Jump Start # 912


Jump Start # 912


2 Peter 1:8 “For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they render you neither useless  nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”


Our verse today follows the list of what is often called the “virtues” of a Christian. Peter identifies eight qualities of character that ought to be manifested in each of us as disciples of Christ. He begins with faith and then says add to your faith virtue, add to your virtue, knowledge. Each quality being added to by yet another quality. These appear to be in a certain order and progression. It all starts with faith and ends with love. These qualities come from spending time in prayer and God’s word. They do not just happen, nor are automatic when one becomes a Christian. In fact, some struggle with adding these things and it shows in their walk with Christ. Some excel in one more than others. All are necessary. All will make us complete in Christ. Without these eight qualities something is missing in our relationship and faith in Christ.


Now our verse. It sums up the section on virtues. It identifies several key factors.


First, Peter says if these qualities are yours. Yours. They belong to you. They are you. This is what you are. There is an ownership of these things. There is not a disconnect between me and these qualities. If these things are you, then wherever you are, you will find these qualities. You are this way at work. You are this way at home. You are this way with friends. You are this way in worship. Faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, kindness and love—these things describe you. They are you.

Second, Peter says that these things are increasing. They are not stagnant. There are levels of faith, knowledge, self-control, love. They are increasing. Through the years greater faith, not the same faith, but more faith. More knowledge. More virtue. More self-control. More patience. More kindness. More love. If things are increasing, those around us ought to notice. We notice when things increase. You notice the water in the bathtub increasing. You notice your investments increasing in value. You notice your boys increasing in height. Things that increase are visible. The more knowledge, faith, love, patience, self-control the more we look like Jesus.

Third, Peter tells us with these growing qualities in us, they do something to us. They render us neither useless nor unfruitful. Useless is a terrible state to be in. Many students have sat in a class and felt like it was a waste of time. The thought, “I will never use this in my life” is often true. The advice of some is useless. It’s not practical, real nor helpful. A person who has had a stroke often has an arm or leg that no longer functions. It just hangs there, rather useless. These spiritual qualities that Peter is stressing will make us profitable, useful and productive in the kingdom of God. We are useful. We are helpful. We add to others.


Peter also states that these qualities will not make us unfruitful. God is in the fruit bearing business. Have you noticed that in the Scriptures? Many examples, many references to bearing fruit. The fruit of the Spirit is what Paul wrote to the Galatians. In the sermon on the mount, Jesus said, ‘you will know them by their fruits.” Fruits. Fruits are enjoyed. Fruits are nourishment. These eight qualities will make us fruitful. They will produce results internally, such as faith, knowledge, virtue and self-control. They will also produce results externally such as perseverance, kindness, love. We are a better person to be around because of these qualities. We are fruitful. We are of value.


This is what God wants from us. He wants us to be useful and productive. He wants us to be increasing. He wants us growing. He wants us becoming more and more spiritual. Our walk with Christ involves so much more than sitting in a church building. It is as important how we are in the office, the store, the golf course as in the house of worship. We are not two different people. We do not put on our Sunday clothes, as grandparents used to call them, and with that put on our Sunday attitudes and smiles, and then take them off when we get home, including our attitudes and smiles. We are the same. We are growing, showing and producing.


If these are yours…great statement. Great idea. Need to get about that, don’t you think?
