go away.


Others, want Jesus only when they need Him. When times are tough, they wonder where is God? They need a prayer in the hospital. They want hope at the funeral. They need comfort in tough times. But when things turn around, they can place Jesus on a shelf until the next need arises. These folks like Jesus, but not too much. They don’t see the need for Jesus every day. They especially do not see the need for Jesus when things are going well.

Some want to disprove Jesus. Thoughts of Jesus and religion assault them. They are aggressive in trying to discredit the whole concept of religion. They feel that religion is for the mentally and emotionally weak. Their intellect has convinced them that they are too smart to need Jesus. More than that, they believe Jesus never existed. They are convinced that the Bible is a fraud and that the church is a movement to control people and milk money from them. These folks believe that science has proven the Bible to be false. Their god is self. Their standard of right and wrong changes often. They believe in tolerance of all things except religion. They are often loud and in your face about how they feel. They push agendas in government that move the country to be secular and void of all religious activity or thought.

There are others who love Jesus. They believe in Him with all their hearts. They have studied the evidence and know that Jesus is real. Their faith is in a resurrected savior. They have a close relationship with Jesus. The Bible has become so familiar to them that it is like visiting with a dear old friend. The words of the Bible lead, comfort and give hope. Jesus is a daily thought to these people. He is as much a part of their life on a Thursday morning as on a Sunday morning. Their life is defined and shaped by Jesus. They make choices based upon their faith in Jesus. They are engaged in helping the kingdom of God grow. They are dedicated, committed and excited about Jesus. He is real. He lives. And He is the Lord of their lives.


What shall I do with Jesus? What have you done with Jesus so far in your life? Have you watched from the sidelines, maybe sticking a toe in the water but that’s about all? Have you felt the need to go to church once in a while? Is what you have done in the past working? Is it making you live better? Are you still battered with worry, lust and fear? Are you getting anywhere? Are you making a difference? What kind of footprints are you leaving behind you?


Each of us must decide what shall we do with Jesus. Our parents have left their impressions. Our college professors have revealed where they stand. Friends, neighbors, co-workers all have their opinions. What about you? Just go with the flow? Just do what everyone else is doing? What shall I do with Jesus?


Have you ever thought what Jesus has done with you? He has loved you and still does. He died for you. He is in Heaven preparing a place for you. He has left a path for you to follow. The Lord wants you to want Him. The Lord has never stopped caring for you. He has had you in His heart and mind for a long, long time. He thinks about you more than you think about Him.

What shall I do with Jesus? Pilate was a coward. He caved in to the pressures of the Jewish mobs. Will you cave in to society? Will you cave in with what is easy and popular? Will you be religious from a distance but nothing too personal or too close? Or, will you decide to be different and follow Jesus?


There is a hymn that says, “I have decided to follow Jesus…” Follow Jesus in obedience. Follow Jesus in what He says. Follow Jesus in hope and faith. Follow Jesus in the direction He wants you to go. Follow Jesus all the way to Heaven.


What shall I do?




Jump Start # 684


Jump Start # 684

Matthew 27:22 Pilate said to them, “Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” They all said, “Let Him be crucified!”

Pilate was a mess. The Jewish leaders brought Jesus to him. They were demanding his execution. Pilate listened and questioned Jesus. He didn’t find anything worthy of death. He sent Jesus to Herod, hoping he would make a decision. Herod found nothing and sent Jesus back to Pilate. The charges against Jesus were flimsy and without proof. If these radical Jews got their way, putting a man to death, what would be next? Would Pilate’s  office be forced to follow the dictates of the Jews? Pilate offered an known criminal, Barabbas to be released. He was a threat. He was a thug, a murderer, and a trouble in any community. Pilate’s offer was a desperate hope in releasing Jesus. It was the choice of two extremes—Jesus, who taught things differently, but was a good person; and Barabbas, who was evil. The crowd shouted for Barabbas to be released. Our verse follows. What shall I do with Jesus? They said, “Crucify him.”

I wonder if Barabbas, sitting in a prison could hear the roar of the crowd? We wonder if he heard his name, “Barabbas.” Then he hears, “Crucify him!” The soldiers open his prison door and he must have thought that this was it. Instead, he was released. Released without repentance. Released without a change of heart. Released to again continue his gang warfare on the community.

And Jesus, we know the story. He was crucified. Executed. Murdered. The radical Jews went home happy. They won. Pilate lost influence and was a weak ruler. The world was given a second chance because of the Lord’s death. His blood saved us and redeemed us.


Pilate’s question to the Jews is a good one. It is a question that all of us should ask. “What shall I do with Jesus?” The answer tells us what we think about Jesus. What shall I do with Him?

  • Some want to ignore Him. Maybe by doing this, He will go away. It’s the old “out of sight, out of mind” concept. But He doesn’t. He never goes away. He shows us at weddings, when the preacher reads a few verses. He shows us at funerals, when the Bible is read. We see His name painted on overhead bridges. There are bumper stickers that remind us. Jesus is never really forgotten. He is always around.
  • Some want to keep Jesus in a church building. They believe that He belongs there and no other place. They think about Jesus on Sunday. They believe religion ought to be confined to church buildings. They don’t see that Jesus belongs in meetings at work. They don’t understand that Jesus needs to be in the home. They fail to see the need for Jesus on a Friday night when they are at a ball game. Jesus is bigger than any church building and He cannot be contained by anyone.
  • Still there are those who only want Jesus when there is a problem. When a storm comes and the boat is leaking, they want to wake Jesus up. When a child is sick, they want to go looking for Jesus. This is what happened in the N.T. Little has changed. Jesus in a storm is comfort. But Jesus on a sunny day, gets in the way of many people.
  • There are those who invite Jesus into their hearts. It is there that they want Jesus to dwell. It is there that they crown Him the Lord and King. They make decisions based upon what Jesus would do. They are more interested in the growth of the kingdom than they are anything else. They love the Lord as much on a Thursday as they do on a Sunday. Worship is a pleasurable and incredible experience for those who walk daily with the Lord. They know Him. They can quote Him. They understand what He wants. When things come up, they know what the answer would be. Their lives are governed, shaped and molded by the Lord and it shows. They have learned patience, contentment and compassion. They are thankful and grateful. They wish everyone could know the Lord like they do.

What shall I do with the Lord? You answer that question, whether you mean to or not. Your choices, your attitudes, your behavior all reflect what you do with the Lord. Someday, we all will want the Lord to do something nice for us. It starts with us doing something with Him.

This Saturday and Sunday, the congregation I attend, Charlestown Road, in New Albany is conducting a special series of lessons on, “Is Jesus still the answer?” That, too, is a great question. Come join us at 7:00 pm on Saturday.
