Jump Start # 360

Jump Start # 360 

Mark 6:42 “They all ate and were satisfied.” 

  Our passage today comes from the miracle of feeding the 5,000. It was getting late, the crowd needed to eat. The disciples urged Jesus to send them home. Jesus told them to feed the crowd. A search was made and all they found was five loaves and two fish. They faced a problem but didn’t see a solution. Jesus did.

  There are several interesting things about this miracle. First, aside from the miracles associated with the death, crucifixion, burial and resurrection of Jesus, this is the only miracle found in all four gospels. Now that’s amazing. If all the miracles of Jesus were laid out on a table and I was told to pick one that would be in all the gospels (other than the death and resurrection) I don’t think I would have chosen this one. Walking on water was amazing. Lazarus coming out of the tomb or the calming of the storm would probably be my choices.

  We call this the feeding of the 5,000 but that’s not actually accurate. In Matthew’s gospel we read, “There were about five thousand men who ate, besides women and children.” They didn’t count the women and the kids! The number may have been 10,000 or even 15,000. This miracle had the most participants. Think about this. Most miracles, especially with the healings, one receives the miracle and the rest witness it. A blind man is cured or a leper is cleansed. Many see it, but only one actually received the miracle. Not here. Here possibly 10-15,000 actually ate what Jesus made. Also, with this size of crowd, this may have been the longest lasting miracle. Mark tells us that Jesus had the crowd sit in groups of hundreds and fifty. The passage says, “He blessed the food and broke the loaves and He kept giving  them to the disciples to set before them” (Mark 6:41). Imagine being in a restaurant with a crowd of 10,000 people and there are only 12 waiters. It’d take a while.

  The loaves and fish? This is actually a poor boy’s snack. It’s more like dried sardines on crackers. Nothing fancy. Jesus didn’t change the substance. He did at the wedding of Cana. He turned water to wine. Here, He could have turned dried fish and crackers to lamb and potatoes but He didn’t.

  Everyone ate. They didn’t get just a pinch but they ate until they were satisfied. When it was over, the disciples gathered up the leftovers and it filled twelve baskets full. That’s an abundance. Not wasteful. Thinking of another day.

  Our verse today is revealing. They ate. They were satisfied. This is not just true at this miracle, but this is true of all that Jesus does. This is true of the Gospel. It satisfies. It answers, it corrects, it removes doubt and worry, it strengthens, it helps. We become satisfied. A satisfied customer is a happy customer. Some who leaves the kitchen table satisfied doesn’t immediately open the frig door looking for something else to eat. They are satisfied. Someone satisfied in marriage doesn’t have wandering eyes. It is said in Genesis 25 that Abraham died an old man, satisfied with life.

  Jesus satisfies. He satisfies the soul that is looking and hungry. He satisfies the heart that seeks to know. He satisfies. Those that want depth, you will find it in Jesus. Those that want clear answers, you’ll find it in Jesus. Could it be that is why He said, “seek and you shall be find…”

  All were satisfied. Nothing else was wanted. Imagine living like that. Content. Peaceful. Satisfied. Solomon’s experiment in Ecclesiastes shows one who was looking for satisfaction. He didn’t find it in stuff, or wealth or pleasure or wisdom. They all leave you empty and something missing. This is hard for us to grasp. We live in times that push more. More space. More stuff. More. You need more. We buy into this thinking. We don’t feel satisfied. If only I had, we think.

  There was a commercial fisherman who was sitting on the edge of his boat near the end of the day. He was just looking out over the bay. A businessman passing by rebuked him for not being out on the sea. There is still daylight, you ought to be fishing still. “Why?” said the fisherman. “Because you can catch more fish. More fish is more money. You could hire a crew. Catch even more fish. More money. Buy additional boats. More fish. More money. Then you could sit back and enjoy life.” The fisherman looked over the bay and replied, “I thought I was.”

  Jesus satisfies. Do you believe it? Are you there?


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