Jump Start # 1329

Jump Start # 1329

Romans 1:26 “For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural.”

  My friend John sent me a Youtube link about homosexual animals. The video is entitled, “How common are gay animals?” It features a young host and Natalla Regan, a young anthropologist. The video was posted in reference to Indiana’s RFRA law. Instead of rejoicing that a person can stand up for what they believe, it is misunderstood as a declaration of discrimination, especially against same-sex marriage. So this video was made. It advances the idea that homosexuality is very common in the animal world. Examples are listed, however not proven, from dragonflies, to dolphins, to dogs, to lions. The conclusion was stated and very obvious, homosexuality is very natural and very common.


Have you noticed the huge shift that has taken place, especially this year? First, it was tolerate homosexuality. Then it advanced to, accept homosexuality. Now the thinking has progressed to, homosexuality is natural and common. Finally, it will lead to, homosexuality is the best. There will be a movement at that point to discriminate against heterosexual marriages.


So there is homosexuality in the animal world. That is now being used to show that homosexuality among humans is normal, common and good. There are four huge flaws with this thinking.


First, it is assumed that humans are a part of the animal kingdom. This is so common and accepted, one has to really work hard not to accept this theory. This is base evolution. I remember back in grade school being told that there was a plant world and an animal world. Mankind, we were told, is part of the animal world. WRONG. WRONG. WRONG. Did I say it was wrong? It is wrong! There is the plant world, the animal world, and mankind. We are not a part of those worlds. We are made in the image of God. We have a living soul within us. We are not related to animals. We are related to God. Flawed thinking leads to flawed conclusions.


Second, animals run on their instincts. A few species, like house pets, dolphins and horses, can be trained. But it’s not natural. They would not learn obedience on their own. On their own, they are governed by their bellies. Raccoons can’t help it that they try to get into your trash at night. They are hungry. Stealing trash is how they operate. They don’t have remorse for stealing. They are not that deep. So the conclusion is that we are no different than animals. We can’t help ourselves. Animals are homosexuals. Humans are homosexuals. Why then should we get upset if one of us steals or we get in fights? Dogs fight. Walk away from your picnic table and birds will steal your food. If we are running on instincts like animals, we can’t help it. God tells us to have self control. We are to control our tongue, our thoughts, our feelings, our passions. We can even control our anger, as Paul told the Ephesians. We have a conscience and a will. We think. We reason. We contemplate. We consider consequences. We can change our behavior. Bad can become good. We live with the power to choose. We do not operate on instincts. Once again, dumb ideas lead to idiotic conclusions.


Third, animals are not the role models for moral behavior. God did use animals as illustrations. He refers to his people as sheep. The Proverb writer tells us to consider the ant. The ant works without a foreman. He works hard. You never see a lazy ant. In Proverbs 30, God uses the badger, the lizard, the locusts, the rooster, the goat and the lion as examples. None of the examples are about morals. They are a look into the animal world to see how they operate. We are so much better than those animals, shouldn’t we do better?


If we use animals as an example of moral behavior, are we to use animals as role models of parenting? Most mate and the males are gone. There are a few that do better, but most don’t. If animals can be used to justify homosexuality, why can’t we use animals for parenting skills? Males have no responsibility, no obligation and no commitment. Each season the male mates with a different female. Is that to be our example, Ms. Anthropologist? Would you like to be one of those females that is mated and abandoned? That’s the animal world. That’s common and that’s natural.


The other day I was driving and I saw a crow eating a dead bird. Crows like to eat dead things. But you’d think that they wouldn’t eat a fellow bird. Birds soar in the heavens together. Birds of a feather are supposed to flock together. Not on this day. A bird was eating a bird. Now, Ms. Anthropologist, what does that teach us humans? Cannibalism is more common in the animal world that homosexuality. Are we to conclude that eating humans is natural and common? Because animals do it, that must make it right for humans. Instead of buying a leg of lamb, maybe we ought to buy a leg of a person? Animals eat animals. That’s common and natural in their world. What are we to make of that? Oh the uncomfortable places we end up at when we try to push an agenda that isn’t true, right or good.


Fourth, God determines our morals, not animals. Ms. Anthropologist is looking the wrong direction. Instead of looking down at the animals, she should have been looking up toward God. It is God who tells us to be holy as He is holy. It is God who tells us to flee fornication. Fornication in the animal world, now that would be an interesting study. Our passage today, describing the homosexual Gentiles, tells us that what they were doing was unnatural. God says that homosexuality is unnatural. God who made the animals says homosexuality among humans is unnatural. God repeats that expression in the next verse. God then adds, “committing indecent acts.” The footnote in the New American Standard tells us that the word indecent literally means, “shameless deed.” God discriminates against sin. God is against sin. He tells us to leave sin. He loves us, but he won’t tolerate the sin. Yes, God is against sin. All sin.


Homosexuality is wrong. God says so. Twist it, bend it, change the words, play with the context, jump up and down, scream, hold your breath, punch the wall, get mad, cuss, none of those things will change what God says. Folks today work hard at trying to make God accept homosexuality. Rather than changing themselves, they want to change the message. They will die trying, but it will all be in vain. God has placed his stake in the ground. The holy God of Heaven wants us to be holy. That’s it.


One other thought here. Often, I hear righteous people saying, “I just don’t understand why some people act the way they do.” This is especially true when we consider the subject of homosexuality. The answer lies right here in our passage. Natural cannot understand unnatural. When things are not the way that they ought to be, it just doesn’t make sense. Don’t try to figure it out. Don’t try to get in their mind and think like they think. You can’t do that. The natural will never understand the unnatural. It doesn’t make sense. It isn’t right. It isn’t natural. It isn’t normal. And, more than any of those things, or what we feel or think, God has declared. God has spoken. End of discussion. Live with it, but you live in disobedience of God. Call it natural, it’s not. Call it common, it’s not. The animals do it, I still not sold on that, but even so, so what? God has declared.


I’m getting tired of being pushed. I’m getting tired of having to be quiet. It’s time for the people of God to stand. It’s time for God’s voice to be heard. One thing you can do is to post this on your Facebook page and email this to others. Print and share this with others.


Call me names. Tell me I’m a bigot. Hate me. Change the laws to try to shut me up. I will still stand with God. I will always stand with God!




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