Jump Start # 1640

Jump Start # 1640

Romans 13:2-3 “Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same.”


The shootings and execution of multiple members of the Dallas police department last night is sickening, horrific and senseless. There is a growing segment of our society that lives beyond the rules. If they do not like something they will take matters into their own hands. This shooting was planned and calculated. Evil minds plan evil. Sensible people will try to understand what happened. There is no “making sense” of wicked and evil. This morning, a major city is in turmoil and dozens of families are in mourning. The lives of many people will forever be changed by this murderous act. The law enforcement members that were shot down were innocent. Why Dallas? None of this makes sense.


Our times are evil. People have become a law unto themselves. One wrong act leads to the retaliation by others. Hatred is the gasoline that is thrown upon this fire of lawlessness. What is taking place throughout this land is similar to what happened in the ‘60s. The advancements of race relations are being chipped away and lost by godless criminals who believe that they can do what they want.


In all of this, it is easy for the spirit of anger to rise above reason and righteousness. One bad act too often leads to more bad decisions. The context of our verse today reminds us that God established the government. The right to establish laws, govern people, tax citizens and enforce those laws, even with punishment, is literally God-given. God didn’t determine the form of government. There are many different kinds today. Our verse reminds us that governing only works if the citizens obey. Do what the law says and you have nothing to fear. A simple drive down the highway illustrates that. Most people today drive ten to twenty miles over the speed limit. A police car sitting along side the road causes those people to nearly slam on their brakes and to sneak by well below the posted speed limit. Once they are out of sight of the cop, they return to whatever speed they want. It is not uncommon to see people running stop signs if no one is nearby. Laws have become burdensome to many folks. They only obey the ones that they want.


The spirit of God’s people must be different. If a person cannot be in subjection to the government, how will they ever be in subjection to God? Most don’t. This is why the modern church has danced itself away from God. Good times have replaced the Gospel. Some popular preachers have even dropped the word “sin” from their vocabulary. God hasn’t. Our relationship with the government has everything to do with our relationship with God. One cannot resist the authority and remain right with God. The government is God’s minister. It fulfills a role that God wants. These words were written when Caesar’s ruled the world. It was not a democracy. It was that very government that would outlaw Christianity. It was that very government that imprisoned Paul and later executed him. They had that right to do that.


There are many Christians that I know that are in law enforcement. I know that those families have a new fear every time one of them steps into the police car. Our prayers are for their safety. Their devotion to keeping us safe and their dedication to their work is too often taken for granted. Police are not perfect. There are a few bad apples in law enforcement as there are any where else, including the church. Don’t put them all in the same basket. Don’t judge the whole by the actions of a few. Pray for those families that are in law enforcement. It’s a tough time for them.


Our land needs Jesus. Someone told me long ago, that the day will come when missionaries from other countries will come to America. The loss of God, the devaluing of human life, the secularization of our minds, is all tied together in the departure of our values and morals.


What can I do? I’m just one person. You can pray. You can obey the law. You can let your light shine. You can be the voice of reason in the chaos of the world today. You can be an example. You can be righteous. You can be the one who clings to God.


Ezekiel wrote, “I searched for a man to stand in the gap.” You can be that man. I thought today about two generations: my dad turned 91 this week. This is certainly not the world that he grew up in. Things have changed so much for him. I hate that he has to see this. Then I thought about my little grandchildren. This is the world that they are going to grow up in. They won’t know anything else. I hate that for them. I wonder what the future holds.


The book of Revelation ends, “Come, Lord Jesus.” I’m ready. Are you?




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