Jump Start # 1502

Jump Start # 1502

Revelation 22:20 “He who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming quickly.’ Amen, Come, Lord Jesus.”

  Anticipation—that’s the feeling in many households as the holidays are approaching. Moms and dads anticipate seeing their grown children and their grandchildren. Kids anticipate opening presents. Waiting is hard. There are many moments in life like this. There are those anxious moments waiting for the birth of a child. I have seen many a groom pacing as the moment got close for the wedding to begin. Anticipating.


Our verse this morning anticipates the coming of Jesus. Come, Lord Jesus. What a welcoming call by the beloved of God. Come quickly. Come now. There was a great desire to be with the Lord. They knew the coming of Jesus would change things forever. They knew things would only get better once Jesus came.


I was thinking about the coming of Jesus this morning. I have a full plate of things I have to get done in the next day or two. My schedule is full. I’m burning the midnight oil to complete some projects that must be done by the first of the year. The demands of work are pressing. Family is coming in. There are a ton of things that must be done in the next couple of days. My mind has been racing trying to figure out what needs to be done first. There are errands I have to run. There are phone calls I need to make. All of this seems so important and pressing to me, yet how all of this would change if Jesus came. All those deadlines just wouldn’t matter anymore if Jesus came. There’s a sermon I’m trying to finish that would never get preached if Jesus came. There are articles that need finishing and books to be read that would never get done if Jesus came.


Suddenly, the thought of Jesus coming, helps us to see what is really important. In a time in which the world seems focused on Jesus the baby in the manger, the thought of the coming Lord doesn’t occupy too many minds. What if Jesus came this morning? What if we all were awakened by a loud noise and a bright light? What if we looked outside and the sky was full of angels? Thousands of them. Everywhere. What if the Lord came this morning?


– Forget going to work or the store if Jesus came this morning

– The political gaming that seems to go on just wouldn’t matter

– There would be presents that never got opened

– There would be trips that were never taken

– There would be bills that never got paid

– There would be criminals that never got sentenced

– There would be weddings that never took place

– There would be funerals and burials that never took place

– There would be buildings, bridges, and highway projects that never got completed

– There would be books that were never finished or published

– There would be movies that never got shown

– There would be some who never graduated

– There would be surgeries that never took place

– There would be sermons and articles that were never produced

– There would be mail that never got delivered

– There would be orders that never got picked up

– There would be some who never got to apologize and others who never received an apology

– All the things people are working on would never be completed


If Jesus came this morning, what a thought. It would bring some sadness because we would not see some wonderful things in this life. It would be horror to some who were simply not ready. Some have thought about Jesus. Some have stuck their big toe into the Bible, but they never made a commitment. Not yet. Not now. But if Jesus came this morning, they would not be ready.


If Jesus came this morning, the faithful would smile. Come, Lord Jesus would be a reality. They would know what was happening. They would know what’s to follow. They would know, because they have walked with the Savior most of their lives. They have loved Him, obeyed Him, trusted Him and longed to be with Him. And on that morning, they got to see Him.


Come, Lord Jesus. Can you say that? Are you ready for that? He’s coming, we just don’t know when. Live right. Live with hope. Live prayerfully. Live joyfully. Live with the anticipation that He’s coming.


A thought that helps us in our busy times. Be thankful. Be useful. Be what God expects.





Jump Start # 1501

Jump Start # 1501

Romans 8:31 “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?”

  Our verse today is selected from the wonderful Romans 8 section where Paul affirms the continuality of God’s love for us. Our verse follows three important thoughts.

First, the Holy Spirit helps our weakness. He intercedes for us.

Second, God causes all things to work together for good to those who are called according to His purpose.

Third, God wants us to be conformed to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ.

That leads straight to the expression in our verse, “What then shall we say to these things?” These things are amazing. They are powerful principles. They demonstrate God’s love for us. They are proof that God is for us.  Our verse is the first of a series of questions. Paul asks, “If God is for us, who is against us?” Later Paul asks, “Who will bring a charge against God’s elect?” Then, “Who is the one who condemns?” Then, “Who will separate us from the love of Christ?”

Who, who, who. If God is for us, who is against us? I could think of some that would be against us.

