Jump Start # 1598

Jump Start # 1598

1 Corinthians 11:18 “For in the first place, when you come together as a church, I hear that divisions exit among you; and in part I believe it.”


Our verse today begins the section of Corinthians where Paul gives instructions about the Lord’s Supper. The Corinthians didn’t get it. They were abusing the Supper. Some were eating it as a meal and due to their divided spirits some were not given any of it. The purpose of why they had the Lord’s Supper was overshadowed by their maneuvering of who was in and who was out.


Several times in these instructions Paul uses expressions such as “when you come together as a church.”


  • When you meet together (20)
  • When you come together (33)
  • Come together (34)


There is something special about coming together. This is one of the reasons why Sunday is so special. We get to be together. We travel to one place. We worship together. We come together as a church. Young and old. Those who are single and those who are widows. Those who are family and those who are empty nesters. Some come and see generations of their family. Others do not. Some have been doing this for a long, long time. Others, just started doing this. Coming together as a church.


One of the dangers of modern media is the ease to skip this “coming together” and just watch the sermon later on. Where I worship, we live stream our services. It is a wonderful tool for those who cannot get out. There are those who have had long struggles with cancer and being able to watch the services live from their home allows them to still feel a part of what is going on. Some as they travel watch. Some live in other places and they watch. We have become a global network because of live streaming.


But the down side of live streaming is the temptation to “skip coming together,” and simply watch the sermon later. I’ve had folks actually say that. “I won’t be there Sunday night, but I’ll catch the sermon later on.” The ease of technology is making it too easy for folks to “not come together.” It’s great that folks are watching the sermon, but there are other things that live streaming can’t do for you.


Singing isn’t the same. Sure a person can sing along with a cd or live stream but it’s not the same.

Fellowship isn’t the same. You can’t really see who is there. You can’t connect, have those conversations or in our situation, share hugs by live streaming. You miss seeing the recent widow who comes and is a great example for all of us. You miss the young teenagers sitting together, smiling and bringing such energy to the place. You miss the smiles, the handshakes, the care of the shepherds, the young families. Certainly you can catch the sermon, but worship is more than listening to a sermon. It’s praising the Lord. It’s thanking God. It’s being encouraged and strengthened by others. It’s seeing a full church house. It’s hanging around a long time afterward to just connect with the church family. Live streaming can’t do that for you.


“I’ll watch the sermon later on,” puts coming together at my convenience. I’ll travel, but “watch the sermon later on.” I’ll be at the ballgame, but “watch the sermon later on.” We’ve moved God to second place. There is something good about being inconvenienced by services. There is something good about having to make sacrifices and choices, such as, do I do what I want, or do I go to services? Putting God first is important to your heart and it is a great statement to your family and friends. The convenience of our times makes it possible for us to serve God when we have done all that we want to do first.


Take up that cross, is what Jesus said. That follows first, denying yourself. That’s the hard part. To deny means to say “No.” Say “No,” to self. When your heart says, “I don’t feel like it,” deny yourself. Don’t listen to yourself and get up out of bed and get down to the church house. When you heart says, “I don’t want to,” deny yourself, and go anyway. You need to go. God wants you to go. Your presence is part of the encouragement factor.  Deny yourself and take up your cross. Crosses are heavy. Cross are not smooth and nice. They were made of rough beams. They were intended to hold bodies that were going to die, so they do not look nice. They are not nice. Pick up that cross and follow Me.


Sacrifice your schedule for God. Sacrifice your wants for God. Sacrifice your all for God. Giving God the leftovers puts our self at the top of the list.


The Corinthians came together as a church. Great things happen when we do that. It is good for others. It is good for God. And it is especially good for ourselves.


Live streaming is a wonderful tool, but don’t use it as a means to put yourself ahead of God. Get down to the church house when the doors are open. You need it. The folks there are looking for you. You’ll be better if you do.




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