Jump Start # 3601

Jump Start # 3601

Luke 19:10 “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”

Our verse today, coming from the lips of Jesus, was an explanation as to why He was going to the home of Zaccheus, a wealthy, chief tax collector. Jesus came to save. He not only is the source of salvation and the instrument by which we can be saved, but He is actively seeking the lost. He’s on the hunt. It is as if the doors of Heaven were opened, and God sent out the hounds looking for us. He doesn’t want any of us to be lost. He has done more than just kept the front porch light on for us, He has taken on the search for us.

Little reminders all about us, if we are thinking and if we are observing, connect us to Jesus. A passage posted on Facebook. An act of kindness above the call of duty. A fence post where someone has sprayed painted, “Trust Jesus.” They make us think. They make us consider. Jesus is seeking.

But, what is also interesting is putting our Luke 10 passage along side of another passage found in 1 Peter. There, we find, “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (5:8).

Did you catch it? Did you see it? It’s there. Jesus is seeking the lost. The devil is seeking to devour. Both are on the hunt. Both have you in their eyes. How easily we dismiss this by thinking, “No one cares about me.” The devil does. He’s seeking you. Jesus does. He’s seeking you. Some might conclude, “I could drop out and no one would even miss me.” The devil would. He’s on the hunt for you. Jesus would. He’s looking for you.

This image of both Jesus and the devil seeking sure dismisses the idea that God has finished all His work and He is just sitting on the grandstands of life seeing how we do in the game of life. Not so. He is active. He is using every tool in Heaven to save you. And, at the same time, Satan is using every tool of Hell to destroy you. Neither are trying to save the environment. Neither are seeking some rare bird. They are after you. They will pursue you until you are no more there. They will use people, places and things to win you over.

Now, here are some thoughts for us:

First, it’s hard to imagine that we are worth all of this trouble. We are not famous. We are not shaping this culture we are in. Why us? Because, you are made in the image of God. You have the potential to be a shiner of light. You may not think you are much, but Jesus and Satan know better. Sometimes we may feel like we are just a number. No one at work says much about you. Sometimes, even your family ignores you. But, spiritually and eternally, Jesus and the devil are looking for you.

Second, we don’t see nor understand all that goes on behind the scenes and under the surface. Little things, like drops of rain, that encourages our spirits and strengthens our souls. We appreciate them, but were they Heaven sent? Was this Jesus way of seeking us? And, when things don’t go well. Frustrations, anger, pain, sorrow—are these things from Satan? We may never know. We do know how God expects us to conduct ourselves. We do know what God wants from us. You may feel like one has your right arm and the other has your left arm, and they are pulling and pulling you their direction.

Third, in the end, one will have their way with us. Either, Jesus will win and we will be saved. Or, Satan will win and we will lose our souls. Eternally, we know Jesus conquers Satan. But the battle over you, is going on until you are no more. The choices you make. Those that you include in your life. Your habits. Your character. How much of God’s word that you allow to dwell within you—all of those things will bring you to one or the other. Satan will find me and devour me or the Lord will find me and save me. But, neither will have their way over me without my consent. In the end, I will be saved because I want to be saved, or, I will be lost because I want to be lost.

There was a Australian pop group from the early 60s called “The Seekers.” And, that’s what is taking place. Satan is seeking. Jesus is seeking. And, in the end, you will decide who finds you. It will be one or the other.


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