Jump Start # 1695
Psalms 8:4-5 “What is man that You take thought of him, and the son of man that You care for him? Yet You have made him a little lower than the angels, and You crown him with glory and majesty!”
Angels—I was thinking about them recently. I taught a class about angels a few years ago and it seems folks are always interested in discussing the subject of angels. There is a lot of hype and ideas about angels and much of what many people think isn’t based upon the Bible. People talk about having a guardian angel. The old cartoons would have a little devil and a little angel on a guys shoulder trying to influence one way or the other. Some believe that when we die, especially children, that we become angels. And then there is the gift store concept of angels. We’ve seen those figurines for years of chubby babies with wings or beautiful, long haired women who were angels. There are only two angels named in the Bible, and they were men.
Our verse today, quoted in Hebrews and applied to Jesus, seems to be talking about the position of the human race in general. The Psalmist is amazed that God pays so much attention to man. “Why us,” is the thought. We are made “lower than the angels.” That expression needs to be looked at. How are we “lower than the angels?”
In many ways it seems that we are “greater” than the angels. Angels are not made in the image of God. We are. Jesus didn’t come and die for angels. He died for us. Heaven is prepared for us. Even the angels longed to know what we know. God put man in charge of His creation. Man had dominion over the created world. Man seems to the at the pinnacle of God’s creation. Jesus became like a man, not an angel. The Bible even states that angels serve God’s people. They are considered to be “ministering spirits” who render service to those who will inherit salvation. We don’t serve angels, they serve us. So, in many ways, it seems that we have an upper hand on the angels.
Yet, our verse states that we are made a little lower than the angels. How is that?
First, angels seem to be ageless. The two angels that are named in the Bible are found in both the O.T. and the N.T. That time period covers multiple generations. Since the flood, man doesn’t live that long. Most of us are pretty much done by the time we near 90. Years wear on us. The outer man decays. Parts no longer work for us. We have to have glasses, hearing aids, hips replaced, and we just slow down. We don’t get that impression about angels. They don’t age.
Second, angels are spirits. We tend to view angels as humans with wings. There are a few times that angels took on the form of humans, like when they visited Abraham, but first and most times, they are spiritual beings. Spirits are not subject to the needs and circumstances of the physical world. You and I get tired. We get hungry. The weather affects us. We get sore throats and achy muscles. We have to get up and go to work so we can survive in this world. We have to go to gas stations, pay bills, mow the yard, get our teeth cleaned, hair cut and a zillion other things that we simply call “life.” Spirits don’t do that. Spirits don’t get hungry. Spirits don’t get sleepy. Spirits aren’t subject to the physical world. The weather doesn’t bother angels.
Third, angels do not die. We do. We have a spirit within us that will live on. But the body eventually dies. We have stages in life. We are born immature, and not even able to speak or know our name. It takes time for us to learn. Growth is a process. Faith is necessary for us to know and trust God. There is nothing in Scriptures that makes us think that angels go through stages like we do. The idea of fat little babies with wings is not founded upon Scriptures. It’s in the paintings. It’s in the gift stores. It’s on calendars. It leads one to think that some angels are children. From that, would we conclude that they grow up? Are there teenage angels? Are their retired angels? Our imaginations can lead us to wild ideas about angels that are unfounded and most likely untrue.
Fourth, Satan’s attacks are upon man. That is direction of the Scriptures. The Bible talks about angels who sin. Many suspect that Satan was once an angel that went bad. I’m not sure if I buy into that thought. We’ll save those thoughts for another day. In Job, we find that Satan was roaming the earth. In Revelation, Satan went to make war with those who keep the testimony of Christ. Satan’s attacks are directed toward mankind. Satan is after us. He is seeking us to devour. His focus isn’t upon angels, but us. We need help. That’s why God has done what He has. He sent Jesus. He left His word as footprints to follow. He is throwing a rope to us to rescue us. We need it. On our own, we are doomed.
Lower than the angels. That’s our position today. Someday we will be in Heaven. Someday we will see God face to face. Change is coming. Things will only get better if we hold on to God and walk with Him daily.
The Psalmist had it right when he wondered who are we that God pays so much attention to. Why us? Why are we so special? Lower than the angels, but getting the love, care and devotion of God. That is amazing. That is worth thinking about.
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