Jump Start # 1134
John 4:23 “But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.”
Something very odd happened to me yesterday. I can’t remember the last time it happened. The way our schedules fell, I was not teaching and I did not preach. There have been occasions when we have invited speakers and I do not preach, but on those days I’m busy making sure everyone is on the same page and everything is ready to go. Not yesterday. Zack was preaching and he knows what to do. I just sat. I felt like I was supposed to do something, but there was nothing to do. Everyone was focused and had things running smoothly. I felt like my shoes were on the wrong feet. Surely they needed my input in the sound booth. No. Maybe the deacon who makes sure everyone scheduled is in their spot. Nope, didn’t need me there. In fact, something very special happened. I really focused upon the songs we sang. They were great. Zack’s lesson was awesome. The thoughts at the Lord’s Supper were great. I realized that I really worshipped and didn’t worry about my sermon, what I was to do, say, be and all those things. Those things can and have gotten in the way.
I found that worship fills the heart unlike any thing else. I had gone to a movie the day before. The crowd, the movie, the atmosphere did not touch me, nor help me like worship did. There is nothing like worship. It’s personal, it’s filling, it’s eye opening and one leaves realizing what an amazing God that loves us. Sitting in that audience was a daughter whose dad will soon pass from this world. Another person is just beginning his journey with cancer. There were two different people with arms in slings. Banged up on the inside and out. Young couples. New mothers. Teenagers. Senior citizens walking with the aid of canes and walkers. All of these people gathered yesterday. They came to be near God. They came to praise God. They know that God is worthy. They realized that God is good. They understand that God is upon the throne. Hurting hearts that gather to bow their heads and their wills to the Almighty. Many have tears and heartache, yet they know God is the one we need to seek.
What a special sight that is, each week. Each of us carrying our own story, our own struggles, our own pain, our own past gather because each of us realize that no one can help us like God can. What a fellowship, not of perfect people living perfect lives, but more like Rudolph’s island of misfit toys. Do you remember that scene from Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer? The choo-choo with square wheels. The squirt gun that shot jelly. The bird that swam instead of flying. All wrong. All “misfits.” All unwanted. Not the dream toys that children wanted. I see that in worship. Family after family has struggles and issues and “misfits”. Yet, we believe in God. We know, misfit as we are, God loves us, wants us and can use us.
Worship has a wonderful way of helping us look past our problems and seeing the God that loves us. Worship has a way of getting our order in order and reminding us that we truly are no different than others. Status means nothing in worship. The guy in a very nice suit, the guy in the fancy shoes and the guy in blue jeans all come to empty their heart before the throne of God. They are the same before that throne. The busy businessman and the guy looking for a job—different needs, different thoughts, yet the same when they bow before God. The young mother with all those kids and the young couple who cannot have children—so different in their needs, yet the same as they bow before God. The polished preacher who knows the Bible so well and the person who knows so little about the Bible—very different, yet the same before God. The elder, who is such a powerful example of what we should be, and the person who battles addiction and is confused and a mess—very different, but the same before God.
Worship has a way of cleansing us on the inside out. It does us good to go and see the Holy God. Worship inspires us and challenges us to fight for the beloved kingdom of God. I’ve seen folks enter worship with a serious look upon their faces and leave with smiles. It’s been good to sit among friends and to know that these people pray for you, love you and support you. It’s good to know that these people want you to do your best with God. They want you to walk with the Lord and to hold His hand. Worship kills competition and rivalry. We are in it together, praying for our dear church family and offering help to one another.
And what I’ve found this morning, is that when worship has been from the heart, it affects your Monday. You do not soon forget what happened on Sunday. It helps getting through this day and looking forward to the next time we can be together.
My thanks to those who put their heart into the leading of worship. My thanks to our Lord who wants us to worship Him. He seeks those who are interested in Him. He wants us to worship Him the way He describes. He is interested in our hearts and not a production. Drop the drama. Kill the bands. Forget the skits. Put away the circus sideshows. Open the Bible. Sing hymns. Bow the head and honor the God that made you, loves you, wants to forgive you and has a place for you in Heaven if you will honor and obey Him. Worship is about giving God praise. It’s not about what I get, but what I give. When folks say ‘I don’t get much out of worship,’ what they are really saying is, ‘ I came empty, I gave nothing, and I leave that way.’ Worship is about thoughts and heart. Worship is about seeing God. Worship is amazing. It is good. It does something to God and it does something to us.
I needed that worship. I expect you do to.
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