Jump Start # 3600

Jump Start # 3600

Joshua 4:3 “and command them, saying, ‘Take up for yourselves twelve stones from here out of the middle of the Jordan, from the place where the priests’ feet are standing firm, and carry them over with you and lay them down in the lodging place where you will lodge tonight.”

Our Jump Starts reach yet another milestone today—# 3600. To me, that is amazing. This little journey is nearing 15 years in existence. Out of this venture, 27 Jump Start books have been created. I would have never thought that this would have lasted this long, nor that this would have become such a major part of my life.

The purpose and thrust of Jump Starts has always been to encourage. It is not an exhaustive deep study of God’s word. There is a place for that, but not here and not me. Simple truths. Simple reminders. That has been my focus. It seems that through the years, Jump Starts have evolved into a personal diary of my life. I tell about travels, grandkids, adventures and things that float through my head. Hopefully, these have been a means of encouragement to you. I am shocked that the readership continues to grow every week. I run into people that tell me they have been reading these for years. Some great soldiers of the cross, that I admire and look up to, have told me that they too read these.

But on this milestone day, let’s consider some milestones. There are obvious ones, such as birthdays and anniversaries. We celebrate them and honor the people involved. But how about a few spiritual milestones?

First, do you know the date when Christ forgave your sins? Born anew or born again is a very special birthday. I see in some church bulletins a listing of people’s birthdays for that month. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we recognized each other’s spiritual birthday. That day changed your life. It was a course correction. Tears of sorrow and happiness flowed that day. Do you remember? A milestone in your life.

Second, the anniversary of your congregation’s beginning is important. When did it start? Where? Who were the key people involved? Many don’t know. Time passes. That history is filled with sacrifices, dedication and commitment. For most, those early years were a struggle. Do you know the names of the first shepherds or the early preachers in your congregation? Talk about those things. There are life lessons one can learn from such things.

Third, how long has your preacher been with the congregation? Do you know? There was a time, not long ago, when about every five years, preachers moved. That was expected and that happened. But, in recent times, there are many, many preachers who have been working decades with the same congregation. From the preacher’s perspective, it’s nice when someone notices. Many companies will do something special for fifteen, twenty, or twenty-five years service. Yet, for some of our preachers, nothing is ever said. Give that some thought.

Milestones are important Biblically. When Joshua and Israel crossed the Jordan River, rocks were picked up from the river bottom. I expect those rocks were not the kinds that you could put in your pocket. I expect they were as big as one person could carry. Reminders. God did something big here.

The Lord’s Supper is a weekly reminder. A memorial. A “don’t forget,” moment. On a hill, far away, stood the ole’ rugged cross.

I have on a shelf my grandmother’s Bible. Tapped in the back, was a baptismal certificate, when she was baptized. A reminder. It was a reminder to her and now it’s a reminder to me.

Milestones are important. Thank you, for this little journey that we’ve called, Jump Starts. Some of our readers who have told me, “You can never stop writing.” As sweet as that is, I know someday I will. If there be another generation, these will be forgotten by most. But for a brief moment in time, the Lord has allowed us to come together through this avenue, and for that I am thankful.

A Milestone…a time to reflect. A time to celebrate.


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