Jump Start # 959


Jump Start # 959

John 21:25 “Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.”


Our verse today is how the gospel of John ends. It reveals a very interesting thought. We, today, do not know all that Jesus did. John states that “there are also many other things that Jesus did.” This goes beyond the gospel of John, and includes all the gospels. There are several occasions when the gospels reveal that Jesus healed the sick. Which ones? How many? Were there other sermons not recorded? Probably. Were there other encounters like Zaccheus, the woman at the well or the synagogue official? Probably. Were there more parables? Probably. Were there more testing by the Pharisees? Probably. There was more.


It may bother us that we don’t know everything about Jesus. We want to know. We want details of every hour He spent on earth. We don’t have those details. What He did between His resurrection and ascension are sketchy. Not much given about those forty days.

There is enough to convince us that He is Lord of Heaven and Earth. The laws of nature could not hold Him. Disease, death and demons were no match for Him. His word brought sight to the blind and caused demons to flee. There is enough evidence in the Gospel to prove that He is the chosen Messiah sent from Heaven.

John estimated that if everything were known and written down, the world could not hold all those books. The world can barely hold all the books about Jesus now. I have books on the Life of Jesus, the miracles of Jesus, the parables of Jesus, the questions of Jesus, the teaching Jesus, the crucified Jesus, the resurrection of Jesus, and the coming of Jesus. A lot of books.


So all of this tells us that God was selective in revealing and recording what Jesus did. Instead of giving us everything, God chose what He thought would be enough to prove to us who Jesus is. What we have in our Gospels is handpicked by God. It is what He chose for you to know.


God wants you to know the story of His son. God wants you to believe. God wants you to follow Jesus and to become like Him. What God has given us is enough to get the job done.

What a blessing the Gospels are to us. Read them. Study them. Know them. Memorize them. They are hand picked by God for you!




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