Jump Start # 738


Jump Start # 738


A Note to our Jump Start Readers: There will be no Jump Starts tomorrow. We hope that you have the opportunity to spend some time with your family and especially to give thanks to God.


Matthew 15:36 “and He took the seven loaves and the fish; and giving thanks, He broke them and started giving them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people.”


Jesus gave thanks. In some ways that doesn’t surprise us. Jesus prayed often. Jesus stayed connected to the Father. Yet in other ways, it might. He was about to multiply the food and feed the multitudes. He was the instrument of this miracle. He could have thought that if it wasn’t for Him, this wouldn’t be done. He could have talked and reasoned Himself out of giving thanks. But He didn’t. Jesus gave thanks.


Sometimes a person can reason too much, be too technical and try to fit everything into a nice box. This is God’s department and this is mine, a person thinks. I did this and God did that. Forget all those things. Be thankful! Give others the credit. Compliment others. Praise God!

There are so many things that God has done for us that we do not even realize. Talent, opportunities, open doors, are many of the things God does that we often do not grasp. Paul prayed for open doors. Churches ought to do that today. Paul recognized that the growth came from God, not his preaching.


The story of the ten healed lepers reminds us that it is important to “say Thank you.” Don’t get lazy and think, “they know I’m thankful.” Say it. Show it. It is important. Jesus gave thanks.


Giving thanks recognizes that you appreciate what was done. Giving thanks honors another person. Giving thanks encourages and motivates. Some get weary because they do not feel appreciated. Moms often get this way. How about a big thank you! That sure would lift her day.


Every day there are people in our lives that help us and make our day better. Sure, it may be their jobs to do that, but being thankful helps us to realize the good that they do. There are police and fireman who are only a phone call away. There are soldiers overseas who are carrying weapons and in harms way so we don’t have to. There are school teachers and doctors and nurses who are busy making our lives better. The layers of people who help us are enormous. There are many to thank. Give thanks.


Giving thanks, especially to God, makes us recognize that God was involved and that God is good.


Jesus gave thanks. This wasn’t the only time either. When He instituted the Lord’s Supper, He gave thanks before He broke bread. Giving thanks was a regular part of Jesus’ life.


Give thanks!




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