Jump Start # 340
Titus 1:10-11 “For there are many rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, who must be silenced because they are upsetting whole families, teaching things they should not teach for the sake of sordid gain.”
Our passage today shows Paul’s concern for the young church. As the gospel spread, so did opposition and conflict. The term “circumcision” refers to Jewish influences. These threats were real and the carnage was destructive. Whole families were being upset. These teachers, especially the Jewish ones, were rebellious, deceptive and they were teaching what they should not.
Now this present to us several lessons to consider. First, the make up of the N.T. church is not like the United States. With our Bill of Rights, we have free speech. A person can say what he wants. Not so within the church. What is said influences people. Paul told the Ephesians that there is “one faith.” Jude wrote, “contend earnest for the faith…” God has delivered His will. The recorded word of God is the platform that we must stand upon, be united on, and teach. There are still rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers today. They still upset whole families. We should expect, and even demand that a person teaches the Bible and not his own agenda. A person should teach the Bible as God intended, not taking verses out of context or twisting things to make it fit what he wants. These empty talkers had a platform because they found an audience that would listen to them.
Another lesson here is that Paul expected these empty talkers to be silenced. That’s serious. That sound like trouble. How and who is to do this is important. Our verses are found following what is commonly called the qualifications of elders, “For this reason I left you in Crete, that you would set in order what remains and appoint elders in every city as I directed you.” Elders—always a plurality in every church. Elders, they are the overseers, the shepherds, the leaders within a local congregation. It was God’s design that every congregation have elders. These spiritual men, experienced in the word of God and able to teach, would care and protect the church. The call of silencing the empty talkers would fall upon these elders. This is their job. Wolves among the sheep cannot be ignored. They will not go away. They must be silenced.
Now, just how do elders silence empty talkers? We know violence isn’t the answer. That doesn’t fit in the total picture God has for His followers. When Paul went to the Jewish synagogues he “reasoned with them according to the Scriptures” (Acts 17). The word “reasoned” means to debate. Elders, using the word of God, will confront, defend and silence the empty talkers. The empty talkers would be identified as false. Brethren would be taught why these talkers were not correct. They would be told to ignore and avoid these talkers. Fellowship with them would be cut off. This is the language Paul used in Romans 16:17 toward similar false teachers.
Empty talkers can do their damage face to face, through writings, through blogs, Facebook, emails. They can appear innocent. Even Satan can appear as an angel of the light. They can be long time friends. They can be within our family. Usually, they have been influenced by someone else. A rebellious spirit caught their attention. They are captivated. They spend more time listening to what is wrong with the N.T. system than learning God’s will. Their minds become corrupted with rebellion. In many ways they become spiritual terrorists. They go on a mission to win others. Others listen. Others become influenced. The church becomes a mess. Soon division takes over.
The answer to all of this? Stay with God’s word. Learn it. Know it. Recognize what isn’t right. Defend God’s way. Support godly elders.
You won’t find many churches today talking about these things. You find fewer churches doing anything about empty talkers. In fact, some churches will invite empty talkers to come and spend a weekend with them and even give them a platform to spread their poison. And the result will be a mess. Everyone confused and believing different things and basically doing whatever each person feels like. That’s not the unity you read about in the N.T. One mind. One heart. One voice. One faith.
God wants you to grow and be strong. You need to protect your soul, your family and help your church. You do this by standing upon the word of God.
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