Jump Start # 2388

Jump Start # 2388

Luke 4:5 “And he led Him up and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.”


Our verse today comes from the temptations of Jesus. The Holy Spirit wanted us to know about this. None witnessed this other than Jesus and Satan. No apostles were present. No multitudes sat on the sidelines cheering Jesus on. Just Jesus and the devil. So often, that’s just how temptations work. In a church building full of people singing hymns to the Lord, Satan doesn’t seem to bother us very much. But late at night, and all alone, he sure can come knocking on the doors of our hearts. Remember King David, standing alone on his roof top. Temptation was strong.


Not only was Jesus tempted, but He was tempted as we are, yet without sin. He never opened the door for Satan to come in. And, this context is left as an example for us. Jesus didn’t pull a miracle out to overcome Satan. He didn’t use some supernatural wisdom. He had what you and I have, the word of God. And, three times, this was the choice of Jesus to deal with Satan. God’s word is stronger than Satan. Not only did Jesus know the Scriptures, but He believed in the Scriptures and He stood with the Scriptures.


Our verse has an interesting expression at the end. Satan showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. That, “in a moment of time,” is what catches our attention today. It often doesn’t take a long time, but just a moment. And, in that moment, things can change.


In a moment of time, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit.

In a moment of time, Cain killed Abel.

In a moment of time, Esau sold his birthright.

In a moment of time, Jesus caused the blind to see.

In a moment of time, the jailer in Philippi became a Christian.


But there are some profound applications that you and I need to remember about a moment in time.


  1. In just a moment of time, we can say something that will scar someone for a lifetime. In our anger, we can say things that should never be said. Later, we can apologize, but the damage has been done. Feelings have been hurt. Friendships have become strained and even ruined. Time marches on, but some will always remember what we said. Because of what we said, some may never become a Christian. Because of what we said, some may never trust us again. It took just a moment in time, but that’s all that is necessary for damage to be done.


  1. In a moment of time a person can lose their purity. Sexual relations outside of marriage is about as common as breathing anymore. It’s in the movies. It’s in the music. It’s on TV. No big deal, some would say. But God says to flee fornication. God tells us to be holy as He is holy. This is why wise couples who are dating will not be alone in private places very much. Temptation can be strong. Passions can run ahead of good judgment and sense. And, before one realizes it, they have crossed the line. Sin has occurred. Again, one can receive forgiveness and one can apologize, but there is no do overs here. Purity is a one time thing. Once it is lost, it cannot be regained. Far too many high schoolers and college students learn this the hard way. Once a person has given themselves to someone else, there is nothing else to give. When they meet that one special person that they want to marry, they have already given away the greatest gift they have, themselves. In just a moment of time, this can happen. Certain movies, certain TV shows ought to be off limits to those who are serious about their faith. We often don’t have temptation knocking on our doors, instead, we run down the street chasing it, like an ice cream truck. You are giving the devil a formal invitation into your heart when you dress immodestly, pour impure thoughts into your mind, and hang around those who have no moral compass in their lives. Is it any wonder, that in just a moment of time, that purity is lost?


  1. In just a moment of time you can be cast into eternity. Many start their day as if it was just a plain ole’ everyday kind of day, not knowing that it will be their last day. So quickly one’s life can come to an end. It happens all the time. Car accidents. Work accidents. Disasters. Storms. Crime. Violence. Sudden health issues. And, just like that, they pass through that door called death and there is no coming back. That door swings one direction. Don’t pay attention to all those books about folks who claimed they died and came back. Biblically, untrue. People do not just come back from the dead. It doesn’t happen in these days.


And, five minutes, if that long, after one passes through that door of death, they will realize that Jesus was right. They will realize that their choices in life have put them where they are. They will realize that on the other side things are so different. You can’t do what you want on the other side. Day and night, time and seasons, mean nothing on the other side of that door. And, all our stuff, and accomplishments, and trophies, and degrees, and travels, and names we can drop, won’t matter at all on the other side. Those things do not impress God. All that will matter is whether or not we believed and walked with the Lord on this side of the door. Oh, on the other side, everyone will believe. On that side, everyone will want to walk with the Lord. But what matters is this side of the door. Today, matters. Yesterday, mattered. Did I pray? Did I honor God? Did I try to help others see Jesus? Did I walk faithfully with the Lord? This side determines the other side.


And, in just a moment of time, all that can come to a quick end. This is why we must talk to our friends and family about Jesus. This is why we must get serious about our faith. This is why playing church is a smoke screen that God sees through. This is why knowing the Lord matters. Just like that, and we can be on the other side. And, like the children’s game, “Ready or not,” there we will be, ready or not. You won’t get another day to make things right. You won’t be allowed to come back and say what ought to be said. Once you’ve gone through that door, you are finished with this place. Memories and footprints are all that will be left.


So, what if yesterday was your last day? What if you went through that door yesterday? Are you ready? You better get there. In just a moment of time, you may be on the other side.


Things we really need to think about…





Jump Start # 2104

Jump Start # 2104

Luke 4:5 “And he led Him up and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.”


