Jump Start # 586


Jump Start # 586

Revelation 3:18 “I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see.”

We have been looking these past few days at the Lord’s solution to troubled churches. Following the Bible does not get you in trouble. It’s when we leave the Lord and strike out on our own that we get into the messes that can be very complicated and hard to get out of. The seven churches of Revelation present to us a study of how to get back on course with the Lord.

Our final look is at Laodicea, the most famous of these seven churches. Laodicea was arrogant, lukewarm and sickening to the Lord. They proudly proclaimed that they needed nothing. That statement alone shows that they had taken their eyes off of Jesus. We sing the hymn, “I need Thee every hour,” not so for the brethren in Laodicea. Lukewarm was their temperature. Room temperature may feel comfortable to our skin, but it’s not the way we like our food. Room temperature pizza is considered cold and room temperature Coke is considered hot. Neither is appealing. Spiritually, lukewarm is content, meeting status quo, whatever that is. Lukewarm is serving out of duty, not devotion. Lukewarm is doing what is required and nothing more. Lukewarm is busy with self and little with the Lord. Lukewarm turns the Lord’s stomach. How can one be lukewarm about the cross? Lukewarm about the saving message of the gospel? Lukewarm about Heaven? Lukewarm is just a fancy way of saying, “Not interested.” I was approached by a very aggressive salesman the other day. It’s been a long time for me. He wanted me to switch cable companies. He laid it on thick and was putting the pressure on hot and heavy. I was not interested. I didn’t answer his questions, I didn’t pay attention to him, I was “lukewarm” in my response to him. I had made my mind up that I was not going to buy what he was selling. Some are that way with the gospel. Worse, some brethren are that way. Not interested in the gospel being preached. Not interested in learning more.

Across this country I’m hearing the same thing when it comes to gospel meetings, “We can’t get our own people to come anymore?” Why? Maybe it’s time to stick a spiritual thermometer in our mouths and see what the temperature is.

The Lord’s answer to lukewarmness? More Jesus. That’s the answer. He says to buy gold from Him, to clothe selves in white garments, and put on eye balm so you can see. Those expressions take us to other places in the Bible, and they all connect us to the Lord. It’s more of the Lord that is needed. We need to see as Jesus sees. Can you imagine having His eyes for a day? Can you imagine what you would notice and what you wouldn’t? The eyes of Jesus are going to see faith, spiritual and the needs of others. The eyes of Jesus won’t notice the physical things that really do not matter at all.

How does one “buy gold” from the Lord? It’s through the word of God. Lukewarm is to be stale, bored, in a rut or stuck. When a car is stuck in the mud, it needs a push. When we are stuck spiritually, we need a push. We need to get out of our routine and engage more spiritually.

There are many, many things that can be done. You are doing one of them right now, reading a devotional during the week. Many of you take these thoughts and share them with others. You are putting your faith into action. That movement will help one overcome being lukewarm. Have you ever seen a stagnate pond? There are some here and there in Indiana. The water is a gross green color, almost sickening to look at. It gets that way from a lack of movement, nothing flowing in and nothing flowing out. Movement, that is the key. Put your faith into action.

Find ways to do things for others. Use your faith. Teach your faith. Share your faith. Walk by faith. Don’t just sit there and become green pond scum. Engage in spiritual conversations with others. Read and grow your mind spiritually. Challenge yourself. Teach a class. Find ways to help brethren overseas. Visit others. Hospitality. All of these things produce movement, interaction with others and growth. Paul said, “I press on…” He was using that faith.

It’s easy to pray the same prayers, read Bible passages the same way, and talk to the same people at church services. Sameness. Routine. Habit. Those are not too far away from content, stale, rut and lukewarm.

A lukewarm faith won’t do anything for you. It won’t help you in times of trouble. It won’t remind you of the spiritual. It won’t keep you from getting into messes. A lukewarm faith is pretty worthless.

It doesn’t have to be that way. Make the investment in Christ. Buy, clothe and anoint your eyes—those are the steps away from the world of lukewarm and into the passionate, intimate relationship with the Lord. More, more about Jesus—not less! Let me walk close to Thee—not far from you. As a deer pants for water, so my soul longs for you. Our songs help us. Sing them to yourself. They are calling you to get closer to the Lord.

How about it? Is it time for you to light the fire of your faith? Have you been stuck for awhile? Are you waiting for someone else to do it for you

Buy, clothe and anoint—that’s the answer. That’s the solution. That’s what the Lord says.



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