Jump Start # 233

Jump Start # 233

Proverbs 26:7 “Like the legs which are useless to the lame, so is a proverb in the mouth of fools.”

  No word is more troubling in all the Bible than the word “fool.” It is a frequent word in the book of Proverbs. In Psalms, the fool says there is no God. In the Lord’s story of the rich farmer who was going to tear down his barns and build bigger ones, when he died that night, God said to him, ‘You fool…now who will own what you have prepared?”

   Over and over in this section of Proverbs the behavior of fools is defined. We find:

  • Honor is not fitting for a fool (1)
  • Do not answer a fool according to his folly (4)
  • Sending a message by a fool is like cutting off your own feet (6)
  • Hiring a fool is like being shot by an arrow (10)

  Our verse illustrates the worthlessness of advice from a fool, “a proverb in the mouth of fools.” The writer likens it to the legs of a crippled person. It doesn’t work. The fool is in no position to give advice. If he but listened to wisdom, he wouldn’t be a fool.

  But for some reason we often listen to what the fool says. Sometimes we even ask for his advice. Why get financial advice from someone who is living paycheck to paycheck and up to their eyeballs in debt? Why listen to marriage advice from someone who has had multiple marriages and divorces? Why listen to someone’s opinion about the Bible who has hardly read it or never darkens the door of a church? Why listen to someone tell you what the church needs to be doing, when they don’t do anything themselves?

  The fool has plenty to say. He knows what’s wrong with everyone and everything but himself. He can fix everything, but his own life. The fool is long on talk and short on doing things. His words are useless. First, because he won’t do what he is saying. Secondly, he hasn’t thought it out, done his homework or considered all things. He is just talking. He is blowing smoke. He’s loud. He’s opinionated. He won’t listen. He won’t let others have the floor. He’s a fool. Thirdly, his advice is worthless because it is not based upon God. The fool speaks from his perspective. It is selfish based and benefits only himself. It’s not worth listening to.

  I am glad for these reminders. I forget. I hear people expressing their thoughts on the talk shows. Sometimes they are really off base. I get upset. Then I remember, the proverb in the mouth of fools is worthless. When I read editorials that ridicule the people of faith my blood boils. Then I remember. The proverb in the mouth of a fool is worthless. Their words don’t encourage goodness. They don’t lift people up. Rather, they insult, puff themselves up and don’t enter serious study or discussion. They are useless and worthless.

  A person hears a lot of foolishness in a day. Just remember that it’s usually worthless.


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