Jump Start # 1476

Jump Start # 1476

Proverbs 16:20 “He who gives attention to the word will find good, and blessed is he who trusts in the Lord.”

  Our passage today introduces us to two wonderful thoughts. These are essential and important in both Bible study and growing our faith. The more we do these things the greater our faith will be.

First, is to pay attention to the word. The word must be the Word of God, the Bible. Pay attention. We know what that means. Teachers say that to a students who are talking instead of listening. Not paying attention to the road has led to many car accidents. Being distracted while driving is a huge problem. Parents will say, ‘pay attention,’ as they are trying to talk seriously with their children. But here, in this passage, it is paying attention to the word.


Notice what is said. Notice the word order. Notice how God uses words. Notice why things were said. Notice the context. Look carefully. Look slowly. Give attention to the word. Give it the attention it deserves. Listen. Listen well.  There is a positive result attached to this. The one who does this will find good.


He will find the will of God. He will find what God expects and wants. He will find how to please the Lord. He will find truths. He will find ways to build quality character. Giving attention has positive benefits.


This expression, “gives attention,” reminds us that there is no short cut to learning God’s word. There is not speed dial to Bible knowledge. Staying with it. Staying at it will bring the great knowledge that supports a great faith.


Second, trust the Lord. Have faith in the Lord. Believe what He says. Know what He promises. There is great benefits in doing this. The who does is “blessed.” He is blessed because that trusting faith will lead to his salvation. That trusting faith will calm him during the storms of life. That trusting faith will give him the assurance and hope that will sustain him.


Pay attention…trust. There are some things in the Bible that are hard for us to figure out. Sometimes it’s the “how” they did it that we just don’t know. How did the apostles baptize 3,000 people in one day? How did the word spread so rapidly without Facebook, websites, printed flyers? How did so many receive the Lord’s Supper on Sunday? How did Jonah survive in the belly of a whale? How did Joseph roll the stone in front of Jesus’ grave?  How did the crowds hear Jesus without a microphone and speakers? How did 12 apostles feed more than 5,000 people? There are many “I wonder how that happened?” in our Bibles. Trust in the Lord. Sometimes the details are not given. Sometimes the details are not important to the story. t


Trust the Lord. Trust that the Lord’s way works. We don’t nor can we improve upon what God has done. We must simply trust the Lord. His way works. His way for couples works in a marriage. His way for raising children works. His way for worship works. Trust in the Lord.



Simple thoughts…give attention and trust. Those two fit well together. Those two feed each other. The more of one the greater the other will be. They are hard to separate. They are hard to do without.


Give attention and trust…in this crazy world that seems to be falling apart more and more, give attention to the word and trusting God seems to make more and more sense. It is one of the few things that we can count upon. This is something that you can do.




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