Jump Start # 203

Jump Start # 203

Ephesians 4:3 “being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace

  Unity—what a great concept and relationship! The Psalmist described unity as the refreshing morning dew. Paul’s words to the Ephesians was to preserve it! Before a person can do that, they must first have unity.

  We are so used to living in a world without unity. There are always wars, somewhere. There are fights in high school, and there is dysfunction in families. The number one reason why most people switch jobs is because they can’t get along or fit in with the other workers. The expression, “going postal” has become a catch phrase to define disgruntled employees. Moms and Dads  divorce, Republicans can’t stand Democrats and Democrats can’t stand Republicans and churches split. This is our world! Wonderful isn’t it.

  When we turn this discussion religiously, or better still, Biblically, most folks have resigned themselves to accept that churches disagree. Isn’t it interesting to see so many church buildings located so close to each other. Even in small towns, a person will find two or three different kinds of churches on the same block. It’s almost like different kinds of hamburger franchises. They all claim to believe in Jesus. They all use the Bible. They all want to go to Heaven and they all say that they love—but there they stand, for generations, separate buildings often times meeting at the very same hour on Sunday. If they are all for the same thing, then why don’t they merge? Why don’t they sell the other buildings? Could it be that the talk and the walk simply don’t match?

  Later in this same chapter, Paul lays out what is called the seven pillars of unity: one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God. Unity comes from standing upon these seven platforms. Compromise is not unity. Don’t ask, don’t tell isn’t unity.

  A little over 200 years ago, in this very area, something remarkable took place. There was a movement, a revival, a return back to the Bible. Men from different faiths started asking, What if we simply went back to the Bible for our rule of faith? What if we got rid of the creed books, by-laws and church doctrines? If it wasn’t in the Bible, then we wouldn’t do it. What if we just called our selves Christians—and nothing else. What if we took the Lord’s Supper on Sunday as they did in the Bible? What if we did away with a “clergy” and men with faith and conviction preached? What if we immersed for the remission of sins as was done in the Bible times? What if congregations were independent and governed by elders or shepherds and there was no organization above or greater than the local church? What if?

  Throughout Southern Indiana and Kentucky men started doing this. They found that many things that they had been preaching were really not in the Bible. They stopped preaching those things. Whole congregations changed. A movement swept over the prairie like a brush fire. We are Christians and only Christians became the plea. We speak where the Bible speaks became the motto. They found agreement and unity among many. They all had the same platform –the word of God. That was the ringing sound that pulled them all together, the ancient Gospel of Jesus Christ. They found that if everyone only followed theBible and nothing else, they would be all be the same. They would have unity. Those were remarkable times in history.

  But do you know what happened? Folks began to inject their opinions and what they wanted and how they thought things ought to be. Before long, lines were drawn. Divisions took place. Each had to find their own way to worship the way they wanted to. The cry for unity was no longer heard. Church buildings were built, often right across the street from each other. Until here we are today. For a non-church going family, the scene is confusing and crazy. Why are there so many churches if they all believe the same thing? Good question. Maybe they don’t believe the same any more. Why can’t they all get along? Better question. How? Who is going to be in charge? Who decides what? The biggest church? The richest church? Or, how about let the Bible be in charge. We understand this concept in other areas. When a person goes to the hardware store, he knows 12 inches is 12 inches. The same applies if he is at a Walmart of a high end department store. There is an accepted standard to how long 12 inches is. The same works with our money. One dollar is one dollar whether you are at McDonalds or Neiman Marcus. Everyone has agreed upon a standard. If everyone could do that religiously, unity would prevail.

  Can that spirit of unity resurface again in this country? Sure! Who will start it? Are you willing to do just what the Bible says and nothing else? If it’s not in the Bible, leave it. If the Bible teaches it, do it! Can you live with that? That’s where this starts. And it starts, not with me waiting for you, but with me coming to Christ. Jesus said, “If anyone wants to follow me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow me.” Deny self. No opinions. No, “here’s what I like.” No, “this is what I think works best.” No, “my grandfather always said…” Just the Bible, and nothing else. Unity is based upon a standard, and that standard is the word of God.

  Are we diligent to preserve the unity or content to accept the division?


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