Jump Start # 3427

Jump Start # 3427

Psalms 122:1 “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord.’”

I ran across a quote from Hitler that said, “Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it.” I’m not sure if he actually said that, it could be a repeated lie that was said loud enough and long enough, but the characteristics of that statement sure are true. Much like the prophet of old who claimed the people were substituting good for evil and evil for good. That mixed up society didn’t know what was right and what was wrong.

Through time there has been many lies, urban legends that people have believed to be true. Told loud enough and long enough and people will believe it. And, in this age of social media, those untruths are magnified. You may have heard that NASA discovered Joshua’s missing day. Not true. Or, that Walt Disney was frozen and would later be thawed out. Not true. If you swallow gum it will stay in your stomach for seven years. Not true. Urban legends. Lies told loud enough and long enough and people believe them.

But there is another side to this quote that is worthy of considering. If indeed a lie is told often that it is believed, what happens if the truth is told often? And, this is the first step in changing the culture of a church.

Every congregation has a feel to it. There is a DNA of each church. Some are very formal, leaning towards stiff. Others are very laid back, almost casual. And, within each congregation there is a spirit, an attitude, a culture. And, in some places that culture needs to be change. It needs to be changed because it is not healthy and often it is not Biblical. Some who have walked away from the Lord would love to come back, but they fear the reaction that they will receive by the church. Harsh lectures. Finger pointing. Insulting comments. Critical questions. Whispers. The looks. Rather than the shepherd bringing the lost sheep home on his shoulders, the response is threats, warnings and trouble. Now, why are some churches like that? It’s their culture. And, culture can change.

Here are some things to remember:

First, as in the home with parents, as in the church with leaders, the tone and the culture is set by those who lead. Attitudes are reflected by word choices. When frowns are replaced with smiles. When joy replaces somberness and sternness and people enjoy being around one another the culture slowly begins to change.

When prodigals are loved and accepted, and the spirit of grace and forgiveness fills the air, the DNA of a church begins to shift.

Second, when healthy attitudes are repeated over and over and over, people will start believing that. Here at Charlestown Road, we say every Sunday, “Sunday is the best day of the week.” Now that’s not some cute PR slogan, we believe it. Sunday is when Jesus rose from the grave. Sunday is when disciples assemble. Sunday is when we reflect and remember. Sunday is when Peter preached. And, Sunday is so different. Our schedules are different. We gather with others to praise God. Indeed, Sunday is the best day of the week. I wish every day was Sunday.

We’ve said that and said that and said that a million times. Others now say that. And it shows. An hour before services begin and we have people showing up. Sometimes, nearly an hour after services, people are still hanging around talking, helping and sharing. Now, it’s not that way when I go to the dentist. I get there just in time and I’m ready to leave as soon as I’m done. I go because I have to, not because I want to, and certainly not because I like to. And, when you get that culture changed in a church, people will believe that God is good. Discipleship is powerful. Fellowship is wonderful. And, it is a joy to worship the Lord.

Third, changing the culture, the DNA, of a church won’t happen just because you say something one time. Remember our quote about telling a lie loud enough and long enough and the people will believe. It’s that long enough aspect that is the key. Heaven Bound, is another one of our key expressions around here. We say that all the time. “I’m Heaven bound.” And, when people see that you believe these statements and these statements are true, in time they will catch on. The culture changes. Happiness prevails. Taking care of one another becomes a must.

And, in the process of shifting the DNA to a more positive, healthy and Biblical climate, the ole’ gossipy, complaining and negative spirit needs to no longer be tolerated. That becomes the exception not the norm. And, as the culture changes, those that don’t want to change will quickly be recognized as “what’s wrong with you?” The seven dwarfs belong to Disney, not the disciples of the Lord. Sleepy, Grumpy, and Dopey need to get on board with what it means to be a child of the King.

Preaching, prayers and even the selection of songs has a lot to do with the tone and attitude of a place. Our verse today, one of many wonderful Psalms, that truly had the right DNA and culture about the Lord, expresses the joy of worshipping with others. None of this, “Do we have to go?” stuff. None of this dragging in ten minutes late every week. Get up and get at it, we are going to see the King!

I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord.’”

Culture—if it’s not right, fix it. If it is, be thankful and keep it going.


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