Jump Start # 322

Jump Start # 322

Psalm 124:1-2 “Had it not been the Lord who was on our side,” let Israel now say, “Had it not been the Lord who was on our side when men rose up against us.”

  This Psalm, written by David, reflects the salvation that Israel received from it’s enemies. So often, throughout Bible history, the people of God would go off to battle, facing mighty nations and fierce armies, yet they came home victorious. The battle belongs to the Lord was a theme understood during those early days.

  David recognizes that it was God who had delivered them and kept them alive. “Had it not been for the Lord…” David is giving God credit. Although David led the armies, and his troops did the fighting, the credit belonged to God.

  Somehow we’ve forgotten that it seems these days. We are not fighting physical battles as David did, but there are plenty of spiritual victories these days. A person goes through a series of Bible studies and decides to be baptized into Christ—”had it not been for the Lord…” The glory, credit belongs with God.

  A church decides to get serious about the Lord. Preaching returns to the way it ought to be. Friends are invited. Things start happening. The church grows and connects with each other and the Lord. Once again, “Had it not been for the Lord…”

  Victories in our personal battles against temptation, “had it not been for the Lord.” Parents who are raising their children in the way of the Lord, “Had it not been for the Lord.”

  David understood that without the Lord, Israel was defeated. They could not withstand the enemies if God had not led them and fought for them. This is more than a passing “thank you” to the Lord, and more than just giving lip service to God, David honestly felt that they were part of God’s victory.

  Have you ever thought what would have happened to you, “had it not been for the Lord?” What kind of life would you be living right now, ‘had it not been for the Lord.’ What kind of home life would you have ‘had it not been for the Lord?’ Most likely, the spirit of kindness, grace and forgiveness would not prevail, ‘had it not been for the Lord.’ There’s a very good chance that you would be extremely self centered ‘had it not been for the Lord.’ And morals? Just see what’s on TV these days—that’s what is racing through the heart of society. Crude, offensive, off-color, ignoring rules, dominated by sexual thoughts, shallow and stuck on the present. That’s where we would be ‘had it not been for the Lord.’ It’s not a pretty picture. It’s a scary thought. It helps us to understand where most people are that we meet.

  Having the Lord in your life, is more than going to church on Sunday, it’s changing the wiring of your brain and heart. Your purpose of life changes. Your priorities change. Your spirit changes. Your home life changes. Your marriage changes. You see people differently once the Lord is in your life. Subjects such as death, Heaven, hope and joy take on new meaning once the Lord fills your heart.

  Had it not been for the Lord, we’d be racing 90 M.P.H. for Hell and wouldn’t even know it and probably not even care. Had it not been for the Lord, we’d be a mess, on the inside and on the outside. Had it not been for the Lord many of us would be in jail, divorced multiple times or even dead. What Satan offers is a dead end street.

  Had it not been for the Lord we would not spend our time reading the Bible. Had it not been for the Lord, we would never know the great hymns of praise to God. Had it not been for the Lord, we would never see the face of God.

  How does all this make you feel? For me, I just want to say, “Thank you. Thank you, Lord.” Christians are the greatest people on the face of the earth. We are not perfect. Our journey is not complete. We struggle with things, and sometimes fuss at each other too much, but we have the Lord. The Lord in our lives has changed us, shaped us, and made us into the righteous people of God. What a great group of people. We are trying to do right. We want to go to Heaven. It’s not us, it’s God who is right. It’s not our way, but His way that we seek.

  Thankful…praising…filled with joy is what comes to our minds when we think of what the Lord has done. He has forgiven us, blessed us, equipped us, uses us, counts on us and longs for us to spend forever with Him. Amazing!

  Had it not been for the Lord…that’s a great phrase to add to your vocabulary. It reminds you. It keeps things in perspective. It honors God. Try saying it. Try using it. Try believing it.

  Had it not been for the Lord…


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