Jump Start # 752
Joshua 10:14 “There was no day like that before it or after it, when the Lord listened to the voice of a man; for the Lord fought for Israel.”
Today is a special day on our calendars. It’s not a holiday, memorial, or special event. It is a unique passage of time. Today is 12-12-12. The significance of this is the numbers. This generation has witnessed twelve of these events starting with 01-01-01. Today ends that cycle. We will not see that cycle again. Some will make more out of it than what it is. Some will predict the end of the world, or the doom of all mankind. It didn’t happen the eleven other times in this cycle. Some will get married on this day. Babies born on this day will have a special birth date. For most, it’s just another day at work or school. The numbers are interesting, but that’s about all. Most of us do not remember what we did on 03-03-03, or 07-07-07, or even last year at, 11-11-11. That thought can be rather depressing that we don’t remember those things, but that’s the way life tends to be.
Most of our days are uneventful and common. When you live long enough, they tend to blur together. We go to school, work, raise a family, worship God and live. There are a few moments that catch our attention and are stored in our memories. Weddings, births, funerals, national events, such as rare sports events, or tragedies are remembered but other than that most days are just about the same.
Our passage tells of a very special day in Joshua’s time. The nation was taking the promise land. The fighting was intense and difficult. The Lord was with Joshua and Israel. The Lord fought for them. The victory belonged to the Lord. On this specific occasion, a coalition of five nations attacked Gibeon. The leaders of Gibeon had tricked Joshua into a treaty to protect them. Joshua kept his word even though he was tricked. Israel goes to defend Gibeon. God sent large hail and killed more with the hailstones than were killed in battle. The day was getting long, the fighting was not finished. The Lord made the sun stand still. In Hezekiah’s day, God made the shadow to go back ten steps. Astronomy and physics tells us if the sun stood still or went backwards, everything would be messed up. Orbits, tides, and even all life would be affected by a sudden stoppage of the sun. Did it happen? Yes, the Bible says so. How? It’s beyond us. Why didn’t everything crash and fall apart? Because God was at the helm and didn’t allow it. Years ago a rumor floated around that NASA scientists had discovered a “missing day” in astronomical calculations. Folks used that to “prove” the Bible. It was presented as “Joshua’s missing day.” Turns out that was a fraudulent report. The scientists never found a “missing day.” They didn’t need to. The Bible proves itself.
Our verse reminds us that there was no day like that before it or after it. It was special. We some how seem to muster the courage and faith to get through the special days in our lives, such as, dad’s giving their daughters away in marriage, the burial of a parent, a close friend moving across the country, or, the last day of work before your retirement begins. Those big events pull all the strength and energy out of us. Somehow we tend to get through those days. They are hard but we make it. It’s the other times, the common, every day days that we often have more trouble with. Our guards are not up. We do not prepare for anything. We don’t see the urgency for prayer and a closeness with the Lord. “We’re just going to work,” we say. Nothing special. Yet it is. Each day is a gift of the Lord. Each day is unique in itself. Each had has opportunities, adventures, responsibilities and pleasures. Each day is important.
As great as 12-12-12 is, what happens on 12-13? It’s another time to walk with the Lord. It’s another time to shine my light. It’s another time to get about doing what God wants me to do.
Take a moment and reflect upon 12-12-12. The folks living in 1912 probably did, as well as those in 1812. It’s a special time. Years from now, saying I was alive on 12-12-12 may bring a “wow” from the grandkids but it won’t get you a free meal. It is greater to say that I walked with the Lord on 12-12-12, as I did on 12-11-12 and I hope to on 12-13-12.
Each day is a blessing, no matter what the calendar says it is. Each day is a gift of the Lord. Be thankful. Use it wisely. Give God the glory.