Jump Start # 618
1 Kings 12:28-29 “So the king consulted, and made two golden calves, and he said to them, ‘It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem; behold your gods, O Israel, that brought you up from the land of Egypt.” And he set one in Bethel, and the other he put in Dan.”
Rehoboam was the king of Israel. He had inherited that right from his father, Solomon. Although Solomon had layers of problems, his son was worse. He had no regard for the law of God. He did what he wanted to do. He sets about trying to please the people. The nation should have rioted against the things Rehoboam introduced. Instead, most of them embraced the changes.
Since the days of David, the tabernacle had been parked in Jerusalem. That became the city of God. It was in Jerusalem that the nation offered sacrifices and worshipped God. This practice continued on through Solomon’s forty years as king. Solomon was dead. Rehoboam isn’t too concerned about what his dad did. He sets forth an agenda of change. Instead of worshipping in Jerusalem, he offers the nation a choice of two places, Bethel and Dan—one in the North and one in the South.
Two statements stand out:
First, “So the king consulted and made two golden calves…” He consulted? He consulted with who? Not with God. Not with godly men who would have killed this idea. Not men of God who understand the law of God. Certainly not. He most likely consulted with those of a similar nature to his. He found those that agreed with his way of seeing things.
It’s great to seek advice and help from others, but who are they? What is their background and their agenda? Talking to a broke person about finances is the wrong person to talk to. Talking to a divorced person about saving your marriage, isn’t the right person to talk to. Talking to a drunk about addiction—not the right one to talk to. Talking to someone who is mad and upset with the church about the church, is the wrong person to talk to. The king got his advice. They consulted with him to build idols. Not just one, but TWO idols. Then they proclaimed that those idols delivered Israel from bondage in Egypt. Dumb advice. Even if it comes from a friend, if it takes you away from God, throw it out the window. The king listened and followed the dumb advice.
Second, “It’s too much for you to go up to Jerusalem.” The king seems to care. He feels the nation’s pain, borrowing a common expression today. He didn’t. He just wanted to change things. He used them as a way to introduce his changes. It’s too much to go up to Jerusalem. Israel had been doing that for 70 years. It seemed to be working. What the king offered, is the same message that many offer today, a gospel of convenience. It’s easy this way. There are not so many rules going this direction. Convenient. Easy. No waiting. No lines. How nice of the king to think of this. One must wonder why God didn’t think of this?
That message is appealing today. A convenient God. An easier way. A nice gospel. One that says, you don’t have to go to church. A message that shaves the ten commandments down to four. Nothing too much. Nothing too hard. Be nice—we all can do that. You don’t even have to change, says the nice gospel. Just smile and be nice.
The thing is, we don’t find Jesus promoting that message. His was different. He talked about the world hating you. He said that if you love father or mother more than Me, you cannot be my disciple. He told a rich ruler to sell all that he had and give it to the poor. The man who wanted to go bury his father was told “No.” Jesus talked about sacrifice, commitment and dedication. He became the example of the servant. Wash other feet as He did. He became the example of suffering. Utter no threats when threatened, like Jesus. It wasn’t a soft gospel that Jesus offered, it was a holy gospel. The apostles would be baptized in fire. They would travel the world preaching. Jesus expects us to bear one another’s burdens, forgive up to seventy times seven, go and do what the good Samaritan did. When the woman caught in adultery was brought to Him, He told her to sin no more. Tough stuff. Certainly not the message that attracts thousands. When the multitudes wanted more free food, Jesus refused. They walked away. He didn’t chase after them, changing His mind. He let them go.
Convenience works great in a store, kitchen or banking. It doesn’t work with the gospel. Can you go the extra mile, as Jesus said? Can you turn the other cheek after you have been slapped? Can you let your light shine, even when it is hard?
Don’t listen to the Rehoboam’s that peddle a smooth, tame and colorless gospel of fun and happiness. They’ll have you dancing with the wolves, picking flowers and just having a great day in the neighborhood. The gospel isn’t about us. It’s about God. Holiness comes with a price. The world hates Jesus. The world hates what Jesus stands for. The world hates those who stand with Jesus. Watering down the message will not change that. It only makes those who swallow that gospel look foolish. They stand for nothing and fall for everything.
It’s time for some backboned Christians. The who stand with Jesus and not the message of convenience. It’s time for some to draw the line in the sand. Jesus said some tough things about discipleship, divorce and sin. Are you standing with Jesus on these things? Have you wiggled a bit? Have you found ways to make the gospel less offensive and more tolerable for the world? Are you listening to the friends of Rehoboam?
Nehemiah threw the enemies out of the temple. Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple. Are you ready to drive the false messages out of your heart? That’s where it starts. Be a disciple of Jesus. Stand where He stands. Don’t be afraid. Don’t soften the message. Don’t build other places to make things convenient. Stick with God’s way.
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