Jump Start # 753
Philippians 1:27 “Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or remain absent, I will hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel”
Getting along—it seems that it’s harder and harder to get along these days. Politicians are at a stalemate about the economy with both sides having dug their heels in and are unwilling to budge. Labor unions and governors are at odds. Racism is not dying out as it ought to. All around us there is evidence of folks not getting along. On a more intimate level, many families have turmoil and strife. Leaders in congregations are always putting out small fires and trying to keep the lid on things for fear of a huge upheaval among the church family.
Getting along isn’t easy. It never has been. Now if everyone just liked what I like and felt about things the way I feel about things and did what I did, we all would get along. Right? Wrong!!! That’s the very reason we don’t get along. Someone proclaims their opinion, thinking that everyone will just love that declaration, and they don’t. They wonder why you get your way and they don’t get their way. They seem to remember that you get your way more times than not. They want their way and not your way. They want to be in charge and not you. And what we have is the stuff that agitates people, stirs things up and gets folks ugly on the inside and outside. Getting along isn’t easy.
Our passage today is one of many that is found in the N.T. about unity. Unity is more than doing the same thing or even going the same direction. Biblical unity involves agreeing on the inside first and then doing the same thing on the outside. Without the inside being a part of this process, you have two people doing the same thing, but one of them is not happy. There will be complaining and negativism from one because he is not agreeing on the inside.
Paul tells the Philippians to be in “one spirit” (that’s inside stuff), “with one mind” (inside stuff), “striving together” (that’s outside) for the faith of the gospel. Without the insides agreeing, there will always be the opportunity for strife and fighting. This is why compromise rarely works. Unless both parties feel like they won, their insides will not be happy. This is the very problem we are witnessing between the President and the leader of the House. They believe differently on the inside. They do not agree with the other. There may be some handshaking and compromising but this won’t be a happy deal because they still disagree on the inside.
Spiritually, the one common factor that makes getting along easier is Jesus Christ. We all want Jesus. We want what Jesus wants. The growth of the kingdom, Heaven, salvation of souls is what we agree upon on the insides. Jesus makes that possible. Jesus is the bridge between people who were different, such as Jews and Gentiles or masters and slaves. Those who ought to be at odds with one another, were getting along, and were happy about that, because Jesus was something they all agreed upon on the inside.
This is how a church with such diverse backgrounds can stand united in ONE SPIRIT—it’s because of Jesus. This is how a church can rally around the Bible and have ONE MIND—it’s because of Jesus. Without that common factor which all agree upon unity is an impossibility. This is why the apostles preached Christ. Believing in Jesus, brought people together. Christ brings peace. Sin and Satan divide. Jesus is illustration of unity and acceptance. The story of the prodigal was His story. Going to the home of tax collectors, refreshing Himself at a well in Samaria, including radicals among His chosen were ways that Jesus reached out to all people.
For a church to function, people must be on the same page. They must feel that they are going the same direction. The leadership must agree and get along. The leaders and the church family must have loads of trust and love among each other. The common theme of Jesus must be the banner which all march under.
Paul didn’t just say, “get along.” He said have “one spirit,” “one mind,” “striving together.” Thinking the same. Wanting the same. Doing the same. It’s like one person. In a marriage, it’s two becoming one. That’s true physically and it’s more true emotionally, mentally and spiritually. When a couple are not thinking the same, trouble comes. One mind, one spirit, one heart, one direction—unity—from the inside out.
This is only possible when I shelf my feelings, opinions and myself and I stand with Christ. The kingdom is more than me. The needs are greater than mine. Jesus stared with this when He defined discipleship as, “denying self and taking up the cross and following Him.” Denying self. We can never agree as long as self is in the way.
Some of us are strong willed and have strong personalities. Some of us are very vocal in our feelings and opinions. That’s just us. Others see that as being pushy, demanding and selfish. Self kills unity. Self kills the inner getting along. Hold on to your opinions. Work out your own salvation is what the Philippians were told in the next chapter. Stand behind the cross and follow Christ.
It’s sad to see folks not getting along. It’s worse to see brethren not getting along. It makes worship long and stressful. Differences and issues are focused upon instead of Jesus. And through all of this, Satan smiles. It’s not good when Satan smiles!
One heart…one mind…one voice…ONE. It is possible—in Jesus.
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