Jump Start # 198
Revelation 1:17 “When I saw Him, I fell at His feet like a dead man. And He placed His right hand on me, saying, ‘Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and Hades.”
Revelation is a visionary book. It is not intended to be confusing nor scary, but comforting. It shows that those who remain steadfast with Jesus will win. We win!
As the book opens, John hears a voice. He turns to see who is speaking. Without saying it is Jesus, we know it is Jesus. Four verses are used to describe the one who was speaking. His eyes were like fire. His feet were like bronze. His hair was white. His face was shinning like the sun. A sword came out of his mouth. There is no one in history that fits this description other than Jesus. Our verses confirm this.
I am interested in two thoughts from our verses. First, when John saw Jesus, he fell at the feet of Jesus like a dead man. He dropped. John had seen Jesus before. He was one of the apostles. He was one of the witnesses to the transfiguration of Jesus. He was in the room when the resurrected Jesus was present. John had a long history with Jesus. But here he falls. There is something of reverence and devotion implied in those words. Too many lack that today. The way you hear some talk, they’d high five Jesus and say, “what’s up, Dude?” They don’t know what they are talking about. They don’t know Jesus. He became like one of us but He is not one of us. He is God. Bowing is the proper position before Jesus. John knew that he was standing before the Holy One of Heaven and earth. Reverence is an attitude that is demonstrated in the way we talk, the way we worship and the way we view the Bible. Holy is God. Be done with taking the name of God in vain, saying the name “God” as an emotional outburst of joy or anger. God deserves better than that. Hallowed be His name is what Jesus said. Reverence is displayed by taking God’s word seriously and obeying what God says.
John fell as a dead man. I’m glad that’s in the Bible. Sometimes I forget. Sometimes we treat God so much like a friend that we forget that He is God. John fell.
The second thought: Jesus touched John with His right hand. Jesus was always touching. Have you noticed that? Lepers, he touched. Blind people, He touched. Dead, He touched. There is something about a touch or a hug. It invites acceptance and love. It shows what the other person thinks. In so many of the miracles, Jesus could have said, “Be healed” from a distance, but instead, He reached out and touched. John was sacred. What do kids do when they are scared? They run to Mom & Dad’s bed and climb in. Why? It’s the presence that assures. The storm may still be howling outside, but the presence of Mom and Dad makes the storm easier to tolerate. Jesus touched. He wanted John to know that everything was fine. He was there.
Reverence and assurance. They are found together in this passage and they are found together in faith. Without reverence there can not be assurance. But when they are together what a wonderful relationship they make. They both help us. Reverence keeps us God focused. Assurance keeps us going. We need both.
I like to think when we are all done with this life that we will fall at the feet of Jesus. I expect that Jesus will put His right hand upon our shoulder and even have a smile on His face. He tends to do things like that, doesn’t He?
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