Jump Start # 3366

Jump Start # 3366

Mark 5:36 “Jesus overhearing what was being spoken, said to the synagogue official, ‘Do not be afraid any longer, only believe.’”

Peterson adds a line in his version of the Bible that is not in most others. The thought is there. Peterson simply says it. He writes Jesus as saying “Don’t listen to them; just trust Me.” And, that is right where we are today. So many voices. So many opinions. So much talk. And, this talk scares us. This talk rattles us. This talk shakes us. And, what we need to hear is, “Don’t listen to them, trust Me.”

First, don’t listen to them because they don’t know. Oh, they think they know, but they don’t. Jesus does. They think they have all the answers. But they don’t. Some have read just enough of the Bible that they think they are experts, but they are not. Some have belonged to a church just long enough that they think they know all the ins and outs and ups and downs. But, they don’t. Don’t listen to them, trust Jesus.

Second, many are just troublemakers. Titus was told, “there are many rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers…who must be silenced because they are upsetting whole families, teaching things they should not teach for the sake of sordid gain” (1:10-11). Empty talkers. Deceivers. Upsetting whole families. There is a lot of that it seems. Rather than building up, they enjoy tearing down. Rather than strengthening, they weaken. And, without realizing it, they are doing the work of Satan. Their mouths need to be closed. They will have an audience among the weak and ignorant. But for the disciple, “don’t listen to them; trust Me.”

Third, the voice of Jesus reassures us. The voice of Jesus calms us. The voice of Jesus healed the lepers. The voice of Jesus brought the dead back to life. The voice of Jesus promises us. The voice of Jesus is absolute. Don’t listen to them, trust Me. Opinions are like noses. Everyone has one and they all think theirs is the best. Not so. Don’t listen to them, just trust Me.

When the storm clouds gather and things are looking dark, do I trust Him? When it seems that everyone is against me, do I trust Him? When I have to draw a line in the sand and stand with the Lord, do I trust Him? Do I trust Him in the sunshine as well as the darkness? Do I trust Him when things are going well and things are not going well? Do I trust Him when I must do what I don’t want to do, such as apologize or forgive another? Do I trust Him when I come to the end of my life?

Advice is cheap. Everyone can tell you what you need to do. Don’t listen to them, trust Me. Those words will help you when you feel alone. Those words will strengthen you when others point their fingers at you. Those words will help you when you feel like quitting.

Trust the Lord. The three Jewish youths did that when they faced a fiery furnace. Joshua did that when he stood at the base of the walled Jericho. Paul did that when the prison doors closed.

Trust Me.


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