Jump Start # 773


Jump Start # 773

Romans 12:9 “Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good.”

Yesterday, our Jump Start took a look at a passage from the gospel of John where Jesus stated that evil hates the Light. Today, we flip that idea and look at evil from the viewpoint of the righteous.

Romans 12 is a list of what we’d call today “bullet points” of what God’s people should do. There isn’t much explanation nor reasons given. This is what you do. Understand this list isn’t everything. First and foremost, which is not included in this list is to love the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul. This list does cover many things. Tucked in this list are several attitude words, even in our verse today.

Three statements are found in our verse today. Simple to understand. Complex in fulfilling. Doing these things makes our journey with Christ meaningful and significant. These statements draw a line in the sand for God’s people. There is a distinction between evil and good. Don’t blend the two together. Don’t mix them. Don’t compromise them. Evil and good do not mix.

Paul begins with, “Love without hypocrisy.” Love honestly. Love genuinely. A hypocritical love is faked. It’s forced. It’s not real. It’s love to the face and stab in the back when the person is not around. It’s smiles when you see each other and gossip when you don’t. It’s not a healthy love. It’s not a love that builds, repairs, forgives and grows. It’s forced. It’s tense. Don’t love that way. Love without hypocrisy. Kill the hypocrisy. Go to the Samaritans in your life. Jesus did. Go eat with the tax collectors in your life. Jesus did. Sit with those who are alone. Be kind to the guy who everyone thinks is weird. Invite to your home the people who never get invited. Pray for all. Do for all. Love without hypocrisy!

Abhor what is evil. This implies and necessitates that we recognize what is evil. Back in Isaiah’s day, they had problems with that. They called good, “Evil,” and evil, “good.” God defines. God sets the parameters. So, first, recognize what is evil. Evil is against God. Evil hates the Light. To abhor evil means to be disgusted with evil. It is to avoid evil. Understand, evil here is not used of people but wrong. Avoiding evil does not mean we avoid people. We do not live up in a monastery away from those who are different than we are. We are to be the light of the world. We need to let our lights shine. They shine the brightest in the darkness. Abhor what is evil means to not engage in evil things. Stay away from them. Don’t spend your time with evil. This includes the internet, facebook, books, movies and so forth. Don’t devise wicked things. Don’t dwell upon evil things. Don’t dream of being bank robbers, thugs and desperados. Evil takes us away from God. Evil hurts. Evil is wrong. Abhor it. Hate it. Don’t be passive. Don’t be neutral. Have an opinion. Stand with God. The radicals in the world defend evil. They promote evil. They want evil. God’s people are on the other side. They abhor it. The world would be better without evil.

Cling to what is good. Cling means to hold on to. Cling means to stay with it. Cling means to continue with and don’t let go. When small children cross a street, they cling to the hands of their parent. When we cross this world, we need to cling to the hand of God. Good is all that God is about. Years ago, folks referred to the Bible as “The Good book.” And that it is! Worship is good. Prayer is good.  God’s people are good. Honesty, righteousness and holiness is good. Cling to those things. Stay with those things. Spend your time, effort and energy with those things. Support those things. Be involved with those things.

Three simple statements. Profound in what they mean and how we apply them. These three statements make a difference with our journey with the Lord.

Love honestly, hate evil, hold on to what is good. That’s it! Practice these things and make them your life.