Isis is against us, both as a nation, but more so because we are Christians. Atheism is against us. Liberal theology and liberal politics are against us. If given their way, there would be no mention of God, anywhere. They would be just fine if churches were shut down. They see religion as a scam and are irritated that churches do not pay taxes. They want a one direction freedom of speech. They want their voice to be the only voice that is heard.


But more than all that, it is Satan who is against us. Revelation 12 reveals that he has gone to make war with those who hold to the testimony of Christ. Paul, in this question and in this verse, isn’t really looking for a list of those who are against us. That’s not the intention nor the direction of the passage. It doesn’t matter who is against us. It doesn’t matter what they throw at us. For, as long as God is for us, it really doesn’t matter. The battle belongs to the Lord. As long as God is for us, the others will lose. There is no defeating God.


Now, that’s a great thought for us to focus upon today. God is for us. God is on your side. God wants you to win. God is behind you. You have the help of Heaven on your side. You do not battle alone. You do not journey alone. Even through those dark valleys of the shadow of death, Thou art with me, is what the Psalmist declared. God is for us.


This means, God is for your family. God is for you raising your children under His direction. God wants you to pour yourself into shaping those little hearts and teaching those little minds. Teaching them manners, respect, honesty and how to worship God is something that God is for. He will bless you in what you are doing. Don’t get tired and feel like quitting. You can’t. God needs you to help those little ones. If you don’t, who will?


This means, God is for your marriage. God is for you and your mate growing closer to Him and together walking in righteousness and holiness. God is for transparency in your relationship. God is for trust, honor and love in your relationship. God wants your marriage to make it. There are days that we can push each other’s buttons and irritate each other. There are times when all we see are the faults of the other, but God wants you to introduce grace, forgiveness, kindness and love into that relationship. He is for your marriage.


This means, God is for you making it to Heaven. That’s what God wants. But between now and that time, God is for you to walk in holiness. God wants you to be like Jesus. That means God is for you adjusting your attitude. Co-workers, the way some drive, even our family can make us a sour, grouchy and  a complaining mess. We can ruin every moment because of the pity party that we want to hold for our self. We can feel cheated and overlooked. We can be jealous of others. There are some days we don’t even like ourselves. God is for you. God is for you shedding your light into the world. God is for you making a difference in someone’s life. God is for you turning a gossipy conversation around to something useful and helpful. God is for you lifting the load that someone else is carrying. God is for you shedding a little sunshine in the life of another. God is for you inviting your friend to church services. God is for you defending His word in a kind way. God is for you doing the right thing. When God is for you, He will help you. He will open doors for you. He will give you opportunities.  God did that for Paul. When God closed the door to Asia, He opened the door to Macedonia. God did that for the rich man. He gave him opportunity to make a difference in Lazarus’ life. The rich man ignored that chance and he died apart from God.


God is for you. God is for you making it. God is for you doing what is right. What a great thought that is. So many of us grew up with wonderful parents. They sat in the stands while we played sports. They came to our concerts and shows. They were our biggest fans. They were there when we graduated. They were there when we got married. They always wanted us to do well. God is for you, and in a way even greater and deeper than what your parents ever were.


Do you have a challenge before you? Is there a person that you want to talk to about Jesus but you are afraid? Remember, God is for you. Is there someone that you need to talk about their behavior but you are a bit afraid? Remember, God is for you. Is there a teacher that is mocking the Bible and you just know that you need to say something? God is for you. Is there someone bullying another, even spiritually and you know that you need to step in? God is for you.


God is for you doing right. Who is against us? It doesn’t matter. God is for us.


Now, that ought to put some step into your walk today!





Jump Start # 1500

Jump Start # 1500

Revelation 4:11 “Worthy are You, our Lord and our God to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed, and were created.”

  We have reached another milestone with our Jump Starts. Today is # 1500. We started this little journey five years ago, and it seems to be gathering more and more steam as we go along. Our readership is at an all time high, with close to 3,000 reading these. These Jump Starts are found on Facebook, churches websites, planning books, and bulletin articles. When I travel to new places, it seems that the Jump Starts have gotten there before I have.


Just a couple of thanks are in order before I say something about our verse today.


