Jump Start # 1647

Jump Start # 1647

2 Corinthians 3:2 “You are our letter written in our hearts, known and read by all men”

  There is a hymn that is often sung, “We are the world’s Bible.” There is getting to be more and more truth to that everyday. For many people, their own connection to God is what they see in a Christian. The life of a Christian is the only Bible that they will ever see. So many modern churches have moved past what the Bible teaches. Many have replaced the gospel message with a simpler message of goodness. Just be good. Be a good neighbor. Be a good friend. Be a good person. The message of goodness doesn’t involve Christ, commitment or righteous living. The message of goodness changes from person to person. The common answer for most today, when asked, “What is a Christian?” it is a good person. The world today needs living examples of what a Christian is like.


This falls upon us who are Christians. This is tough. The world is watching. The world is testing you. The world wants to see if you are genuine. The world wants to see what works.


This is hard because many of us are dealing with our own issues. Stress, worries and the pressures of work and home can sour our attitudes and leave us weary, worn out and joyless. Miserable Christians are not a good example that the world needs to see. Complaining Christians send negative messages to the world. Why be like them, is what the world wonders. I have enough pressure and problems.


This is hard because we must work through our own temptations. We are not perfect. The world is ready to point that out to us. The world thinks that we believe that, but we don’t. The world has little patience and no forgiveness for a Christian that sins. How we deal with our sins can go a long way in showing the world what Jesus is all about.


This is hard because there are days that we don’t want people to be watching us. Leave me alone, can be a wonderful thought, but it never happens to the Christian. You are the light of the world. You must shine, even in dark places. The world judges the Christian. The world often uses double standards, expecting the Christian to be perfect, while they are far from it. The world cannot tolerate a Christian who judges.


Have you ever noticed the pressure placed upon Jesus. The Gospels tell us that they asked Jesus questions to “test Him.” They were watching to see if He would heal on the Sabbath. They were questioning among themselves about Jesus. This intense scrutiny was constant with Jesus. He was always watched. Every word was analyzed. He was in the radar all the time.


This is the tough side of being a Christian. The upside is that the world gets to see what genuine love, care and grace is all about. A caring Samaritan who went out of his way, took a risk, and used his own money to help someone that he didn’t even know. A father who gave his reckless son a second chance. A God who allowed one who murdered His own people, to be forgiven and to be one of the apostles. These images, these stories, these messages are the things that the world does not understand. It makes no sense to them. Forgiveness in the home. Grace in the work place. Hope in a dark world. In a time of terror and prejudice, to see that the color of skin doesn’t matter. All are loved, and all are wanted by God’s people, is something that the world doesn’t see.


The upside of Christianity is showing the world marriages that thrive and last for decades. With Hollywood marriages that are measured in mere hours, the people of God demonstrate what makes a relationship work.


The upside of Christianity is showing the world hope and optimism when everything looks gloom and doom. The hope is not in a candidate, but in God. To walk through this life with a sparkle in your heart and a twinkle in your eye because you know and you believe that Heaven is you home some day is something that the world can’t get. Why are you so happy? Because God loves me and I love Him. That doesn’t make sense to the world, but they see it and many wish they could have it.


The upside of Christianity is knowing that death isn’t the end of our story. There is no “The End” to our story. It is to believe with all of our heart that death takes us to God. Death is not dreaded, feared or whispered about. There is nothing to fear. Christians walk with a hope that is  beyond this world. The hope lies with God.


The upside of Christianity is walking with confidence in a world that is certainly unsure. The world doesn’t know what to believe. The world is waiting for someone to tell them what to think next. Not the child of God. His confidence is in the word of God. He is sure because the Bible is true. Topics such as creation, definition of marriage, concept of success, the purpose of life, are all understood by the child of God. He is sure. He walks with life with confidence. He is not fazed by those who want to change definitions, who change theories, who are doing everything except looking in the Bible. He knows what is right. He is not moved by the finger pointing of others who claim that he is narrow or judgmental. The Christian stands with the Lord. He loves what God loves and he hates what God hates. He is sure because of the confidence found within the word of God.


The upside of Christianity is a noble life that honors God first. It is a life that is spiritually based. Choices and decisions are made in view of what God says about things. He is concerned about influence. He prays for others. He tries to help others. The upside is that the Christian makes the world better than what it really is. The Christian adds peace, love and hope to this place. The Christian is thoughtful and helpful.


The upside of Christianity is that the world gets to see what pure worship was like from the very beginning. Christians don’t change what God has given us. Christians are content with what God says. You won’t find people wondering, “Is it a school? Is it a restaurant? Is it a rock concert? Or, is it a church?” That doesn’t happen with N.T. Christianity. God is honored. God is praised. Worship is enjoyed. It’s not a matter of “I have to go to church on Sunday.” Rather, “I get to go to worship.” What a privilege. What an honor. What joy there is in seeing other Christians. What encouragement in singing, praying and studying God’s word. The world scoffs at such things. The world declares such things to be old fashioned, out of date and boring. The same world that says that, is drinking itself to death, can’t stay married and is miserable and angry.


The upside of Christianity is that we notice small pieces of Heaven on earth. Without the Christian, the world would look like Hell will be. No hope. No love. No joy. No God. No future. It is the Christian that opens the shade and allows the light of the Gospel into the world.


We are the light of the world…It’s time to shine brightly!




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