Jump Start # 841


Jump Start # 841

Mark 5:23 “And implored Him earnestly, saying, “My little daughter is a the point of death; please come and lay your hands on her, so that she will get well and live.”

The events of Mark 5 are some of the most action packed and emotion filled sections of the Gospel. I love this chapter. Jesus and the disciples had crossed the sea. A large crowd was waiting for Him. A synagogue official, Jairus, fell at the feet of Jesus. He begs for Jesus to come to his home. His twelve year old daughter is dying. This is a 911 moment. Before Jesus can get there, He is interrupted by the woman with an issue of blood. A conversation takes place. Time is ticking. Word comes with the worst news. It’s too late. The little girl died. The messengers lack faith. Don’t trouble the teacher any more. They feel that even Jesus cannot do anything. Jesus goes to the home. He raises the girl from the dead. There is much rejoicing. Jesus again shows that He is God.

There are two remarkable steps of faith in this section.

  • First, the synagogue official reaching out to Jesus is remarkable. Most synagogue officials argued, fussed and debated Jesus. They didn’t like Jesus healing people in their synagogues on the Sabbath day. They didn’t like what Jesus was claiming. Yet, now, all that is tossed out the window. I have seen similar things. A family that has no time or interests in God, the Bible or what is going on down at the church house, suddenly calls for the preacher because mama is in ICU. There is a problem so great, that they want to reach out to God. Find God. Go to God. They don’t want their fishing buddy. The guy at the bar isn’t called. It’s someone who knows God. Sometimes it is that depth of problems that will bring us back to what we know is right. The prodigal came to his senses when he was hungry, friendless and desiring pig food. It was at that time that he came home.

A dose of bad news, hard times, scraping the bottom is what it takes to get some to come to their senses. We hate seeing that, but if it brings them to God, that is good. This official in Mark 5 may not have even been in the crowd if his 12 year old was out playing and having fun with friends. Instead, she dying in bed and that softened and changed his heart. Those that fuss at doctrine have a different story when it’s a matter of life or death.

  • Second, this official has heard enough, seen enough to know the kind of person that Jesus was and what He could do. He speaks words of faith, “…lay your hands on her, so that she will get well and live.” He was certain Jesus could do this. He spoke words of faith.

Faith is knowing. Faith is assurance. Faith is positive. Faith is exclamation points, not question marks. Faith. He had it. Jesus come. Jesus touch her. She will live. He knew.  Our prayers ought to be spoken with faith, not uncertainty. Our words need to be sprinkled with confidence and faith, not questions.

It is sad that it takes a 911 event to change some people. You’d hope that if they knew, they would toss out their pride and their feelings and accept what God says. Many never do that. What happens to those who don’t have a dying daughter? They live denying Jesus, going along with everyone else.

Others, when they do have a 911 event, get angry and blame God. Instead of drawing near, they pull away. Human emotions and how we react and respond can be very complicated. So much is based upon what we know deep inside.

I wonder what happened after this? What became of that 12 year old girl? What became of Jairus? Did he become a disciple and follow Jesus? I hoped he did. Jesus saved his world. In an instant, tears of grief became tears of joy. The lifeless dead girl, sat up and was well. God was praised. Jesus left yet another reason for people to believe in Him. We are left with an incredible illustration of the caring Jesus. When asked to come, He went.

Years later Peter wrote, “casting all your anxiety upon Him for He cares for you.” He cares. He always does. He cares, when we don’t. He continues to care when we seemingly only have interest because of a need. He cares when others doubt. God cares.

This day God cares for you. He is interested in your heart, your allegiance, and your faith. We are interested in our waist line, our bank account, and who wins the game. We tend to stay in the shallow things of life. Yet, God doesn’t give up on us. We pray and He is there. He is patient with us. He continues to put people in our life that reminds us, shows us and helps us. Sometimes we don’t see that. He is always ready to accept us, restore us, build us, lead us and mold us into His image. He’s ready. He’s watching.

God cares…even for you.




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