Jump Start # 1303

Jump Start # 1303

Proverbs 21:6 “The acquisition of treasures by a lying tongue is a fleeting vapor, the pursuit of death.”

  The Proverb writer in the section where our verse comes from is identifying the steps of wickedness. The following verses describe the “violence of the wicked,” (7), “the way of a guilty man” (8), and “the soul of the wicked” (10). Our verse describes the profit one has achieved through lying. The wicked has acquired treasures, not through hard work, not through diligence, but rather by lying. Dishonest, he has stolen from others. He thinks he has gotten an angle and found a way to profit. Smug has he is, arrogant, and indifferent to those he has now wounded by his lies, he thinks he will not be caught. This is where our passage show otherwise. His lying tongue is a fleeting vapor, a phrase used by James to describe the shortness of life. This wicked person thinks he is pursuing treasures, the reality is he is pursuing death. His house of cards will collapse upon him. The drug lords are caught. The identity thieves are found. The long arm of the law finally closes in, and if he even escapes that, the Lord will bring the wicked to his knees.


This is a losing proposition. This is foolish thinking. There is no way that the wicked will win.


I especially like how this verse ends, “the pursuit of death.” What a contrast that is to the life saving work of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to give life. He was for life. The wicked choose death. The work that is opposite of Christ is nothing more than the pursuit of death.


Without realizing it many folks are in the death business. They are pursuing death. The obvious ones would  be those who are just a step from physical death. The criminal mind, those that are addicted to drugs and alcohol, many daredevils, are pursuing death. It catches up with them. A life time of drinking, an overdose, a foolish dare—and someone is ruined or even killed. That happens every day. What we don’t see is the other pursuers of death. Their work is more subtle and much harder to identify.


The critical and sharp tongue is one who invites death. Not so much for themselves, but for those who are on the receiving end of their tirades. This could be a parent who is never pleased, never compliments, never invites life into the life of their child. Even for the grown child, this type of parent never backs off. Guilt, shame and pressure are the constant motives to make a grown child do what this parent wants. The relationship becomes weary and strained. Without realizing this, this whole endeavor has been a pursuit of death.


The same could be said within a marriage. Gone are the days of romance, happiness and being together. Now, every day is a battle. Little things become big things. The scabs on the wounds are picked. Healing and forgiveness never take place. This goes on until one finally has had enough and he declares that he just wants peace and rest. He walks out and never comes back. What happened? Their relationship was a pursuit of death.


The same could be said about some fellowships today. Walking into the church building requires a deep breath, knowing that someone will say something that is not nice. It’s like have a dozen mothers, who instead of loving you, are on your back. Judgmental. Critical. Harsh. The pursuit of death involves gossip, backbiting and finger pointing. A person can only take so much. So they quit. They are accused of not being faithful. They are considered weak by the rest. The truth is, the fellowship was a pursuit of death. What killed their faith wasn’t Satan, but rather, wicked and mean folks in the church.


The pursuit of death. It kills relationships, marriages and fellowship. The solution is simple, stop killing others. Watch what you say. Hold a mirror up and be more concerned about yourself and be more critical of yourself than you are others.


But there is more to it than that. Instead of pursuing death, pursue life. Do the things that add life to your soul and life to those around you. Smile. Be pleasant. Be calm. Be thoughtful. Be generous. Be an encourager. Praise others. Thank others. Help others. Go out of your way, because that adds life.


So many people today have the oxygen leaked out of their souls. They are drained emotionally and spiritually. They’ve been beaten up all of their life. It stared with their parents. Then marriages. Then work. They are so beaten down that they are now convinced that they are worthless and incapable of doing anything good. They exist but that’s about it. They dream of a better life. They envy those that seem to have it better. So beat up, they have little self worth. Those people are all around us. They need oxygen in their souls. They need to see value. They have pursued death so much that they don’t know what life looks like. That is what you can do. You can be the one who helps. You can be the fresh spirit to their soul. You can be the one who pursues life. You can be the one who sees good when everyone else sees bad. You can be the sun breaking through the clouds. The encourager. The one who praises. The Barnabas, the son of encouragement, that’s what you can be and do. Everyone needs that.


The pursuit of life or death…it’s a choice like all of life. Don’t get caught up with what others are doing, decide that you will be life to those around you. It makes a difference. It’s enough to restore relationships. It’s enough to add years to a marriage. It’s enough to give energy to a tired soul who is ready to quit.


The pursuit…death or life. Which will it be?




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