Jump Start # 487

Jump Start # 487

Genesis 2:19-20 Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name. The man gave names to all the cattle, and to the birds of the sky, and to every beast of the field, but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him.

  I’ve been thinking about Adam lately. Not sure why, but he’s been on my mind. I mostly have been thinking about how God made him. Not the physics, biology, chemistry, bone structure, tissue and organ sort of way, rather, how functional and suitable and intelligent he was. I don’t know if we have given that much thought. Adam was amazing in what he knew and could do. He wasn’t a cave man that pulled Eve by the hair to some cave where they grunted at each other all day. Adam wasn’t the early version of the Flintstones. The way he came was a reflection of God, as is all of God’s creation.

  First, remember that Adam had no teacher other than God. How did he know how to make a fire? How did he know what to eat? If you never saw a banana before and if you never saw someone eat a banana before, you might stick the whole thing in your mouth and eat the peel and all. How would you know? God commanded Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. That means having babies. How would they know how to take care of a baby? By Genesis 4 we read of people who are forgers of bronze and iron implements. I don’t think I could do that. Early man was smart. He knew.

  Second, Adam named all the animals. Our passage says, whatever he called it that was it’s name. Where did the name “cattle” come from, which is found in our passage? Adam. What about the other animals? Adam. Naming the animals is a far cry from a grunt. Adam could express himself. He was really smart.

  Third, the impression from Genesis three is that God walked in the garden with Adam. They had a special relationship. They must have talked. He knew God. He knew how to communicate. He understood God’s law. When God spoke of trees and middle of the garden and fruit, Adam understood all those things. He understood. He knew.

  What God makes is functional, equipped and sufficient for the purpose God intended. Adam could survive well in the garden. It wasn’t a Survivor show where he was running for his life, jumping over deadly things and barely escaping. Not at all. He had the know how, the means to live a life what would bring joy, peace and satisfaction to him. That’s the way God made him.

  The same could be said of other things God has made. Everything God makes is a reflection of God, good, right and holy. The Bible’s that way. It’s the message we need to get us to Christ. It’s the map to follow to take us to Heaven. We don’t need anything else. What God gives is capable of doing what it is intended.

  The same could be said of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. His blood cleansed us. We don’t have a need for other sacrifices or for Christ to die again for us. It fulfilled exactly what God intended.

  Couldn’t the same be said about the church as God designed it? It is capable of doing exactly what God intended. It is capable of encouraging, teaching, and preparing souls for Heaven. You’d think some don’t believe that today. They add things to the church that you never read about in the Bible—ways to attract people…ways to keep people…ways to motivate people. Yet none of those ways were used by the apostles. Is the church capable of doing what God wanted it to do? Did God make the church fully functional? Do we believe that?

  Couldn’t the same be said about you and me? God made us in such a way that we can find Him, we can please Him and yes, we can spend forever with Him. God made us that way. Everything He made reflects Him. We are made good, not evil. We are made to serve, not be selfish. We are made to connect to others, not be isolated. We are made to want Him. That’s how we are.

  Adam was a sharp cookie. He was God’s first and in many ways perfect creation. He didn’t inherit a cowlick, big nose, bad teeth, or carry the baggage of dysfunction as most of us do. He started right, pure and ready to go. I expect his IQ was off the charts. Why not, he was not just made by God, he was God’s first. He didn’t have brothers or sisters to deal with. He didn’t have in-laws or out-laws. Just he and Eve at first. And of course, God. God was always there.

  All of this comes down to the idea that God had a plan and a purpose. The created world helped serve that purpose. The animals filled a place in that purpose. You and I are a part of that purpose. He made us the way we are to fulfill His plans. Why are some of us male and others female? God had a purpose in mind. Why are some artsy and others analytical? God had a plan. Some work best with their hands, others are dreamers and planners. Some are outgoing and others shy. Some can stand before a crowd and others would never do that. Why is all that, that way? God had plans. Everything He makes, reflects Him. Everything is made to do what He wants. And what He wants most of all is for you and I to follow Him, love Him, obey Him, and spend forever with Him in His home.

  We see that, all the way back to Adam, a long, long time ago.


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