Jump Start # 220

Jump Start # 220

1 Corinthians 16:13 “Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.”

  The fourth admonition Paul makes from this passage is, “Be Strong.” Two simple words. Paul told the Ephesians, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might” (6:10). Be strong.

  The opposite is easy to understand and hard to put up with, Weak. I’m not a coffee drinker, but I’m around many who are. When they declare, “This coffee is weak,” that’s not a compliment. Weak knees, weak backs and weak resolves never get much done. The expression, “weak heart” or “faint of heart” describes one who lacks courage. The cowardly lion in the Wizard of Oz was weak. His own shadow scared him.

  Paul’s words are simple, “Be strong.” Strong churches come from strong members. Strong families come from strong moms and dads. Spiritual strength is a blessing. It is from the strong that Bible class teachers are found. Elders are chosen from among the spiritually strong men. The strong take a stand for what is right. The strong jump into action. The strong charge the hill in battle. The strong carry the banner for right. The strong protects those who are not so strong.   The Bible is full of examples of the spiritually strong. I think of David. I think of the three Jewish men who refused to bow down to Babylon’s idol and were thrown into the fiery furnace. I think of Elijah standing alone against the prophets of Baal. I think of Paul. I think of Jesus.

  The strong didn’t always have an easy way. Often the strong stood alone. But their faith was in God. They were confident and sure of what needed to be done.

  Everyone can be strong. This is why Paul told a church, Be strong. It takes time to be strong. It takes a plan and effort to be strong. The easy way, the lazy way is to be weak. The things that are best often taken determination. Such is life. It’s easy to be overweight—just eat whatever you want. To be in shape takes effort. It’s easy to be in debt. It takes effort to stick to a budget and save. It’s easy to be weak spiritually—just go home and watch TV, until bedtime, every night. To be strong, you have to open your Bible. To be strong you have to think of others, especially the Lord. To be strong, you have to use your spiritual talents. To be strong, you have to be able to say “No.” First, you have to say no to yourself and then to your family.

  What a blessing spiritual strength is. Knowledge, confidence, conviction, courage are all found around strength. People enjoy being around spiritual strength. Weak preaching, weak elderships, weak churches do not attract, nor do they help anyone.

  Are you strong spiritually? God wants you to be. Paul’s words are not to just a few, but the Corinthian church…Paul’s words are to you! Be strong! Fill your heart with the word of God.

 Four great expressions: Be on the alert, stand firm, act like men, be strong. They are connected. Without each other they cannot exist. This is God’s picture of you!


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