Jump Start # 914
Philippians 2:13 for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.”
This wonderful verse this morning is a grand reminder of how much God wants His people to do well. God wants us to want what He wants. He wants His will to become our will. God wants us busy doing kingdom work. That is what pleases Him.
I get the sense from many folks, that we often feel that God is in Heaven merely watching us. One guy described his life as on a playing field. Satan was on one side hoping he would fumble and mess up. God was on the other side, in the stands, cheering him on to victory. That idea leaves us alone on the field. That idea also leaves out what this verse says, that “God is at work in you…” God is not merely cheering you on. God is doing more than watching and hoping for a victory. God is at work in you.
Two quick thoughts:
First, God is in you. You don’t hear that much these days. We think of God as being in Heaven. That’s what Jesus told the disciples to pray, “Our Father, who art in Heaven…” This passage tells us that God is in you. Paul told the Galatians that Christ was in him. Remember, “it is no longer I who live, but Christ liveth in me…”? The indwelling of the Holy Spirit has always been an interesting subject of study and thought. But here, Paul is saying that God is in you.
That speaks of a relationship. The Philippians, by faith and obedience, were walking with God. They were forgiven, redeemed and now sons and daughters of God. That relationship with God is expressed by God in us and we in God. A unity of mind, purpose and intent.
Second, God is at work in you. God is not idle. God is not just watching from the stands. He is at work in you. The Corinthians were told that they were fellow workers with God. This is a fellowship or partnership with the divine. God doesn’t work alone, without us. Nor, do we work alone, independent from God. God works in us. God works with us.
This is not something magical, mystical, or miraculous. Not at all. As the Philippians, or anyone today, embraces the word of God, and through obedience follows God and engages in the good works of God, God is working through him and with him. When we follow God’s plan, we are doing God’s work. When we are about what God wants, God is working through us. When we use God’s word to teach and encourage others, God is working with us. Spiritual strength comes from God’s word. We may teach it, but it is God who is doing it. When we are motivated to go help others, this is God’s idea, and God’s ways. God is working through us.
God opens doors and puts opportunities before us. God paves the way so things get done and His will is accomplished. God is busy in us and through us. We are partnering with God.
Now understand, it is God’s will and God’s good pleasure that drive this. Not everything we do has God’s blessings. Many in the name of religion, are doing things that are not found in the Bible. How can they think that this is God’s will or God’s pleasure? Don’t think that God will participate nor work in things that are not a part of His will. The thrust of this passage is God’s pleasure and will. Things contrary to His will offend Him.
Have you ever prayed for opportunities? Maybe, an opportunity to share God’s word with someone? Maybe you have prayed for an opportunity to connect spiritually with someone in your family, or a co-worker. And soon after that prayer, something comes up. That person says something or a situation comes up where you see the door of opportunity opening. God is working. God wants you to get in there and influence and share His word. Opportunities to help others who are hurting…opportunities to talk about forgiveness…opportunities to strengthen faith. God is the one who opens doors. God is the one who can soften a hard heart and a stubborn mind. God is the one who can get things done when we cannot. God alone? No. We alone? No. Rather, God working in us and through us.
It is an honor beyond measure that God wants us working with Him. I’m surprised that He doesn’t say, step back and let Me do it alone. It wouldn’t shock me if God said, ‘You tend to mess things up. Just watch Me do it.” But He doesn’t. He works in us. God uses us to be His hands, feet, eyes, and voice. On our own, we do tend to mess things up. But with God working in us, following His word, doing things His way, wonderful things happen. Like an artist holding the brush of a young child, together painting, or a skilled musician, sitting at the piano with a young student, both playing together…a beautiful and wonderful result takes place.
Now all of this ought to set before us, that without God’s help, what we did, would most likely be messy. This takes away bragging rights on our part. This reminds us that we are not the big shot. Shepherding God’s people, preaching God’s word, encouraging others, sharing God’s word are all things partnered with God. We tend to get a bit uppity when we forget that it is God who is working in us. It is the God part that makes it right, good and beautiful. The glory goes to God. The credit goes to God. We are blessed to be used by Him and with Him.
God in you…what a thought. God working with you…what a better thought. That tends to lessen the load and stop the complaining. It makes one thankful when they understand that.
So, today, you and God have a lot to do. He’s ready to get at it, are you? He’s waiting on you. He won’t do it alone, He works through you. The first stop, is your heart. That’s where He wants to work first. He wants to work on you. He wants you to forgive. Will you do it? He wants you to be holy? Will you think that way? He wants you to obey Him? Will you do it? Your attitude, your thoughts, your dress, your words—He wants to work on all of those. Once the work is done there, He’s ready to go with you to work with others. Open your eyes and look upon the fields, is what Jesus said to the disciples. God’s work isn’t just about you, it’s about expanding the kingdom. Helping others who are stuck in the misery and muck of a world without Christ. Share with others. Teach others. Remind others. Be that good Samaritan to someone today. Be that Andrew that takes someone to the Lord today. Be that Paul who prays for others today.
Working in you…how amazing that is!
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