First, thanks to the amazing Charlestown Road congregation. Their belief and support in this project is astonishing. They were and remain the main audience that I write to. They are responsible for the word getting out and spreading these to family and friends. Our Jump Starts have crossed the oceans and are read overseas. That is amazing! I have a file folder full of cards and emails sent to me about our Jump Starts. Thank you!


Second, thanks to the Lord for allowing this to take place. So many have stated that something written through this avenue has helped them, taught them or simply lifted their spirits. I am glad that the Lord can use this to help you.


At every milestone, my dear friend, Jim would call me and we would have a long talk about how long this little project ought to continue. Jim has now moved on to where the Lord is. I will miss talking to him today. I plan to continue writing through 2016, if the Lord allows, and then we will see if there is much left in me to keep this going. I am thankful for the good that this has done. It has certainly exceed anything I had expected.


Now our verse. The heavenly host in Heaven bows to the Almighty upon the throne. God is worthy of our praise. God is worthy of our thankfulness. God is worthy of our complete devotion to him. The praise to the Lord follows the blessings, gifts and goodness of God. The Lord has proven Himself. The Lord has shown Himself to be trustworthy. The Lord keeps His word. The attention in the early pages of Revelation is upon the throne. The Heavenly scene is so different than what most imagine today. We hear, even at funerals, fanciful ideas of chocolate, golf, fun and games and pets in Heaven. Books have been written by those who claimed that they saw Heaven. Their writings are contrary to the Bible and are without proof. They support a selfish “serve me” concept of Heaven. One would think that it is we who are on the throne. We get the impression that God is praising us. That’s not the picture at all. That’s not what the Bible says at all. It is God who is in the center. It is God who is upon the throne. The attention is upon the Lord.


This is not a unique concept. This is what was supposed to have happened in the Temple worship in the O.T. Ancient Israel, seemed to have forgotten that. Later on, that is the scene that should take place as the church worships God. The center of the worship is God. We ought to leave with our eyes and heart full of God. In Isaiah’s vision, he declared, “My eyes have seen the King.” That’s the way it ought to be for us as we leave worship. Our eyes have seen the King. That image, and that impression, ought to move us and change us. His goodness and His holiness ought to make us want to be better ourselves. His love ought to make us realize that we are not “nobodies”. God knows us and loves us.


Something is wrong when we leave worship worse than we came in. Fussing and fighting and positioning ourselves is an indication that we have taken our eyes and our attention off of the Lord. How can someone sit through worship and then within an hour act so mean and hateful? How can someone sit through worship and remain selfish and greedy? How can someone sit through worship and leave complaining? Could it be that God was not the center of our attention? Could it be that God was left out?


Worthy are You…He is and He will always be.







Jump Start # 1499

Jump Start # 1499

Galatians 5:20-21 “idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.”


Our verse today comes from the dreaded works of the flesh. It is a listing of 15 specific sins that tear at our hearts and destroys our character and our relationships with God. These are not the marks of a holy person.


This list seems to be grouped by categories, such as sexual sins, attitude sins, drinking sins. Some of these sins seem obviously wrong. Others seem a bit innocent, even though God doesn’t see them that way.


A few observations for us:


  • Paul saw the need to again warn brethren about these things. He said, “I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you…” This wasn’t the first time Paul had warned them about these things. It is important that we do not assume that everyone knows that these things are wrong. Paul didn’t make that assumption. Also, more than one warning is necessary. Paul repeated his warnings. We must teach and teach and warn and warn. One time, isn’t enough.


  • This list isn’t all inclusive. This isn’t everything and all that is wrong. Murder is not in this list. Taking God’s name in vain is not in this list. Theft didn’t make the list. So we cannot conclude that this list is all that is considered wrong by God. It is not. The expression, “things like these,” opens the door for similar wrongs that are not listed here.


  • Among the list are attitudinal sins. What we think is as important as what we do. It is the attitude sins that often lead to other sins. Disputes, dissensions and factions often arise out of envy and jealousy. Saying “no one got hurt,” isn’t God’s definition of right and wrong.