Our passage today comes from the temptations of Jesus. There are several important factors here that we need to keep before us.


First, temptations are not wrong. It is sin that is wrong. Jesus was tempted, yet Jesus never sinned. There is a difference. What one does with the temptation determines whether or not he sins. Temptation is Satan knocking on the front door of your heart. If you open the door and invite him in, you’ll sin. Satan knocked, but Jesus never opened the door.


Second, this wasn’t the only time that Jesus was tempted. Over and over, throughout those three years of His ministry, Jesus was tested, tried and tempted. When Peter rebuked Jesus for declaring that He was going to be crucified, the Lord responded, “Get behind me, Satan.” Even on the cross, the on-lookers tested and tempted Him.


When Satan asks in these temptations, “If you are the Son of God,” he knew. He wasn’t in the dark about this. There wasn’t some doubt in Satan’s mind. We remember that James says, “even the demons believe.” “If you are,” could be translated, “Since you are.” Since you are the Son of God, use your powers. Help yourself. Save yourself. You can, so just do it. Jesus wouldn’t do it. He wouldn’t listen to Satan. He responded to each temptation, with the same power that you and I have, the word of God. It is written, is what Jesus declared. Jesus knew Scriptures. Jesus believed in the Scriptures. Jesus stood with the Scriptures.


Here in our verse, as Satan shows Jesus all the kingdoms of the world, offering Him position and power without the cross, by simply bowing down to him, we find this expression, “In a moment of time.”


In a moment of time so much can happen. For instance,


In a moment of time something thoughtless and cruel can be said that crushes the heart of another. We can talk without thinking. We can say things that should never be said. And, just like that, in an instant, in a moment of time, a dagger can be thrust into the heart of a marriage. A thoughtless word. A cruel word.


But just the opposite can happen as well. In just a moment of time, someone can lift your spirits by a kind act, an encouraging word, or letting you know that they have uttered your name in prayer to Heaven. Encouragement shows that others are thinking of you. It shows that you are not alone. It shows that others care and want you to do well. In just a moment of time. That’s all it takes.


In a moment of time, a decision can be made that alters your future. Crimes of passion are like this. They are not planned. They are not premeditated. Instantly. Without thinking. Emotions getting the best of them. Something is done and it can forever changer their lives. In just a moment of time, without thinking, your influence can be shot. Years of good can just evaporate away from one foolish deed. People won’t remember all the good that was done. They will remember the one bad deed. Years that it took to develop and build trust can come crashing down in an instant because of a lie that was discovered or an immoral act that was done. The trust between a parent and a child can be shattered in a moment of time. The trust between a husband and a wife can be destroyed in a moment of time. The trust between a preacher and the shepherds in a church can be swept away every quickly by decisions that were selfish, hurtful and not spiritual.


Can a person be forgiven? Certainly. Can a person be restored? Yes. But, it may take a long time for that trust to be repaired. This is why young people, on a dare, find themselves in all kinds of trouble because they didn’t think things out. All kinds of trouble can come in a moment of time. It can take a lifetime to try to undue what happened in just a moment.


Thirdly, in a moment of time, a person could be cast into eternity. Life is precious and fragile. It doesn’t take much and a life can come to a sudden end. There are examples on the internet of last pictures that were taken before a person’s death. Some were hanging over cliffs or dangling over a bridge. It was supposed to be an amazing picture, but something happened, and they died. A car accident. An accident at work. A health issue. And, just like that, in a moment of time, a person is thrown into eternity. Ready or not, they are there. And, once a person is there, there is no coming back. There is no do-overs. There are no apologies, promises to not do that again, pleas for a second chance. Once our life has ended here, we do not come back here.


Our lives do not end. We are cast into eternity. It is then, all that we believed, hoped for and lived for that matters. What street your house is on doesn’t matter. How often you cleaned out your car won’t matter. Whether or not you fertilized the yard this spring won’t matter. Bathed the dog? Doesn’t matter. Changed the batteries in the smoke detectors? Doesn’t matter. Got to see the latest super hero movie? Doesn’t matter. What will matter is what you did with Jesus. Do you believe? Did you worship? Did you follow? Did you obey? Did you allow Him to guide your life? Did you allow His word to dwell in your heart?


The door swings only one way from this world to the next. And, in just a moment of time, we can be there. It can and has happened while people are on vacation. It’s happened while people were at work. It’s happened during worship. It’s happened at home. There is an appointed time and we do not know when that time is. Death has taken babies. It has taken teenagers. It has taken young mothers. It’s taken those who were very busy. It has taken those who were bored. It has taken famous people. It has taken people who were needed here. It has taken people before they completed books, finished making movies, completed college, or lived their dreams. Not everyone completes their bucket list. Not everyone even makes a bucket list.


In a moment of time we can be on the other side. This tells us that we must live every day as if it were our last. Do all that you can do today. Live, love, walk with the Lord and help others all day long. If given a tomorrow, keep going. Keep it up. Someday will be our last day. Work until the Lord stops you.


In a moment of time…

