Jump Start # 731


Jump Start # 731

Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Changes are always difficult. We like the familiar. Changes always bring in the uncertain and the unknown. There is much to be afraid when one doesn’t know what will happen. Our passage introduces several important changes that ancient Israel faced.

First, Moses was dead. For the  past 40 years, Israel woke up every day with Moses at the helm. Moses led them out of Egypt. It was Moses who faced Pharaoh. It was Moses who was the instrument of the ten plagues. Now Moses was dead. Joshua was in charge. Would people like Joshua? Would they compare Joshua to Moses? Would Joshua be as strong and sure as Moses was? Who can fill  the shoes of Moses? Joshua was good, but he was no Moses. There was much to be unsure about.


Second, Israel was now ready to take the promise land. There had been many funerals in the wilderness. The generation of adults who left Egypt died. Their children had grown up and they were the people who would enter the promise  land. This was a huge new chapter for the nation. They knew someday they would do this. Now it was here.


Third, in taking the land, Israel would drive out all the inhabitants. That meant fighting. Wars were on the horizon. Wars are scary. Wars involve death. They would fight fortified cities. They would fight people who were defending their home land. Could Joshua and these people take on such a huge task?

Our passage is one of assurance. Earlier God said, “Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you (v. 5).” God had a history with these words. He had proven Himself. When the Egyptians chased Israel, God delivered them. When they were hungry, God fed them. When thirsty, God provided water. God never failed. God could be counted upon.

I think we need to focus upon these words and thoughts. God doesn’t fail. God is with us. God will not  forsake us. Many folks were disappointed with the outcome of this past election. It involved much more than Republican ideology and Democratic thinking. Core Biblical values and spiritual implications divided these two groups. What happens now? We serve the Lord, as we always have.

God will not forsake you. God will not fail you. God can be counted upon. We do not see the large picture in national politics. God sees things we do not. God has plans that we do not  know. Remembering what the New Testament teaches about respecting governmental leaders, we must watch our attitudes and our tongue.


God will not fail you. Is the same true of us? Can God count upon us? Will we be there to support, teach and defend the Gospel? Will we continue to be salt and light? Will we continue to walk by faith or will we become negative, fearful and consumed with worry?

Will the days ahead be dark or bright? Are good days ahead of us or difficult days? Either way, God will not fail us and we must not fail Him!




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