Jump Start # 623
Matthew 28:19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Evangelism—telling the story of Jesus to others. This is important. Recently I was with a congregation and taught a VBS adult class on evangelism for an entire week. This week, my home congregation is having a VBS. The adults are studying evangelism. (If you are in the area come and join us this week. Details are on our website). Congregations understand the value and importance of evangelism. For a few days I want to look at this passage.
First, let’s be honest. Many Christians are not comfortable talking to others about Jesus. We find it difficult to be natural. Jesus was so smooth. We are so awkward. You are not alone in your feelings. What do I say? How do I bring up the subject? What if they object? Common concerns.
Second, we must learn how to tell the story of Jesus. Evangelism is the only way the kingdom of God grows. Preaching and teaching God’s word, whether publicly or privately is how growth takes places. Every person comes to Christ the same way—they are taught. No one is born naturally into the kingdom. No one buys their way into the kingdom. No one inherits it. Everyone one, one by one, is taught and they believe and they make a commitment to God. If all Christians stopped repeating the story, the kingdom would cease to grow. Evangelism is important.
Third, there are many ways and methods of starting a spiritual conversation. Look at the various ways Jesus did that. Nicodemus came to Jesus with questions. The Samaritan woman was asked to draw some water for Jesus and that turned into a conversation about living water. People are different. We are different. Different backgrounds. Different pasts. There is not a one size fits all formula for evangelism. Begin where people are. Some have a good background understanding of God and the Bible. Others are not sure there is a God. Others still are not sure the Bible is God’s only book. Begin where people are. Evangelism, like the parable of the sower, is getting the seed or the word of God into hearts. For some, all they need is an invitation to come to church services. That’s a great place to start. Others, are uncomfortable with that. Possibly handing them a CD of a sermon or even copying a Jump Start will be all that you need to have something to talk about. For others, answering a question that leads to having a Bible study is the key. Many ways. Many tools.
Fourth, our passage begins with a valuable word for evangelism, “GO.” Jesus used the same word in Mark 16. “GO.” Those who have been saved are to go to those who are not. Those who have been taught are to go to those who have not been taught. GO. Remember the movie, “Field of Dreams,” about the Iowa farmer who built a baseball diamond in his cornfield? Ancient ballplayers from long ago would appear and play ball. The famous line from that movie was, “If you build it, they will come.” I think sometimes we have that thought among us. Build a nice church building and people will come. Keep the grass mowed, the carpet clean and people will show up. Some do. The thrust of our passage is “go.” Go to where they are. Don’t wait for them to come—go to them. That means I have to turn the TV off, get out of my chair and go. That means I seek them. That means I am thinking of others. That means I am praying, planning and going. We can be like a football team that spends all of it’s time in the huddle. We can talk, plan and discuss great plans. Sooner or later, we have to execute. We have to “go.”
Evangelism works best through relationships. The better a person knows you the better they will listen to you. Think about the people you know. Think about the people who need Jesus (everyone does). Make a list. Pray about those on you list. Begin by looking, listening and finding ways to connect spiritually. Jesus often connected with hurting people. That’s a place to start. Those who are going through difficulties. Show compassion. Let them know that you are praying for them—and do it. Invite them. Ask them to study. Offer a cd of a lesson. Then don’t get discouraged. Don’t give up. It takes time.
Go—this is where it all starts. Give it a try today. Look at the people today that you meet. Some you work with. Some in the neighborhood. Some in stores. Everywhere people. Everywhere, folks needing Jesus. Some are looking for Jesus. Others need to and need a little help. You may be the only person they know that is a Christian. Show them Jesus. That’s important.
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