Jump Start # 426
A Note to our new readers: Jump Start was designed with the idea of helping someone get their day started at work. Jump Starts are sent out Monday-Friday, except on holidays. Monday is a holiday, so there won’t be a new Jump Start. We are continually adding more of the earlier Jump Stars on the website. So we encourage you to check some of them.
Matthew 4:11 “Then the devil left Him; and behold angels came and began to minister to Him.”
Our verse today is often overlooked in the study of the temptations of Jesus. It is an important verse. The devil was through with Jesus. There would be another day. Luke puts it this way, “When the devil had finished every temptation, he left Him until an opportune time.”
We find Satan surfacing again and again in the life of Jesus. When the Lord revealed His coming death, Peter rebuked Him and had other ideas. Jesus said to Peter, “Get behind me Satan.” We find the Pharisees on many occasions trying to trick and trip Jesus. They did this with arguments, accusations and using people. Upon the cross, we see the crowd challenging Jesus to come off the cross. Satan was lurking throughout the life of Jesus, using people and situations to get Him off focus and to say or do the wrong thing.
There are times when Satan leaves. Those are great times. Rejoice! Enjoy them! He finds ways to come back. Often it’s hard to see Satan because he is using people or situations. The people may be those close to us, as Peter was to Jesus. It may be family members or even brethren. What they say or what they suggest you do is not in accordance with what God says. They encourage wrong or they encourage you to be selfish or simply to lose your focus.
Satan is looking for an opportune time. Anger is an open door to Satan. This is why the Ephesians were told, “do not let the sun go down upon your anger and do not give the devil an opportunity.” Anger is an engraved invitation. When we are upset and mad, we don’t think straight and we often say things that we shouldn’t. Satan smiles. Using anger is an easy layup for Satan. So things will happen in your life that will make you angry. The way some drive can make you angry. The government messing up your taxes can make you angry. The way the kids misbehave can make you angry. Seeing your kids, even grown one’s, being mistreated gets you angry. Our blood boils when we are angry. We think of ways to get back, get even, get revenge, or get anything. And Satan smiles.
It helps realizing these things. It helps to know that beneath the surface is Satan, lurking, scheming, pushing and trying to get through the door of your heart.
It really helps to know that God is actively on your side. He’s there. He gives you the tools to deal with Satan. God wants you to seek Him, talk to Him and to follow Him. Resist the devil. Flee from him. Those are God’s words.
It helps to know that when we’ve opened the door to Satan and he’s found a way to get in, that God still won’t give up on you. He wants you to throw the bum out. Satan in your heart will not make you a better person. He will not enrich your marriage. He will not give you a clear mind. He’s wicked and will destroy everything he can get his hands on. Throw him out. God is willing to forgive you, clean you up and set you back on His path. That’s just the way our God is. He loves you too much to let Satan have you. You are worth everything to Him. So much, that He sent His Son to rescue you.
Temptations are a part of our life, like weather. We must understand temptations and learn how to deal with them properly. Our struggle with Satan ends with this life. Satan won’t be where we are going. There won’t be sin in Heaven. Temptations will cease. That thought is helpful to me. Just get through this journey and then I’m done with Satan forever. No more battles. No more sin. No more seeking the mercy of God for the wrongs done.
We sing, “Won’t it be wonderful there…having no burdens to bear.” Yes, it is!
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