Jump Start # 3728

Jump Start # 3728

Psalms 19:1 “The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.”


Over the holidays, we took one of our kids and their children to the Creation Museum. Love that place. Been there many, many times. I highly recommend it. It’s worth a road trip, no matter where you live. There are a few things that are not Biblically accurate, and if that’s all you see, you’ll be disappointed. One of the things I love about the Creation Museum is that it does not give softball answers to tough questions, nor does it dodge the accusations and doubts from the Scientific community. Tough answers are given to tough questions. Evidence is piled heavily to show that the choice is not faith or science, but that science, viewed properly, supports what God already says.


One of wonderful and beautiful signs within the museum is entitled, “Starting Points.” Where you start determines where you end up. Beginning with a naturalist evolutionary worldview will take one away from God and all that is good. A Biblical creationist worldview will not only bring one close to the Lord, but it will change how one sees the world.


Big questions, such as “Did dinosaurs and humans coexist?”, or, “Was there a Global flood?” or, “Are human races equal?” or, “Are humans and apes related?” to the age of the earth are viewed differently based upon which worldview one believes in. Here is one thing that is often forgotten. The evolutionary scientific community does not have a corner on the evidence that is examined. It is the same rocks. The same fossils. The same plants. The same stars. The same oceans. The same continents. The same world that is examined by both evolutionists and creationists. They are both looking at the same material but are coming with different conclusions.


How is it that two different people can look at the same rock or fossil and come to totally different conclusions? It’s the same rock! The difference is the starting point. If one begins with the idea that the earth is millions and millions of years old and that there is no God, no matter what the rock reveals, that’s going to be his conclusion. He is prejudiced. But, in the same way, the same thing could be said of the creationist. He looks at the same rock the evolutionist looks at and concludes that the rock is relatively recent in age. Which is right? They both can’t be right. The rock can’t be both ancient and young.


The scientist supports his conclusions based upon dating factors and tests and the surrounding environment that the rock was found in. The creationist begins with God and His word. The testimony of God and the internal and external proof of Scriptures is where the creationist stands. The scientists trusts his dating formulas. The creationist trusts the word of God. Both are systems of faith. Both involve a trust factor.


The evolutionist is troubled by misleading dating formulas. For instance, he begins with the idea that it takes thousand upon thousands of years to make a fossil. Yet, in Australian caves, hats worn by miners have become fossilized. In the basement of several office buildings in Washington, D.C. stalactites have formed. These did not take thousands of years.


Starting point—that is the key.


Here are some thoughts:


First, where you begin determines where you end. Everyone wants to go to Heaven, but you don’t end there, unless you start with that in your heart and mind. One can’t live like a sinner and die like a saint. Be holy, the Scriptures tell us. Walk like the Lord walked. Set your mind on things above, not on the things of the earth.


If you want to spend forever in Heaven, what are you doing about it today?


Second, don’t be intimidated by the evolutionary community. One doesn’t have to have a PhD to know what is true and right. There are so many powerful books on the market that show time and chance, the major mechanism in evolution, is impossible. Do some deep diving into those studies. Be confident. Don’t allow someone to shake your faith, because he is loud, has written books or teaches in a university.


Third, knowing Scriptures makes all the difference. Paul could talk to a idolatrous city about the one true God. The Thessalonians abandoned their idols for the one true living God. I know whom I have believed, is what Paul told Timothy. That faith brought assurance, confidence and all he needed to face a world that didn’t know.


Starting point– that’s the key.




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