Now, I’ve said all that to just focus upon one word in this list, “jealousy.” That’s a hard one for many of us to deal with. We don’t mean to be jealous, we just are. We can be jealous of so many things, such as, the way a person looks. We can be jealous of someone’s income, size of house, car they drive, number of vacations that they take, accolades that they have received, their family, their talent. Preachers can be jealous of each other. Churches can be jealous of each other. Jealousy does something to us on the insides. It lets the air out of our self esteem. We can feel worthless when thinking about another person. We can assume all kinds of bad things about another person to justify why they have what we don’t. Jealousy can stay with us for a long time. It leads us to talking negative about the person we are jealous of. It pulls relationships apart. Family members can be jealous of each other. One makes more money than the rest and that’s all it takes for the jealous monster to show up. Church members can be jealous of one another. This usually is all that is needed to stir things up and cause trouble.


Isolating the reason why one is jealous isn’t hard to do. “I’m jealous because he has and I don’t…” The hardest thing about jealousy is getting rid of it. Holding on to those jealous thoughts and feelings isn’t right nor healthy. It ruins relationships. It discounts the gifts of God. In the parable of the talents, each servant was given a different amount. The reason we are told is that it was based upon their ability. The five talent man could handle five talents. The one talent man could not. That’s all it takes for some to become jealous. That thought doesn’t come up in the parable.



So, how does one toss jealousy out of his heart and his home? It isn’t easy. First, we must recognize that those feelings do not please God. Instead of being thankful that others are talented, the jealous heart is torn up because of that. Our feelings and thoughts towards others can ruin our souls and keep us from Heaven. So, all of this begins by understanding that God doesn’t want us to think badly toward others. We are all His creation. Like snowflakes, each of us are unique and different in our own way. Some people have perfect pitch. A person can’t really be taught that. Either they have it or they don’t. Some have that artistic eye that can design and color things up in a special way. Others aren’t like that. God has made each of us special and unique. If we were all the same, imagine how plain and boring that would be. Our uniqueness adds diversity to life. Instead of being jealous, be thankful.


Second, jealousy hurts. The jealous person has a hard time being in the same room with the person that he is jealous of. This feeling will plague their relationship. Within a family, within a fellowship, especially, jealousy pulls people apart. Sides are taken. Division follows. The jealous person finds like hearts that will support him in his jealousy. His negative talk poisons gatherings  and makes it difficult to work or worship together. Right here, the jealous person has violated the second greatest command, to love your neighbor as yourself. He can’t do that. He’s jealous. He wants what the other guy has. It eats him  and consumes him.


Thirdly, be like Jesus. That is always the help that we need. Jesus wasn’t jealous. Jesus loved all, included all and taught all. We must be like Jesus. Everyone wants to be first chair in the orchestra and the starting quarterback on the football team. But there is no orchestra without the other musicians. There is no football team without other players. Each plays a role. Each must be the best that they can be. Some will never be quarterback. That’s not their talent, role nor gift. Without blockers, the quarterback is worthless. He needs others. When we realize that God wants you to do what you can do, then jealousy starts to leave. We all have different roles and sometimes we can create jealousy by over emphasizing the importance of some. How we handle our own talent and how we deal with praise that comes to us, can help others not be jealous or it can be the very cause of jealousy.


God has made you just the way you are. Short guys always want to be taller. The ones with high pitched voices want a deeper voice. Those with no hair on their head, want hair. Contentment kills jealousy. Finding joy and purpose as you are will help drive out jealousy.


This one isn’t easy. It cripples many of us. It colors how we see others. It affects our souls.


Maybe it’s time to open the door and tell jealousy to hit the road. Maybe it’s time to count your blessings. Maybe it’s time to be thankful that there are so talented people around you. Maybe it’s time to just be like Jesus.





Jump Start # 1498

Jump Start # 1498

Joshua 4:6-7 “Let this be a sign among you, so that when your children ask later, saying, ‘What do these stones mean to you?’ Then you shall say to the, ‘Because the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord; when it crossed the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off.’ So these stones shall become a memorial to the sons of Israel forever.’”

