Jump Start # 750


Jump Start # 750

1 Timothy 1:5 But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.

Paul’s words to Timothy in this passage identifies the basis and motives behind teaching the Bible. The expression, “The bottom line,” is often used to define what something is all about. People have motives for many things they do. Some do things because they like helping others. For some, its money. For some, it’s fame. Others have a personal mission that they are after.


The goal of our instruction, Paul said, is love. The drive is not to fill church buildings. It’s not about numbers. It’s not about growth charts and statistics. It’s about changed lives. It is about love. The greatest commandment, Jesus said, is to love the Lord with all that you are. The second is to love your neighbor as yourself. Without love, Paul told the Corinthians, what we do is a waste of time.


The love for God will keep us pure and wanting to praise Him with others. Our love for the word will keep our nose in the book and will motivate us to tell the story of Jesus. Our love for  brethren, will connect us to them in fellowship and service.


The goal Paul was after was not simply smarter Christians. It wasn’t busy Christians. It was love. And not just any love but genuine love. Paul hooked three expressions to the word love.


Love—from a pure heart…love-from a good conscience…love from a sincere faith.


Pure, good, sincere—those words define being true and genuine. Nothing fake. Nothing artificial.

The other words Paul uses are: heart, conscience and faith. It is a pure heart. It is a good conscience. It is a sincere faith. The opposites help us to understand the concept. Instead of a pure heart, some may have an impure heart. Instead of a good conscience, they may have a bad conscience. Instead of a sincere faith, others may have a fake faith. Impure, bad, fake—those are the characteristics of someone who is all about appearance and not about substance.


Image is huge in our country. Looking good. Playing the part. The right labels. The right colors. The right style. Hollywood has been drunk on that idea for generations. Flashy cars, expensive clothing, and nothing in the soul. That false and fake lifestyle is all about show and pretense and nothing about being genuine and spiritual. The gospel of image is about self. It’s all about making others wish they were you. It’s about looking better than others. It’s about attention. That thinking is so far from Christ.

Paul was interested in the inner man more than the outer man. Look beyond the package, and the showroom. Is there anything in the warehouse? Is there anything in the heart?

These thoughts have a lot to do with us. The goal of our instruction is to be a true Christian everyday and everywhere. When the temptation comes at work to cross the ethical border, the  person of substance will stop. His faith, his heart, his love will keep him from doing wrong. When the opportunity comes to cheat on a test, be dishonest to a customer, fudge numbers to look good, to take credit for something you didn’t do, those who have been instructed by the word of God will not go that way. They are driven by more than the superficial praise of others. They are looking beyond what others say. They are instructed by God. Their desire is to do the right thing because God wants that and demands that. They strive to be pure and honest in all aspects of life.

Has God’s instructions changed you? Has it made you redefine what is important to you? Are you through with trying to impress others? Are you more interested in pleasing God?  It’s hard to spend much time with Jesus and still be selfish. Jesus is the example and the model. Being like Jesus is what it’s all about.


There is a goal to our instruction…have you reached that goal yet?



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