Jump Start # 786


Jump Start # 786

Revelation 7:15 “For this reason, they are before the throne of God; and they serve Him day and night in His temple; and He who sits upon the throne will spread His tabernacle over them.”

Last night was the Super Bowl. Part of the tradition of watching the game are the special commercials that are aired. People talk about them as much as they do the game. They are ranked by favorites. One that we liked was the commercial about the farmer. The voice and words of legendary Paul Harvey reminded us of the value of the farmer, especially as the phrase, “And God made the farmer” was repeated through that commercial.


We could make our own list using that expression: And, God made the elder…And, God made the mother…or, And God made the dad…there are many hard working people who are dedicated, selfless and doing the right thing simply because it’s the right thing to do. But, you may not be a farmer, an elder, even a mom or a dad. There is one more thing in all this that we need to remember, and that is, “And God made you…”


Each of us have God’s thumbprint upon our soul. Each of us are special to God. Each of us have been designed by God, given opportunities by God, blessed by God, loved by God and made by God to praise and glorify Him. We are different. We look differently. We are wired differently. We respond differently. And each of us, in our own way, following God’s way, honor and glorify Him. Some of us sing praises quietly. Others, belt out the song very loudly. Some sit and listen to a sermon just thinking and taking it in. Others are flipping through the Bible with the preacher, taking notes, and busy, busy through a sermon. We are different. We are made by God.

Sometimes our different ways bothers others. They think we should do what they are doing. The guy who sings out has a hard time understanding why someone sings softly. The guy who is busy flipping pages in his Bible and taken extensive notes of a sermon doesn’t understand how someone can learn by just sitting there listening. These difference can lead us to untrue and even unkind judgments. Someone can assume that the unless you are worshipping like me, then you are really not worshipping at all. It’s hard to understand that God has made us all, but He made us differently. Our pasts, our backgrounds, our upbringings, our experiences all shape and mold us.


We so often try to change someone to be like us and judge someone who is doing things differently than we are that it causes friction in the family and in the congregation. We all have our own way of doing things, from cooking, to cutting the yard, to serving the Lord. Within the boundaries of what God’s word says, there are many judgments. For instance, God wants us to pray to Him. How often? How long each time? God wants us spending time in His word? How much should we read a day? A page? A chapter? A whole book?


What works for you may not work for me. We know what doesn’t work for any of us, and that is nothing. That’s not the answer. Our walk with God will fit the way we are. The more focus we put upon our relationship with God, and the less we worry about how others are doing things, the better we will be.

We see those differences among the apostles. Peter seems to be very talkative in the Gospels. Bartholomew says little. Which one is better? Peter writes very practically. Paul writes with much depth. Which is better? If I am a Paul, should I view Peter as shallow? No. If I am a Peter, should I try to make Paul more practical for the audience? No.

God made us. He made us differently. I need to try to serve God the best I can with my talents and opportunities. I should try to develop myself, grow, and be the best that I can be. Judging others and trying to change others, often overlooks the very idea that God made some of us differently than others.

God made you…be the best you that you can be. Glorify God in all that you do!



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