  What a great passage! Israel was crossing the Jordan river, and marching into the promise land. The waters parted, just like a generation ago when their fathers crossed the Red Sea. Twelve men were chosen, one from each tribe, to carry a large stone on their shoulders from the river bottom. Those rocks were reminders of God’s providence, care and promises to Israel. Those rocks were to be reminders. They were placed in such a area that children would see them and ask about them. Telling that story again and again was good for the faith of those parents. The rocks and that story took them back to a time of faith and trust in the Lord. Had they not taken those rocks Israel might have forgotten. People tend to do that. Life moves on. Things get busy. Another generation and it doesn’t mean so much to them. Add yet another generation and it can easily be forgotten.


The same happens to us in many ways. My father fought in WW II. He was a high school student when Pearl Harbor was bombed. That tragedy and attack moved him and most of his classmates to enlist as soon as they could to defend America. For me, a generation later, Pearl Harbor is a historical event that took us into a war and changed our policy of isolationism. For my kids, Pearl Harbor was a movie and something that they studied very briefly in history class. It doesn’t mean that much to them. For their children, my grandkids, Peal Harbor will have even less of a meaning in the big picture of U.S. history.


Without a dozen chosen rocks, Israel would be the same. God wanted them to remember. There are some things that we should never forget.


We should never forget where we came from. Peter mention forgetting the purification from sins. Some have been Christians so long, it’s hard to remember what it was like to have been lost. This affects how we see and treat those who are lost. It helps to remember.


We should never forget what God has done for us. First, He was patient with us and allowed us time to learn, repent and obey Him. He forgave us. He has blessed us. He has molded us. We are polished and improved because of God. Without Him, we would not be the way we are today. Don’t forget that.


We should never forget those wonderful people that helped us in our spiritual journey. Many of those people from those early days are now with the Lord. They taught us in Bible classes. They gave us opportunities to teach and preach. They answered our millions of questions. They kicked us in the pants when we got sluggish. All along the way there has been people who have helped us spiritually. We owe a great gratitude for their service, love and believing in us.


We need our own rocks to remind us. Have you ever thought about that? Here are a few examples:


The Lord’s Supper serves as a weekly reminder of what the Lord did for us on Calvary. Every week, we look at that bread and that cup and remember the Lord who loved, sacrificed and died for us. This is what the Bible is all about. The death of Jesus must never be forgotten. This time of year, the world wants to remember a cute baby in a manger, but the emphasis in the Bible is the dying Savior upon the cross. Don’t ever forget that Jesus loves you and died for you. The church may let you down, Jesus never has. The church may disappoint you, Jesus never will. Rocks.


Photographs are wonderful reminders. Most of us have zillions of photos on our phone and tablets and photo albums buried in a closet somewhere with photos. In my office I have framed photos of many special brethren that have encourage me through the years. I walk in and there they are. As I work, I look up and there they are. I see them all the time. Some are photos of me with preachers that I love so dearly. Some are with godly brethren that have been a special help to me. Those photos are my rocks. I see and I remember. Each has a story. Each helps me. Rocks.


Recently, I have collected a few books that had the signatures of people that I don’t want to forget. I have a few books given to me from the dear wife of Marty Pickup. I wanted his signature in a book. That was a rock for me. I just received a book from the sweet wife of Jim Babcock that has his name in it. That’s another rock that I want to carry. Those are wonderful reminders of good people who loved the Lord and walked closely with Him. Today, they are with the Lord. Rocks.


This summer I was preaching in a couple of lectureships in the South. My son, Jordan, who preaches came to hear me preach. We stayed together in a hotel. I had to leave early one morning to head home. There was a note that he wrote that touched me deeply. That note is now taped inside my Bible. A rock.


My children, when they were small, each had their own Bibles. Whenever we ran into a preacher, they would ask him to sign their Bibles. My children have gone on to newer Bibles but they still have those treasured signatures. I remember so well they asking me if a certain person was a preacher. I’d tell them, “yes.” Immediately, they’d ask for a pen and would race to this side and ask for his signature. Rocks.


Do you have any spiritual rocks that remind you and encourage you? Maybe it’s time you looked for some yourself. Maybe it’s time you went back to your Jordan and picked up a few reminders. Time passes. We get busy. We forget. But a photo on a wall, a name in a book, a note written in a Bible, can serve as a rock that reminds us that we must stay the course and finish what we started.


A rock…

