Jump Start # 243
Genesis 2:24 “For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.”
This is dedicated to Jordan & Holly
Weddings are wonderful occasions. Friends and family gather, mothers cry, dads burst with pride. Food, smiles, music and snapshots are all a part of the joyous times found at weddings. The first miracle Jesus did was at a wedding. Weddings are beautiful, whether they are simple affairs or the event of the year. But behind all weddings is a marriage. Some tend to forget that. They arrange a fabulous wedding but forget the life they are supposed to build after that.
Marriage is sacred to God. He used marriage to illustrate his divine principles. When describing the relationship of the saved to Jesus, the Holy Spirit used marriage as a picture we could visualize. In the book of Revelation, Jesus referred to His saved as “the glorious bride.” God loves marriage. Marriage is God’s idea not ours. It is sweet, sacred and a reflection of Him.
Folks get married for all kinds of reasons. Some get married simply to escape a dysfunctional home. Some get married because they found a person that makes them laugh and be happy. Others get married to make their future mate happy. Love is the foundation of marriage and together a couple glorifies God through their lives. That is the best reason for marriage. It’s about glorifying God. If you get married because someone makes you happy, what happens when you are no longer happy? The very reason you got married is gone. And that’s what happens, they go to find someone else who will make them happy. Current statistics in America show that people trade marriages more often than they trade cars. Unbelievable. God intended marriage to be a lasting relationship—much like our relationship is with Him. When anyone within the marriage quits walking with God, the marriage takes a hit. The closer and closer each walks with God, the closer and closer they will become to each other. Books about marriage are flying off the shelves. Marriage counselors have a thriving business. Some how we’ve found a way to get to the moon, blast kidney stones in a body, email across the world, but we don’t know how to stay together. God is not pleased with this. Marriage is not about staying together for the sake of the kids, it is having a powerful, meaningful, and godly relationship that mirrors the character of God. Is it possible to have such a relationship? Yes. It’s a work. It’s a journey. It can be done. It begins with giving up self, and putting God first. Marriage is not about us, it’s about God. You don’t hear that much these days. Marriage is to be pure, holy, loving, just as God is. All that God makes is wonderful. Consider this world. Consider the Bible. Consider, also, marriage.
Often, people spend so much effort trying to find the right person, instead of becoming the right person them self. A couple who have embraced Christ will find the very essence of what makes a relationship soar—love, grace, forgiveness and thoughtfulness.
Marriage is a new beginning. This is what our passage today indicates. It is not extending the life with mom and dad, but leaving and establishing a new home, new traditions, and new hope. Marriage is good.
This evening my son gets married. He has found and chosen a wonderful, godly woman. Together they walk with the Lord…one in name, one in aim, one in a happy destiny together. Weddings are a time to look at your own marriage and to reflect. Sometimes we forget. Some time we take things for granted. Weddings remind. They help us to put the sparkle back into our hearts and the focus back into our lives.
God bless our marriages.
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