Jump start # 3679

Jump Start # 3679

Jeremiah 46:17 “They cried there, ‘Pharaoh king of Egypt is but a big noise; he has let the appointed time pass by!’”

Our verse today is a great reminder for all of us to understand the moment and to make the most of it. The king of Egypt let the appointed time pass by. Others word this:

  • ESV: one who has let the hour go by
  • NIV: he has missed his opportunity
  • NEB: the man who missed his moment

Often the door of opportunity is only opened once. And, when it closes, it may remain closed for a long, long time. Opportunity sometimes comes dressed as work. And, opportunity doesn’t wait for you to clear your schedule and to do get other things done first. Opportunities are often not convenient.

And, when we have missed the opportunity, what generally follows is regret. If I had only done this first. The little word “if” can define our lives. If I had listen to my parents. If I had stayed in school. If I, and the sad song of regrets is played slowly through our hearts.

The word “if” is found over 1700 times in the Bible. Ten times it is found in Romans 8. The thought before us today, is how do we live with the “ifs” in life? Appointed time passes by. Missed moments. Lost opportunities. Closed doors. Ships sailed. Standing on the shores of regret, what could have been, what should have been, becomes moments of regret.

We all have them. Said things that we wished we could take back. People that we never talked to about the Lord and now those people are no longer in our lives. Turned down the invitation to serve as a shepherd of God’s people years ago, and now, age and health won’t allow it. Could have stayed in preaching but got out. Years later, one stands on that bank of memories and regrets and wonders what life might have been. How differently things could have been. Just how does one live with the “what ifs” in life?

First, don’t waste today thinking about yesterday. If ships have sailed and doors have closed, stay in the game of life. Look for another boat. Keep knocking on other doors. Maybe the plan A’s in life didn’t materialize. Sometimes Plan B is a better plan all around. So, you lost the opportunity to serve as a shepherd. You can be a knot on the log for the rest of your life or you can find ways to help the people of God. Paul wanted to go to Spain. That wasn’t in the plans of God. He could have sat down and quit. But he didn’t. The Macedonia call came after that. Other doors were opened.

Second, the road of regrets can lead to bitterness and a sour spirit. Be careful. What you lost in the past can ruin your present and destroy the future. One of the powerful ways to deal with missed opportunities and the regrets that follow is to seek the mercy and forgiveness of the Lord. Being sour is not the way to go. No one enjoys being around someone who is bitter, complaining and always talking about the past. God is good. God is gracious. Learn lessons and do better.

Third, keep your eyes open and be alert. Opportunities abound every day. Most miss them because they are not looking for them. Listen well to what others say, there are opportunities there. The announcements given in every church service are opportunities to pray, serve and help others. There are opportunities to invite others to services if we look for them. There are opportunities to have Biblical discussions if we only notice them.

The king of Egypt missed the moment. We do the same because we are waiting for the moment to ring our front doorbell and introduce itself to us. It won’t happen that way. Open eyes. Ready hearts. Serving hands. Those are the traits that will keep us from missing the moment.

Opportunities are before us…don’t miss them.
