Jump Start # 820


Jump Start # 820

Acts 26:28 Agrippa replied to Paul, “In a short time you will persuade me to become a Christian.”

Our passage is taken from Paul’s address before King Agrippa. Paul had been arrested and he was allowed to speak on his own behalf. He used the opportunity to tell the King about the real King, Jesus Christ. This was not a quite discussion over the kitchen table. Rather, it was a grand affair. Agrippa’s wife was there. Military commanders were there. Prominent citizens were there. The governor Festus was there. This took place in an auditorium. One gets the impression that the place was packed. They were curious. They wanted to know what all the clamor was about Paul.

Paul told of His vision of Christ and how he preached Christ crucified. Festus had enough. He said with a loud voice, you are mad! Agrippa seemed to make the connections between the prophets and Christ. He declared, as our verse states, in a short time you will persuade me to become a Christian. With that, he left the auditorium.

The King James Version uses the expression, “almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.” Almost. Almost is close. There are many almosts in a person’s life. Almost made varsity, means you didn’t. Almost got invited to the White House, means you didn’t. Almost bought Apple stock when it was very cheap means, you didn’t. Almost met a movie star…almost got published…almost had a record contract…almost hit a home run in high school…almost got my master’s degree…almost got a patent for an idea…almost got a hole in one in golf…almost got a full ride in college…almost inherited a million dollars…almost got a free trip…almost. Almost isn’t there. Almost isn’t success. Almost is the theme song for second place. Almost won. Almost, but I didn’t.

Agrippa’s almost is the worst of all. Almost became a Christian. Almost believed enough to do something. Almost made a commitment. Almost surrendered my life to the Savior. Almost got forgiveness. Almost received Heaven’s grace. Almost became a follower of Jesus. Almost had Heaven. There will be no “almost” in Heaven. The almost song will be sung from Hell. What a sad story that is. To know enough to almost be a Christian. To love God enough to almost do it. Almost.

Our passage reminds us that a Christian is something that one becomes. It is something you are. I can vote a political persuasion but that does not mean that I have become that. Often, it’s a choice between two candidates that I don’t like. Neither floats my boat. So I choose one. This is not Christianity. It’s not a choice of voting between Jesus and Satan. It is a matter of becoming one who belongs to Christ. The “becoming” involves believing and accepting and liking and wanting and changing. You become a Christian. You choose to belong to Christ. A person looks at the evidence. It is overwhelming. There is no doubt that Jesus is the Messiah and our Savior. You look at how much He loves you and wants you in Heaven. You see what it takes. It’s more than going to church on Sunday, it’s becoming like Him. You become one of His. It affects your attitude, behavior, outlook and choices. But you are glad. You want that. What you had before wasn’t so hot. What you had before got you in trouble. You like what Christ is and you want to be that. You become a Christian.

Those that wanted that, were baptized, immersed into Christ. That’s what we find in Acts. After the resurrection of Jesus, everyone forgiven, was first baptized. There is no exception to that. You want to become means you decide to be baptized.

Christians worship and act like they belong to Jesus. They are not perfect, but they try. They learn, they grow, they become.

Agrippa was close. He was a lot closer than Festus was. He saw. He knew. It was working on his mind and heart. But he shut all of this down when it came to the point that he would have to make a decision. Maybe another day. Maybe when it’s not so busy. Maybe when school’s out. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe after my vacation. Maybe in the summer. Maybe when the weather is better. Maybe after tax season. Maybe after March Madness. Maybe…Maybe and almost are twins. They know each other so well. The almost people are just like the maybe people.

We don’t know what was holding Agrippa back. His important position? Festus? Image? Unwilling to give up some lifestyle choices he was involved in? Fear of Caesar? Not convinced that all his sins could be forgiven? Not sure he could do it? Not certain he wanted to leave the world he was in? We can guess and guess about ole’ Agrippa.

What about us? What about you?  Almost…maybe…real close…have you given it a serious look? Have you asked questions? Have you looked hard at the Bible? Have thought about it? Are you going to stay with Agrippa in the land of almost? Will almost become your song?

Sure, being a Christian can be tough. Certainly, you have to put effort into it. But it’s the greatest thing there is. It affects everything you do, see and touch. It’s the greatest choice you will make and it will change your destiny. Can I help? Got a question? Want to talk? Email me at Rogshouse@aol.com.

Let’s move past almost. Those that have been where you are and have chosen Jesus are so glad they did.  Aren’t you glad you are a Christian! I am.



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