Jump Start # 711


Jump  Start # 711

Psalms 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.


The steps of a good man—what a great expression that is! One of the oft used words in the Bible to describe our relationship with God is “walk.” Walk worthy (Eph 4:1); walk in love (Eph 5:1); be careful how you walk (Eph 5:15); walk in the newness of life (Rom 6:4); walking in the light (1 JN 1:7). Walking is all about taking steps. The more steps you take the farther you go.

Steps are a big part of our life. A baby’s first steps thrills young parents. The walk across the stage to receive a diploma is a milestone in life. The bride walking down the aisle to get married is a precious scene. Neil Armstrong is remembered for being the first human to step upon the moon. In baseball, the difference from a running being safe or out is often just a step. In football, a great play is often called back because the receiver stepped on the out of bound line. A person going back to school to get their masters degree is considered a big step.

Steps—our verse is talking about the steps of a good man. Those steps are ordered or defined by God. He is a good man because he walks in the Lord. His steps follows the Lord.

The steps of a good man will take him to Heaven. This happens not because he is good as we use the word, meaning nice, easy to talk to, helpful, but as the Bible uses the word, meaning he follows God. There are very few people called “good” in the Bible. It wasn’t a compliment that God tossed out often. To be good, was to be faithful and true to God. His steps re thought out. They are not careless, nor reckless. His steps will lead him to Heaven because he follows the footprints of Jesus.


The steps of a good man will leave a trail that others can follow. That is one of the thoughts in this passage. Not only did the good man please the Lord, but those who follow in those same steps, will do the same. His footprints will help others. They will not have to make the same mistakes that he did. If they look carefully for the footprints they will recognize which direction they ought to go. These steps are on a well traveled path. The righteous of a many generations have gone this same way. In some places, the trail of buffalos, or wagon trains, can still be seen in the ground. Many traveled that way. The same is true of God’s people spiritually. They travel the same path. The steps are the steps of others such as, Abraham, Daniel, Paul, and especially our Lord.

The steps of a good man involve more than just one step. Anyone can stick a bit toe in the water, that’s not the same as swimming. Taking one step is not difficult. Taking many steps, staying on the path, completing the course, finishing the race—that’s what this is all about. Sunday is the easiest day to be a Christian. Worship services…other Christians…hymns…prayers…smiles…reading of God’s word…hugs. What’s hard is when you are alone. What’s hard is when the path leads up a hill. What’s hard is when the path takes you through the valley of the shadow of death. It’s more than one step. It’s stepping every day. It’s staying with it when it is hot. It’s staying with it when you’re tired. One step, in anything is pretty easy. One step cooking is not too bad. Multiple steps—a journey, that determines what we are made of.

The steps of a good man…do you know some strong Christians? Spiritual giants? Leaders in God’s kingdom? Notice their steps. You’ll see some things. They start the day with prayer. They open the book every day—even those busy days they have. They are at worship all the time. Their minds and eyes are on the things spiritual. Their words and choices reflect that. Those steps are what made them strong. They have connected with God and stayed that way. Notice their path and try to follow that. You’ll see after a while, that as you are following the steps of a good man, someone will be a few steps behind you, following your steps. That’s how the journey works.


The steps of a good man…he’s walking right now. Do you notice?



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