Jump Start # 824


Jump Start # 824

Psalms 2:6 “But as for Me, I have installed My King upon Zion, My holy mountain.”


A college student asked me if I would write a Jump Start about the same-sex marriage debate that seems to be the talk of the town these days. It is being looked at by the Supreme Court and is being pushed heavily by social medias and the liberal press.

You may have seen the symbol on Facebook: a red square with pink equal sign, the symbol for equality in marriage. Across college campuses many young students are rushing to support equality in marriage. Arguments that this issue is an equal rights issue are being made. Some have been duped into shallow arguments, such as everyone ought to love each other and just accept each other. Singer Beyonce made a statement this week that said, “If you love it, you ought to be able to put a ring on it.” Well, Beyonce, I love chocolate! Should I get a tax write off for my stash of chocolate I keep in my desk? Miss Beyonce, what about a 50 year old man who claims that he is in love with a 12 year old girl? And what if that mistaken 12 year old believes that she loves that man? Put a ring on it? What if a man declared that he loved two women? Instead of having an affair and breaking up his home, put a ring on both women? Once the door is opened, it will swing very wide and never be shut again. “Put a ring on it” is a shallow statement that hasn’t been thought out.

Oprah has declared that her god does not condemn homosexuality. I believe she is right. I don’t know who her god is, but I’m certain her god allows her to do whatever makes her happy. That’s the god most folks want. A god that will just let me be. A god that comes when I call him and a god that will get me out of the messes I make. As amazing as that god seems to be, that god can’t save you, nor will that god take you to Heaven. He is only make believe.

The Hollywood crowd and the music industry have never been poster children for morals. Drugs, sex and rock ‘n roll has been their theme song long before most of us were born.

The same-sex marriage movement wants this debate to be solely based upon equality, rights and fairness. They don’t want God discussed in this issue. Bringing up God immediately angers the same-sex crowd. They view conservative thinkers as bigots, narrow, and against the civil rights of others. The same-sex crowd is growing. They are loud and they dominate the media.

Their arguments fail on three points. First, same-sex marriages are not equal to a man and woman. If it were not for modern science, a whole generation of same-sex couples would end the population. Same-sex cannot reproduce. It is biologically impossible.  Modern science has found ways using test tubes to skirt around that, but still a male sperm and a female egg are necessary. I got that in biology 101 many years ago. Same-sex is not equal. The wiring of a male is different than a female. My wife and I are not equal. She does not look like me, act like me, or think like me. If she did, I probably wouldn’t have married her. I don’t want another me. She is different than me. When the kids call, I ask them what’s up, get to the point, what do you need and I’m done. Short phone calls is the way I operate. When they talk to my wife, they talk and talk and talk. She’s different. When they want advice about fixing stuff, they talk to me. When they need that TLC, they talk to her. It has always been that way. When they skinned their knees, they ran crying to Mom. I would have said, “walk it off.” When they broke something, they came to me. Men and women are wired differently. They function differently. They act differently. My wife likes movies that have a lot of drama. We’ll see a movie and she will ask me what I thought about it. I generally say, “there was too much talking.” I like bullets, bombs and car chases. She doesn’t like those things. We are different. God made us that way. We compliment and complete each other. We are not the same. Two men or two women are not equal to a man and a woman. The equality thing is a bunch of smoke!

Secondly, this discussion is beginning at a major assumption that has not been proven. We assume, as humans, that we are in the position and that we have the right to define life, marriage and death. We assume since we are in that position, that whatever society decides, is the way it is going to be. We assume that our happiness is the sole purpose of life. I do not accept those assumptions. Those assumptions have not been proven in the academic world. What right do we have to define marriage? Who gave us this right? Just because we exist? Just because we want it? It seems like we are acting like three year olds who do not want to go to bed when the parents tell them and declare that they are old enough to make the rules. Really? That’s where I see this. Life has been defined by the one who gave it – God. Death has been defined by the one who introduced it, God. Marriage is defined by the one who established it, God. Some have the idea that cave man many years ago evolved into marriage and later on invited God in on it. So wrong. God came up with marriage and invited us into it. Any discussion about marriage that does not include God misses the point. The conclusion will be wrong. The very purpose of marriage is not happiness, it is Holiness. A marriage that ignores God is destined to be troubled and miss the main intention and focus of that relationship. Why is it that God used marriage, or all relationships to describe the role and love between Jesus and His church? Why is marriage an illustration of Heaven? God understood and defined that role of leadership and love and service. Those relationships are His. They are holy and they are right. Man is not equal to God. People will scream, and shout, and pout and blow a gasket when one mentions God in this discussion, but until they do, there is no room for discussion. Can two basketball players in the midst of a game stop and declare that they have decided new rules for the game? Would that work in the college tournaments or the NBA? No. Why? They are not in position to make that call. They are players not the rule makers. Until we see our roles, this discussion, this debate starts off on the wrong point. Same-sex marriage is not equal because God has defined marriage as between a man and a woman. The first problem in the human history was that man was alone. God created a woman. She was suitable to him. She complimented him. She was fit for him. Adam didn’t have a Steve, he had an Eve. God knew. God made. God then defined the marriage. Until God is introduced into this discussion, it is a flawed waste of time.

Finally, our passage today is a starting point. It is a Messianic passage about the role of the Christ. God was declaring His Son to be the King. Read Psalms 2. It’s awesome. The kings of the earth reject God. He laughs. How futile are their words and their efforts. God will bring them down. God sets up His King. His Son rules. Later, in Matthew, Jesus declares, “ALL authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to Me” (28:18). Where did Jesus get this authority? It was given to Him. Who gave it? Jehovah did. God installed His King! Jesus was given all authority by God. All means all. We do not have the right, position nor the power to change, redefine, or undo what God has done. Sure the courts will declare something on this. And red squares with pink equal signs will become the symbol of this generation and states will declare you can marry your dog if you want, but none of this changes what God says. Do we get that. God is who we will see when we die. There won’t be any courts, social media or protesters declaring what is fair, right and equal then, not when you are alone with God. God has installed His king. His king may not be Oprah’s king. His king may not be Beyonce’s king. His king may not even be your king. Our democracy has ruined our thinking with God. There is not free speech with God. There is no equal rights with God. There is no “my say” with God. There is no “I have my rights” with God. Get over it. It’s not that way with God. It’s not a democracy, which means the rule of the people. It is a Theocracy, which is the rule of God. HE rules. HE is supreme ruler. HE has all authority. HE alone has the right, the position, and the power to declare and define. We are players on the field.

This same-sex movement is blasphemous to the God of Heaven and Earth. It defies Him and denies Him. It denounces the Holy word of God and assumes that all are equal to God. We are not and never will be.

The same-sex marriage movement is WRONG. It is not of God. It is not holy. It offends righteous people. It shames and degrades what is good. There is no way a wrong can be made right. It is not equal to man-woman marriage. Stuff the red squares and pink equal signs in the trash and open the Bible. Start with who God is and His holiness. Grasp His authority. Until this is done, there is no discussion. It is time for righteous people to speak out. It is time for us to come to the defense of the Gospel. It is time to take a stand. You cannot have same-sex marriage and the God of Heaven and Earth. You have to make a choice. Your choice comes with consequences.

More to come…


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