Jump Start # 607


Jump Start # 607

2 Timothy 2:15 “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.”

Our passage today is one that preachers often used years ago. It’s a great verse that expresses three central ideas and one illustration of that idea. These words are to inspire and motivate brethren. They ought to muster a “let’s go do it” spirit within them. We can sometimes use a bit of that ourselves. It’s easy to get stuck in the same routines and even get a bit lazy with our spiritual life. Sure we still attend church services, but the personal stuff, the praying, spending time with the word, the being busy in good deeds, can be put on hold with kids, life and all the things we are doing. It’s not done on purpose, it just happens. But without noticing it much, when we get that way, we suffer. We lose our sharpness, our spiritual awareness, and our passion. Most of us have been there. I believe we are not the first, that’s why we find verses like this.

The main thought that everything in this passage is wrapped around is “presenting yourself approved to God.” Presentation. Military people understand what happens during inspections. You are presenting yourself. There are two ways this is done. First, it is done at the judgment of God. Everyone is presented before God. We stand before God. The books are opened. It sounds scary, and maybe it should to a point. Eternity rests upon what the righteous Judge says. This is why we walk by faith. The grace of God is what saves us.

The other way we present our selves before God, is everyday. Everyday God sees me, knows me, hears me, and is aware of what I am doing. The point is not presenting yourself, that happens without you having much to do with that. There is no escaping that. The thought is presenting yourself APPROVED before God. That’s what this is all about. Be approved. Be right. Be pleasing to God. This is done with a God awareness in our lives. That awareness will help shut the door to temptations. It will drive us to being spiritual people. Walk approved.

Approved, as a workman who is not ashamed. That’s the illustration. An unashamed worker. Who would that be? One who does his job well. You see both sides of this illustration all the time. You see folks who truly earn their paycheck. They work hard. They work honestly. They work, whether the boss is around or not. They have nothing to be ashamed about. Receiving their paycheck is something they can feel good about because they have worked hard. Then there are the others. They show up but they don’t work. They play around on the computer, they call people on the cell phone, they find ways to avoid work at all costs. Come payday, they’ll get a paycheck, but they ought to turn it back in. They haven’t earned it. They ought to be ashamed. Paul’s point is, present yourself approved to God like the good workman, like the person who takes it seriously.

The second principle here is how we do this: Be diligent. Get about it, right now. Diligence carries the idea of urgency and importance. This is the manner in which a person presents himself approved to God—he is diligent about it. Changes that need to be made, are made. Growth happens. This is a person who wants to please God right now—as a high school student, as a newly married couple, as a young parent…they are not waiting for something down the road. They are not waiting until a better time in their life, they are diligent. They are in the “Now.”

The third principle this passage puts before us is how we present ourselves approved before God. There are many ways this could be done: morally, by obedience to His word, by being busy helping others—all wonderful ways. Paul tells us what he has in mind. By “handling accurately the word of truth.” That’s how. That’s what we are diligent about. That’s how we present ourselves approved to God. It’s not the only way, but it’s the way that is important and that Paul has in mind. Handling accurately the Bible. Don’t misuse it. Don’t make it say what it doesn’t say. Don’t use it to get your way. Handle it carefully. Handle it accurately. Handle it rightly. God’s word brings us all to Him. God’s word molds us and shapes each of us. God’s word builds faith and strengthens our commitment. God’s word helps us to fight Satan. Misusing God’s word can lead us into error. It can corrupt hearts and distort the image of our Savior.

Paul’s words are to Timothy, a young preacher. All preachers, even the old ones, need to handle God’s word accurately. But the principle applies to each of us, preacher or not. To handle it accurately implies that we know it. We understand it. We’ve spent time with it.

What a privilege and a blessing it is that we have God’s word. It is His story, not ours. It is His will and His heart revealed. God could have easily said, you sinned. Now you try to find me. He didn’t. He could have said, you figure it out. He didn’t. He gave us His word. It is His promises. It is what He desires from us. I’ve got a bunch of Bibles. I have a couple of favorites. The covers are worn and the pages well used. I like the feel of those Bibles. Without looking, I can nearly open to any book of the Bible, just by feeling the pages. I’ve spent a lot of time in those books. They’ve become like an old friend. They have taught me. They have reminded me. They have opened my eyes. They have stepped on my toes and thumped me.

There are not short cuts to studying the Bible. It’s like a workman, there is work involved. Looking, thinking, doing research, reading, discovering are all a part of Bible study. These things pay off. First, you know what God says. You know what He wants. You walk confidently, because you know. Second, you can’t help read without changing. Spending time with Jesus pulls you to Him. It helps you become “approved” to God. You quickly recognize what’s not right, because you know so well what is right. But about all, you have a strong relationship with the Lord. Trust, faith, obedience all come from spending time with God’s word.

I’m seeing many folks being too busy for this. They are moving away from this. We are allowing what we get during church services to be our spiritual vitamin that gets us through the week. Not good. Make some adjustments. Find the time. Be diligent. Be the unashamed workman. Handle it accurately.

Great reminders from the apostle. We need those. It will make a difference. We are one day closer to Heaven, don’t forget.
