Jump Start # 1009

Jump Start # 1009

Proverbs 4:19 “The way of the wicked is like darkness; they do not know over what they stumble.”

Five hundred and eight. Put in number form it looks like 508. 508– is a lot, of anything. If you have 508 pennies in a jar, that’s a large jar and that’s a lot of pennies. If you have 508 baseball cards, that’s a fine collection. However, the 508 I’m writing about is not good. In fact, it’s very bad. It is a sad commentary on how our country and the people of our country continue to slide rapidly away from God.

A report came out about a current movie, “The Wolf of Wall Street.” The movie is about greed, excess and hedonism. The article I read reported that the “F-word” was used 508 times in the movie. That word usually always red flags critics and earns the rating of R. But 508 times. The movie is only 180 minutes long. That means that offensive word was used more than 3 times a minute. Worse than that, every 21 seconds of that movie, that word was used. EVERY 21 SECONDS!!

How fitting our verse is for what I am talking about today. The way of the wicked is darkness. The wicked do not know over what they stumble.

Here are a few observations:

1. There is no end to how far some will sink. Hollywood is about money. If people quit attending movies like this, then there would be a shift to finding what people will spend their money on. However, people are going to this movie. The movie is making money. It won’t be long until another movie will sink even lower. There seems to be no bottom to how far some will sink. Satan smiles. God’s people are shocked and stunned. And most, do not see what the big deal is. This is just an example of how godless our times are becoming. We are surrounded with people who have no compass guiding them. They are on their own, and farther and farther they seem to drift from God. Our times need Jesus. We need reminders. We need a way. We need a voice. When you hear people praising the movie, remind them of these facts. Would you like someone to come into your home and use that word 508 times in 180 minutes? Doesn’t that bother you? Ask them. Say it. Stand up.


2. There will be some who go to this movie and report how great it is with the tag, “there were a few bad words.” Really? 508—that’s a few? Some won’t even notice. Their culture, language and surroundings have so calloused their ears and heart, that they are no longer sensitive to these things. What is shocking, is that some Christians will go to this movie. Why? Love the actors. Really? Even when they say these bad words? Great acting. Really? When they are stuck saying and doing things that offend God. Can we not understand that we are to be a holy people? Holy means separate. There will be clothes that the world puts on, that God’s people will not. There will be books, movies that the world loves that God’s people will not participate in. There will be words that the world uses that God’s people will not. Christians have no business going to such a movie. There is no value. When it is over, you have given 180 minutes of your life. It will not pull you closer to Heaven. It will not generate goodness in your heart. It will not strengthen your faith. No one would drink poison. Why would we poison our soul? Hearing a bad word every 21 seconds, 508 times, before long, it’s stuck in your brain and you’ll be saying that word. Satan’s smart. He knows you’d never say that word on your own. Put it in a blockbuster movie, repeat it over and over and over and within the week he’ll have you saying it. Stay away from stuff like that.


3. Parents guide your family in righteous living. Do you know what movies the kids see? They need you. They won’t admit it, but they do. Get involved. The wolves, not of Wall Street, but of Satan are ready to  devour minds and hearts of your children. Put your foot down. Be the parent. Quit trying to get them to like you or be your buddy. You be the parent. Lay the law down. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord! Paint that on your walls and in their hearts. Live that way.


4. Those that bow down to the god of tolerance will accuse me of judging. They will tolerate a foul movie that uses a bad word every 21 seconds, but they simply cannot tolerate someone pointing that fact out. Some will cry, “If you don’t like that, don’t go.” I won’t. Yet, movies influence others. That’s the way our culture works. Why are movies like this considered “Art?” Why are they accepted? Is there no wrong? Is there no lines that people cross? Those that drink the juice of tolerance fail to see that they are a part of the problem. Their silence is a form of acceptance. Lincoln once said to be silent is to be a coward. The tolerant crowd needs to get over it. Christians are to judge. All over the Bible judging is expected. Fellowship in a congregation is based upon judging. Determining who is a false teacher is based upon judging. Deciding who is lost and who needs the gospel is a form of judging. Jesus taught judging. Recognizing a wolf in sheep’s clothing is judging. Knowing good fruit from bad fruit is judging. Those are Jesus’ words. The tolerance junkies leave the impression that all judging is wrong. How dare a Christian judge—is the complaint of the tolerance crowd. They need to hush up and open their Bibles once in awhile and see what God really said. I tire of hearing people misquote God. When someone tells me, “Christian’s are not supposed to judge.” I kindly respond, “Oh no, you got your facts wrong. We are supposed to judge. The Bible says that.” That sure spins their heads. They’ve never heard that before.


5. All of this gutter language and filth reminds me how great it is to be around God’s people. The world hasn’t gone to the dogs, not all of it. There are those who care. There are those who trying to make a difference. There are those who walk with the Savior. The scene in Revelation, around the throne are those who wear white robes. They have walked with holiness. That’s the people I’m interested in. That’s the crowd I want to be found in. Around the throne. Near God. Away from the filth of Satan. Some days it’s good just to leave the TV off. Some days it’s good to just pick up the Bible, or call up a Christian friend and fill your heart with wholesome goodness.


Each day is one day closer to Heaven! Aren’t you glad!




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